My blog. My Way.
Sexy pics....yummm!!
Here's a little something to change the mood of my blog. Great and I mean SEXY pictures of my man Vartan. Ok, so he's not mine....yet... *wink, wink* The restrainer order is bound to bring us closer, right? Please note there are upcoming images of Vartan's guest appearance on Alias in the upcoming weeks. Just FYI!
So without further ado, here are some upcoming pictures of MV from the November 14th episode of 'Kitchen Confidential.' These are hiliarious. Just look at their faces, how can you not love them? I mean c'mon, they are soooo effing (word of the day, fyi) sexy. I need to get me some of that....yummmm. *sigh*
These two just bring back such nice memories of when 'Alias' was a good show, plus Vaughn was alive (which he still is, no convincing me any other way, even if the show proved it otherwise, I will not change my mind) and of when Will was there. *sigh* Those were the good 'ol days. Curse Lynnsey for watching and ruining my show, hehe. Just kidding, you know I lurve you regardless, show killing or not. On the upside you haven't killed 'Veronica Mars' or Lost (although I don't necessarily care all that much about the latter any more). Plus the former's ratings are improving every week, so 'VM' fans worldwide rejoice!!!
Now here are my favorite upcoming TV Vartan appearances, they could contain spoilers in terms of Alias (seeing how he is doing a guest spot). So proceed with caution if you must.

Now who wouldn't want a man like that? He's sexy as hell. Hell that makes me want to marry on the beach, which could be a little hard considering my climate but meh, there are always airplanes. mwhahaha Australia and Vartan here I come.....
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