Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Friday, October 15, 2004

Sometimes I don't know why I bother

I have just spent the last 3½ hours making grape jelly? What do I have to show for it, jelly that doesn't seem like it will seal, a huge mess and sore heels. The raspberry jam was a walk in the park compared to grape jelly.

It was all crush, crush, crush, boil then strain. Boil again, pour in hot sterlized jars, etc.. etc.. Five pounds of concord grapes are so not the easiest thing to crush. See you have to do it all by hand with a potato masher, talk about time consuming. My arms are killing me from it. Luckily though I had an antique jam strainer that was my grandmother's so it was a great help.

I just had a horrid time doing this on my own this time. Well it could have been because I wasn't giving it my full attention though, I was sort of making apple crisp at the same time, but that's beside the point.

At least it's made. Now I only have to do this 2 more times. I sort of overestimated the amount of grapes needed. So any one up for some good 'ol grape jelly making? C'mon you know you wanna...

Oh well...

Still haven't gotten my results from that damn exam. It's been 24 days. I can't wait anymore. No way I'm phoning any one else, 'cause I'm having nightmares that I didn't pass (but I'm sure I did), but without hearing from them yet it's not looking good. I'm just so frustrated with it all right now. Without the pass I'm screwed. No job, only my casual position (if at all), how the hell will I last until January. UGH!! I'm soo pissed off. I'm cooped up in here all day waiting for that bloody thing. I can't stand it any more!!!!!

Plus I got a letter from the liver specialist. The bastards have cancelled my appointment and pushed the appointment back almost a full month. This day is seriously getting worse and worse by the minute. I wish they'd tell you why they change appointments. Then under "Type of appointment" it says "emergency." Yeah, that really makes me feel great. Am I that ill? *grumble, grumble* Bastards. On a positive note, it means I get an extra month to get things under control (HAH! more pain lately than anything). I need a body transplant, STAT.

Well gots to go, seems I have a phone call... later dayz



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