Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

I need a stretcher, STAT!

I'm still coming off my high from yesterday, it's finally starting to click in. Had a good night though. Got to go out for dinner and later on for ice-cream, so it's all good.


I can barely walk or move a muscle today, it really sucks. Plus I went mall walking. *lowers head in shame* Me, mall-walking. I was like a 1/3 the age of some of those people. Plus I didn't even get to shop when the shops finally opened because my mom yakked too much with her friend and then we had to leave to pick up my brother at school. UGH! I did get to go to HMV though, that's about it. I didn't buy any DVDs though. I was looking forward to, but non that pique'd my interest. But still, I'm in major pain. I'm fine if I'm sitting but trying to walk or laying down, that's another story. Yikes! The things I do sometimes...

Oh and it turns out I didn't get that job. Oh well, it would have been great but I'm just destined for something else I suppose. Hopefully it wasn't MedRad Barbie, but with the way the world works sometimes, it wouldn't surprise me. Plus she'd screw them over as soon as something better came along, so whatever. I'm bummed, but I'm still excited over passing that it hasn't really bothered me as much as I thought it would (that will be later). Now I just have to fill out like 5 hospital application forms, oh yay. lol No biggies. It just wasn't meant to be :)

Well I'm off to drug myself. Ohh the sweet call of pain relievers, I can hardly wait...


{..::current..mood::..} Sore
{..::currently..reading::..} gone with the wind (well I read 2 pages, so I'm getting there)
{..::currently..watching::..} Pirates of the caribbean ...
{..::currently..listening::..} ditto



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