Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Sunday, February 22, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Ugh! Oh how I despise you Sunday Night....especially with no ALIAS

Yes, it is you, Sunday Night. You and I go way back and yet I've never quite gotten over my hatred for you. Well that's not one hundred percent accurate. I only like you when there is no work/school/something the following day. You were well liked during the summer and such, but now that's it's the eve of a new work/school week, you are despised. I seriously dislike Sundays. They remind me of how I have to get up early again, and barely have the time to just sit down and relax. Of course I need to get over this because I have many years ahead of me of despised Sunday nights. Only time will tell...The only good part about Sundays are ALIAS, which of course has another 2 week hiatus, DAMN YOU ABC!!!
At least I can watch my DVDs or taped season 3 episodes until the show is back.

Another uneventful weekend. Although I was spoiled, yet again. My mom bought me my memory card for my digital card (of course I do need to pay her back in time) and we finally got XP! I'm so psyched. Of course it takes a long time to install, but it so far has been worth it. Well actually our cd burning programs aren't compatible (something I need to work on) so that's not the greatest but there are other cd music burning programs on the computer. I just have to figure my way around it and it will be all good. I'm kind of sick of the computer right now though, too much computer for me, ack!

Today I was actually pretty busy. I woke up and finished finalizing what I needed to in regards to the computer upgrade for the first little while. Then I became a little clean freak. I went cleaning crazy. I sorted a LOT of laundy. I swear, no one must have had any clothes upstairs because there was no shortage of clothing in the basement to be washed. Plus I actually did a bunch of homework. I'm so happy for myself. I still have some I didn't do though. It would be a miracle if I ever fully completed my weekend goals in regards to homework. I even did some research for my research paper. It was actually quite productive.

Nothing exciting or witty to report, unforunately. Just regular updates of how boring my life really is. But I have the feelings all that is about to change...or I could be on crack (probably the latter). Any ways, time to do more homework... Later dayz...


{..::current..mood::..} somewhat satisfied with my weekend accomplishments
{..::currently..reading::..} Endovascular related articles
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} "I Believe In A Thing Called Love" by The Darkness
{} Ivory bar soap floating was a mistake. They had been overmixing the soap formula causing excess air bubbles that made it float. Customers wrote and told how much they loved that it floated, and it has floated ever since.
{} VAUGHN: you're cleared to read classified documents and you get a government salary, which isn't much.
WILL: compared to what I make now it's... much.



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