Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Monday, October 18, 2004

The best use for a treadmill...

Call me a genius, but I've devised the best plan of action when it comes to using the treadmill. I decided to play that damn Buffy game while walking on the treadmill. I was so into the game, I totally lost tract of time and the feeling in my legs.

An hour and a half later, I finally decided maybe I'd had enough of being on the treadmill and was quite shocked to learn I had been walking for an hour and half straight. Goes to show you how that damn game is addictive.

Then I was so high from that I decided to rake the yard. I know it's pointless because it's going to rain soon and more leaves are going to fall, but I have way too much energy in my system.

Now I'm just waiting for my ice cream maker to finish making my ice cream. I haven't used that contraption since maybe two easters ago. The last time I made ice cream, I made 'Cabury Mini Egg'ice cream (unforunately for me I broke out in hives every time I went near it). So once that is done, I'll make my apple pies and have the best of both world. Fresh apple pie (with apples from my neighbour's yard) and fresh homemade ice-cream. It doesn't get better than that.

See all of this has a purpose. It keeps me distracted from the thought that the postal service obviously hates me and is keeping my results from me. I smell a conspiracy.

I also want to wish everyone who is writing mid-terms good luck, although I'm sure none of you need it :)


{..::current..mood::..} a little too energetic for my liking
{..::currently..reading::..} I'll get to something, someday
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} the loudness of my ice-cream maker



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