Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

4th post this month and it's only almost june

Here I am at 7 am and I'm watching last night's episode of 'Lost' that I missed.

Nothing exciting or provocative to post, other than I am alive.

Minneapolis tomorrow though, yay! But boo because I have to go to the hospital for bloodwork and biopsy teaching. A fun filled day, yikes. But all exciting. A million things to do before we leave and here I am watching LOST at 7:20 in the morning, hehe.

Of course, I didn't sleep well, and now my asthma's out of control so I'm not sure how this day will be. I'm totally unable to control my breathing right now. As a result I can't eat my breakfast just yet. C'mon ventolin, kick in....

So I've decided to get a new computer. Have I mentioned I hate the process of finding the new computer that is already obsolete? I really just want one where I can play my darn Sims 2 game that I bought last September, have dvd burner and get a new printer. All this new computer talk sparked after my dad asked me if our printer didn't work, which of course it doesn't, well not properly anyways. I've mentioned this fact in the past, but i'm ignored and shooed. Why is that until a man figures it out on his own, it's like talking to a brick wall? Must be that missing 1/16th of a chromosome.

any hoos, I'm off to make a few signs for work saying we're closed this afternoon. Toodle-loo!!


{..::current..mood::..} tired and phlemgy (yum)
{..::currently..reading::..} nothing yet
{..::currently..watching::..} LOST
{..::currently..listening::..} lost



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