{..::Topic::..}: 5 More Days...yay!
Post exam day....need I say more but blurg! Blurg summarizes it all.
Back to the main topic of yay five more days. I can not be any more excited than I am right now. First of all, I just found the official site for the Roswell DVDs. I've been waiting for that. It's all snazzy and all very exciting. Plus it said seasons 2 and three are coming soon. Even better. But best of all, only a few more days. I just hope they're $65 like the other tv series I have, rather than $80. Although, I do have gift certificates left over from christmas and I just got some Valentine's mad money from my grandparents. Unforunately for me, I need to buy windows' upgrade XP, a memory card for my digital camera and of course Roswell season 1. I need to find me a sugar daddy... lol
I actually have more better news. My newest favorite show ALIAS, if finally back on this Sunday. I'm very much looking forward to it. But what pisses me off the most is that this is the only new episode until March. *gets shrieky* MARCH?!?!?! What is the means of this? I hate you ABC!! I need my ALIAS!!! I need more funny Marshall lines, more hating of the whore (aka Lauren) and last but not least, I need my Vaughn/Sark watching. Of course naked Vaughn would be the best episode ever made. Sadly I don't see it in the future....Just means I'll have to watch my dvds of ALIAS this weekend (which could help me drown my misery from receiving my exam mark on Friday).
Then I went to Theresa's blog and found she'd updated a lot of it and changed the colours. All of which are wonderful. Man you study for exams and fall out of the loop and come back to craziness.....ack! what is going on... Actually that reminds me that I have to set up a fondue party or something. Maybe a girl's night where we watch movies (ALIAS) or play games (ALIAS) and fondue (ALIAS)....Need I (ALIAS) say more (ALIAS).... We'll see....
ooh but here are more quizzes (like I didn't have enough multiple choice questions today).
Which Pale Moonlight guy should you be with?
brought to you by Quizilla
You're Baby, and Rosiekins ADORES you, she loves
you dearly, she'd do anything for you! You're
very smart and intuitive, and oh so adorable!
You're also a little snooty, being VERY picky
of who you associate with. You've almost died
four times from bouts with urinary tract
infections, and would have been put to sleep if
Rosiekins hadn't of thrown many fits. You love
life, and have been through hell and back to
survive. You like spending your time fighting
with Fluffy, and cleaning Prince, because you
can't STAND for things to be dirty (and we
think you're gay). You're probably obsessive
Which CAT Are YOU?!
brought to you by Quizilla
Love. You Truly Desire Love. You long for someone
to hold you and take the pain away. You haven't
been in much relationships or you need to work
on how to handle them. You always seem lost in
a daydream about the person you care about
What Do You Truly Desire? *PICS*
brought to you by Quizilla
Congratulations!! You're a glass of water!! . .. um
What Drink Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
But as time ticks, I'm reminded that I have to finish cleaning my room *shudder*... It's amazing how much of a mess one little room can become during exam time....mwhahahaha
{..::current..mood::..} mentally exhausted and apprehensive
{..::currently..reading::..} NOTHING .... yay
{..::currently..watching::..} ummm Celebrity Mole and then something about LOTR (all of which my mom is watching and I'm semi-watching)
{..::currently..listening::..} same as above
{..::useless.fact.of.the.day::..} The name "cranberry" comes from German and Dutch settlers. The berry was intially called "crane berry." The reason it was called this was because when the flowers bloom, the petals of the flowers twist backwards and look very much like the head of a crane. Eventually the name was shortened down to be "cranberry."
{..::alias.quote.of.the.day::..} SYDNEY: my math skills are above average, but i can't do advanced calculus in my head.
SLOANE: that's why you're going in with marshall.
MARSHALL: marshall who?
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