Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Monday, February 23, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Monday, Monday

What a crazy day. I ended up spending the whole day in the angio suite watching two endovascular therapy procedures. It was very interesting. I now have a better idea of everything involved with the procedure. It definitely beats having to have full blown surgery to repair your aneurysm that's for sure. Pretty intense though.

So I'm starting to get a little more stressed about the abstract due in a week. At least observing the procedures today helped, but it's a headache. I actually left there feeling drained and exhausted.

Other than that I'm doing ok. Still feeling incredibly crappy though. I slept horribly this weekend and my back is killing me all the time. I'm thinking it's my liver causing the pain but not completely sure, nevertheless it sucks horribly. Then my headache decided it was time to reappear, along side my dizziness/faintness. I wish I could just get rid of all this stupid stuff, it's driving me insane. Hopefully by using the treadmill more and eating a bit better all this will go away. It did go away a bit more after I used the treadmill more, so here's hoping.

I had this most brilliant subject to talk about today, and now for the life of me I can't recall it all. I swear I have some sort of memory lost thing. I actually feel like I'm becoming slower mentally. It's weird. It could just be stress though. I really need a vacation. Maybe I can convince my parents to a weekend in Grand Forks or something. When would be the question because it's going to be crazy for the next month. I did find out that this weekend will be my last weekend rotation. Come May though I might or probably will be working weekends, but at least I'll be making money there, so yay. I need the money. Contrary to my mother's beliefs seeing how she was mocking me and my money jar. But that's a whole other issue...

Well I still have another free 2 hours, so I think I'll fit in some more homework... Later Dayz...


{..::current..mood::..} crappy... I have the worst headache followed up by a round of dizziness
{..::currently..reading::..} textbooks about CT scanners and such
{..::currently..watching::..} Roswell
{..::currently..listening::..} Roswell episode "River Dog"
{} The first British ship to use the SOS distress signal was the Titanic.
{} MARSHALL: He also happens to own the largest collection of pornographic art in all of Madrid... Which I thought was an interesting fact, Sorry



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