screw you weather
The weather lately is realling driving me bonkers, more so than usual.
First kudos to mother nature for allowing us a beautiful day at the beach (more to come following rant). Second screw the gods of thunder and rain, boo! Those gods overpowered the beauty that is mother nature and delivered us more rain. More rain = no bonfire = no s'mores. Booo!!!
I was willing to sit in the rain for my fire, sadly I was alone on it. Ah what's a little struck by lightening, it's never killed anyone....ok well not MILLIONS. I'm sure I'd be safe. You know, sitting by a metal fire pit, holding metal skewer, totally safe, desu ne?
Back to the beach...
Beach was great. Weather was fantabulous. Plus we got to the beach in time to get a perfect spot and before the big rush go there. Kudos to the one who thought of bringing subway, a perfect idea for the beach. Plus we had fun at subway in regards to those dastardly tomatoes.
The sand was all nice, unforunately the same cannot be said about the water; unless you enjoying freezing yourself. Ok, ok, it wasn't bad. I did go into the water, twice, plus snorting water, always a joy. Plus I ressemble a lobster slightly, but nothing a little aloe vera, noxema and drugs can't cure, hehe. Mind you if my mom hadn't decided to re-caulk the bathroom, I'd have cooled off a hell of a lot faster. Ah well, c'est la vie, eh, mon lobster friends?
All in all, day at the beach quite enjoyable. I recommend we follow-up such trend later in summer. Maybe that time we'll bring Theresa....maybe.
But I digress...
well it's off to go through some junk in the house, or rather my belongings...cheerio!
{..::current..mood::..} sleepy (darn advil for migraines)
{..::currently..reading::..} little white lies
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} the wind (i love this laptop)
What a coincidence...weve had beautiful beach weather as well. Corfu was lovely. I dont know if Grand Beach is good enough for me anymore. Actually, Corfu had a really stony beach, which hurt the feet. Still fun! I miss my friends, but Im glad youre having fun without me. Ill see you all in about a week (Todays the 7th, right?? Cant remember). Have fun, tell me lots of stories when I come back. I have lots too, but have to edit many of them. heh. Later allz. Plus... OOH!! I cant wait to show you all pictures of my contiki hisem. And thats all I shall say for now. *evil grin* (silly german keyboard... cant find the apostrophe key... le suck!!)
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