Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

two and a half weeks left!

So what have I been up to, you may be asking yourselves. Well, I've been super busy. First the wedding family get-togethers continued for another week. It was nice though. Dinner, catching up, and chatting, it was all very nice. I worked a shift. I tensed up so bad in my neck and shoulder that I sent them into spasm so bad that I have to visit my cousin (physiotherapist) to reduce the pain and tension. Turns out it was all building up until it decided to just BAM! spasm horribly last week. Plus I finally got to see "The Notebook." Yay! I still am mad at my brother about that, but it's all in the past now. It was actually as good at the book. It didn't really change anything from the book, which I liked. I mean of course it changes little things and added new things but it wasn't anything that took away from the original story. I really enjoyied it. I've also been trying to plan my mini-vacation to the States after my program ends. Having fights with family. The usual there. It just has been go go go with me. The madness will never stop.

Went to the Forks with Theresa yesterday. That was fun. Packed worse than I've ever seen, but we mostly went for the River Walk-way. Plus I got my maple fudge (no visit to the forks is complete without it). We gabbed it up the whole time. Then we proceeded back here for a few rounds of retro-nintendo. God is that hiliarious now. We were completely reliving our childhoods. We played super mario bros, where we both completely sucked. I used to rock at that game. Graphics are hiliarious though. Nothing beats graphics from 20 years ago, lol. We even succumb to playing Duck Hunt. Mind you we much rathered trying to shoot that damn dog, but atlas it was not possible. We didn't even cheat. You remember, how as little kids you could never get the gun to kill the duck unless you stood at the tv and just shot it at close range. Well we actually used the gun as you should. It was great fun. I need to have a retro games night after I finish this bloodly program.

Any ways seeing how it's almost noon, and I have yet to commence studying, I think I better get my ass in gear and study. (Two weeks today, and 7 weeks today until the big exam), I want to finish the course with excellence, oh and a job! lol So off I go to study the wonderful world of x-ray and x-ray related information. Later dayz!


{..::current..mood::..}relaxed, somewhat
{..::currently..reading::..}Family Pictures and of course the millions of textbooks I have
{..::currently..watching::..}nothing at all
{..::currently..listening::..}the humming of my computer



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