Officially Graduated....FINALLY!
Yay! It's finally all finished with. Two years done and finished with. Finally!!!! Woot! Convocation wasn't actually all that bad. I was dreading it, yet it was totally fine. It went by really quick, plus no MedRad Barbie, even better. It was all good though. Nice black and red colors (funny thing is I wore red and black...oops?!). Even nicer was seeing my family and Theresa with her mom. It was like a little entourage, of course Theresa and her mom were there for her sister, that's beside the point. hehe.
Even better is that I finally took a huge chunk out of my christmas shopping. Two nights of going shopping after work, but I finally accomplished the majority of it. *claps* yay me! Woot! Yes I was very proud of myself last night. Exhausted but thrilled. I have literally not been home in days. It's all a horrible cycle that needs to end! AH!!
Oh and like Carla, I haven't seen any one in a while (I blame my inablity to say no to shifts!). So we all must get together!! Soon...
Oh oh and better yet today (besides that day of hell at work) I just found out that it seems I have to work less than I thought the week of christmas. Bad side is no pay, but on the upside, yay holidays (of course that's not for sure, maybe higher management will make me go and work at another clinic but we'll see. I'm fine not getting paid, I'm so exhaused right now that anything is appealing). The reason for this is because the building I work in is closed on the 27, 28, and january 3rd plus only opened half a day on the 24th and 31st. Now I'm not sure if they'll make me work the 24th and 31st for half the day or not, guess i'll just have to wait and see.
So here is my tenative schedule for the upcoming weeks.
- Thursday Dec 09 - work 9-4:30
- Friday Dec 10 - dinner/movie with girls from work
- Saturday dec 11 - free/tentative plans with friends
- Dec 12 - FREE .... YAY!!!
- Dec 13 until the 17 - working from 9-4:30
- Dec 18 - Nothing planned
- Dec 19 - Grandparent Christmas
- Dec 20, 21, 22, 23 - Work 9-4:30
- Dec 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 - No work! (yay...but still tentative, originally it was only the 24th and 27th).
- Dec 29, 30 - work 9-4:30
- Dec 31, Jan 1,2,3 - No work!
So there ya go!
plus a big shout out to everyone celebrating Chanuka! (yes that means you Carla!)
Well I'm going to bed, I'm exhausted and I'm in such need of sleep it's not even funny. So i'll talk to you all later. Ciao!
{..::current..mood::..} tired...majorly exhausted
{..::currently..reading::..} nothing :(
{..::currently..watching::..} going to watch 'lost' soon, but probably tomorrow
{..::currently..listening::..} the tv my mom is watching
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