Yes class, our topic du-jour is armpits.
I do realize this may be out of the blue and totally unexpected, but alas, you all will be able to resume your lives following this post.
I just had this weird thought today, after seeing about my 17th armpit for the day (such a highlight of this job). It's amazing how many people have hairy armpits, men aside (because d'uh).
Everytime I have to do a chest x-ray, it's a scary thought. What am I going to see when they lift their arms above their head. This one lady (whom wasn't that old) had super super long hair there. We're talking longer than some men. We're talking maybe 3" long (at least). It was frightening, no make that distrubing. I can understand that some people don't shave there or maybe it's some culture thing, but YIKES! To each their own, but still, very very distrubing.
So after seeing that, it just made me think. So of course now, everytime I get someone to lift their arms over their head, I almost expect to see that. It's very distrubing. Maybe I'm just distrubed by this.
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