Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I got a job!!

You are not going to believe this. I got a job!! Woo hoo!!

Turns out that MedRad Barbie is an idiot. She decided not to take the clinic job. What does this mean? It's mine. Whoo hoo. Talk about luck though. Now my applications are in the mail asking for any sort of work and as of Monday I have a full-time job. My mom says I just wait on the hospitals and then screw over the clinic if I get something better, because the clinic screwed me by hiring MedRad Barbie. But that's ok, at least I get benefits, which you don't really get if you're part-time or casual any where. So for now I'll do this.

Celebration tonight! Casino time it is. No going out for dinner because of my mom's surgery tomorrow, but yay!

Plus my brother is still hoping to see the Incredibles at his theatre for the preview (he doesn't know yet if they'll have the movie at that theatre, but I'm sure they will). So I put in the good word that some of us are interested but I won't really know anything definite until probably Friday. If he's totally loopy from getting his wisdom teeth out, it might not be a good idea. But who knows, this is my brother and he has done crazier things.

Any hoos I have to go and start my day, now that's it's looking a bit better. Ciao!


{..::current..mood::..} dumbfounded
{..::currently..reading::..}calvin and hobbes
{..::currently..watching::..} umm I can't even remember what I was watching
{..::currently..listening::..} nothing



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