If I didn't know better, I'd say the full moon was upon us
Another evening shift in the past. Last evening was horrible at first, just totally nuts for the first 4 hours. It never let up, it was nuts. Tonight was better. Of course we weren't able to leave emerg all night. Luckily there weren't too many portables or OR cases and such. At least it was steady though, that makes the night go by quicker. Craziness I tell you, craziness!
Well the studying thing is just not going well for me right now. I didn't have a single moment to study today. Good news, I bought two new scrub shirts, yay! Bad news, I'm in hospital scrubs until the end of the program, lol. Sheer irony, I tell you. Less than 2 weeks until the exam though, yay. I just can't believe it's that close though. The light at the end of the tunnel is especially getting bright now. It didn't feel like I'd ever get here but finally it's almost here and I couldn't be any happier! YAY!! No more bullshit, sweet!
Exciting news regarding the up-and-coming Harry Potter movie, the Goblet of Fire. They just hired the actors to played Rita Skeeter and the infamous Voldemort. Miranda Richardson will play Rita (obviously, not like they'd give Voldemort a sex change for the 4th movie, mind you that would be hiliarious. Imagine a huge anouncer voice coming on over-head saying "the role of voldemort is now going to be a female role." I think it's funny. Then we'll learn the newly female Voldemort is actually Harry's mother. *gasp* Turns out Lily Potter never gave birth to him. It was all an elaborate scheme. The insansity of it all. ... But I digress...I still think it's funny). Plus Ralph Fienes has been cast as Voldemort. I actually think that will work. Sometimes when you hear of an actor being hired for a specific role, you cringe and dread the movie and role, but I think this will work. So far the majority of the casting has been good, so I have confidence that these will work out well. Just interesting to actually have a name and face to be Voldemort. Kind of ruins your own mental image of him but no biggie.
Anyhoos it's late so I'm going to bed..
{..::currently..reading::..} family pictures/textbooks
{..::currently..watching::..} punk'd
{..::currently..listening::..} same as above
{..::days.until.CAMRT::..} 46 (don't hold me to that, my brain stopped functioning once my shift ended)
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