Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Saturday, May 15, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: What an insane week

Phew, what a week.

Good news, I passed my exams. Yes!! Even better we finished reviewing the exams by 1 o'clock in the afternoon so she let us go early. Plus we have all of next week off. So sweet. Now if only the weather will become nice, will it be good.

I still need 2 more comps to be entitled to work. At the rate I'm going I'll never be able to work. People in my class are already working, and at $18 an hour I could certainly use that money. Hopefully within the first weeks back I'll get the comps.

What else is there... oh yes, a list of topics to discuss from last week.

First point of business, Brandon. A total waste of time. Drove all that way for crap. One presentation was seriously about washing your hands. Ok maybe if we hadn't already been in the clinical setting and had this same discussion last year in Patient Care would it have been useful, but by this point it was pointless. Just a stupid thing. By the time I got home (took forever because I carpooled) I was so sick that I didn't want to move. So we spent all that time in the car, for stuff that was either already covered or pointless.

Then I come home and thought I'd go to the movie store, but because I wasn't feeling well and took something, I couldn't drive there. So as we're leaving my brother isn't exactly paying attention and back straight up into a cement pillar. My chest is still hurting from that. I was somewhat turned so when the car slammed into it (no huge damage to car fyi) my belt slammed me back. Add that headache to the one I already had and you get a huge mess. So by this time I was in no condition to go out. But I digress, that's in my past now.

Best New Website
Last Saturday Theresa and I found the best site (yes I know I promised to post it, but I was busy, really). I can't exactly remember what we were talking about but somehow we stumbled upon websites searching for "how to marry rich." I think it was because we were making jewellery online and the ones we really liked were super expensive and by marrying rich we could get these. Any ways, I googled (love that word) that topic and we found the best site. You just have to go there to fully understand the humor of it all. I think it's just the best thing in the world. Just click here and enjoy .

Why I hate shopping
So I've never been so humiliated in my life. I went shopping for an outfit and my god was this worse than that previous night (see May 5th post). The sales lady was considered my enemy as soon as I arrived. I hate shopping and I said that and she said "But shopping is so much fun, how can you not love it." Simply I just don't. I go to the change room and try on what seems like a million outfits, only to leave with none. They were all way too expensive for what they were really worth. Plus I didn't feel comfortable in anything. The saleslady at one point was telling me how one dress in particular looked good (although it emphasized my bulge from the surgeries) and I said no and she just kept hounding me and then brought me girdle type underwear. I was so humiliated. It would have been fine if I liked the dress but I didn't feel comfortable and that lady just made me feel so embarassed. I left the mall in tears, I was so humiliated. My mom and brother and his gf were of no help to me. I just was pissed off and humiliated. But I digress, even thinking about it makes me horrible.

Mourning of Friends
Well it ended. More hype than anything. I already knew the ending so it wasn't like I was shocked or anything. It had funny moments but I think it could have been a bit better. I mean we all knew Ross and Rachel would get back together, d'uh. Twins was surprising (but already knew that). Don't get me wrong it was a nice ending, just a bit of a let down, I almost expected more. No biggie though, it was after all just a tv show.

Well I don't think I really have anything else to say right now, so I'm out.


{..::current..mood::..} meh
{..::currently..reading::..} nothing, I finally finished HP:ootp and I have no text books to read... yay no exams until august
{..::currently..watching::..} Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets
{..::currently..listening::..} same
{} Theresa and Chrissy are watching a bbq show on tv when Theresa comes up with this (caution, not exact quotes because it was a few days ago).
Theresa:"There should be a coffin BBQ"
Chrissy: "huh? why?"
Theresa: "It's fitting"
Chrissy: "I guess so, but imagine how it would look. Kind of funny actually."
