Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

You it's time to move out when...'ve been in battle with your dad twice in two days. I'm seriously ready to just leave now. I'm sick and tired of this crap at home. I'd rather not move out because I'm partial to my money and keeping it where it is, but this stress of living with my father is at breaking point. I guess i'll just start looking for alternative living and go from there. *sigh* whatever.

I'm getting all the trouble when I didn't even mean to. First on mother's day (of course it would have to be on that day, you just know it was gonna happen) then again last night when we were going to celebrate something for my mom from work. Keep in mind I'd gone out to dinner with friends from work on Monday, and my parents had also gone out the previous night. Neither mom nor I were gung ho to eat out again, but whatever. Time comes to go out and I asked where we were going (big mistake, I should have just shut up). My mom said Boston Pizza. We ate their food last week and I didn't want to eat there again, so my dad said Moxy's (but I wasn't impressed from the last time) then there was Perkins. The problem is at both moxy's and perkins it would really only be a burger or something with fries (because not a whole lot of choice with allergies). Any ways, long story short my dad and I were fighting in the car, because I didn't feel well and didn't really want to eat out. So this boiled out to me supposedly not being happy for my mom and not wanting to celebrate her accomplishment and just being a horrible daughter.

My dad is seriously nuts though. He felt I should have not said anything, just gone out to dinner, regardless that I felt like I'd puke if I saw another fry or burger or anything, etc.. Plus everytime I would try to talk, he'd turn up the music (being country music too, and he know how I HATE that kind)I just can't win. I need to grow a penis, apparently you get more respect in the house if you have one. Damn penis power!

Any ways, it seems no matter what I do lately, he's pissy with me. So it's time for me to go. Sometimes I just wish I didn't have liver problems and could have moved away and gotten a cool job up north or some other province. Instead I'm stuck here, living in this hostile environment where I get in constant trouble for standing up for myself or calling my dad on his injustices/unfairness, etc..

Whatever, I guess I'm just a complainer doomed...



Blogger Theresa said...

Aw... hun!! You can come stay with me whenever you want. :(

18/5/05 21:07  

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