Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

damn you ABRAMS, damn you!!

Ignore title of post for the moment. I have other news to post.

Firstly, Minneapolis was a ball. We did quite a bit in the short time we were there. No ikea, but we were far too tired to go there. There always is online catalogue though, yay me! The mall was good, got TONS of exercise. Let's just say I enjoyed going from the 3rd, to the first to the second to the first to the third, back to the first, then across the mall back to the 3rd floor, then eventually the 4th. Quite the last few minutes, that's for sure.

We even made it to Valley Fair. Never been and let's just say that's an experience in itself. I actually went on rides, I thought I'd never go on. I actually would have bet my life that I would never go on one, but here I am having survived that ordeal. Can't say that I'd do all of that again, but it was still pretty fun. Plus cotton candy, always a bonus.

What else? Tons of laughter and getting lost (damn you 0.1 miles and 78th Street W), grr!! hehe Plus I just found out, that I was right. I didn't have to claim my groceries. Had I just said all the food I bought was groceries, they'd (border people) have been cool. Three different people I asked said you don't have to claim the majority of it. GRR. I so could have bought more stuff. Oh and learn (then buy luvs. hehe)

So today was the big day. The day doctors took a little chunk of my liver. An interesting experience, to say the least. Could have been better, but could have been worse. Knock on wood, the test went relatively well, considering the radiologist didn't think it would go so well. You know me, I have to make everything difficult, mwhaha. Too much scar tissue, so they had to go higher, but that was a problem too because it seems my ribs are spaced relatively close together, etc.. etc.. But luckily for me (and for the doctor) he got the needle (if you can call it that, it was more like "big-and-pointy-stick-of death")in the liver first attempt (phew!). Totally weird feeling though. Might have to have another one, depending on this one (yuck!). Oh well I survived, extremely tired and tender now but ok. Tired of sitting down (almost 5 hours of laying on my back, not allowed to really move, not fun).

It was like working a full day of work today. I went to the hospital by 8:30 and didn't get to leave until just around 4pm. One very long and tiring day. Can't go up and down stairs well or take large breaths in, without screeching but I'm sure that will be better soon. The tylenol is really helping so yay that!

Now the following does contain spoilers pertaining the the SEASON FINALES of both LOST and ALIAS. Readers beware and read at your own risk. I am not liable for any show ruining occuring to you by reading the following. Enjoy :)

Lost tonight. Season finale. Good, bad or ugly? Unless I missed something in the episode, I found it to be a bit of a let down. Parts of the episode were awesome and surprising and yet predictable ie the whole walt thing. But the way people were talking about the episode I expected something HUGe to happen in the last few minutes. Instead it was disappointing. Of course the whole does sawyer die or not is huge but nothing too massive. Sawyer better not die, or I'll stop watching. Seriously J.J.Abrams is seriously trying to piss me off by taking away my eye candy, killing people off and ruining perfectly good characters (more on that later).

So they opened the secret hatch...hmmm. There is a mystery there, but still seemed disappointing. Poor science teaching blowing up though, I didn't expect that. That was kind of morbid and yet cool at the same time. I wasn't devoting all of my attention to the tv at the time but yikes!! I plan to rewatch the episode so maybe i'll be more accepting after that.

Now on to ALIAS. Now this episode was crazy. Filled with shooting, murder and crazy cliffhanger. Nadia goes all crazy (thanks to the evil Elena Derevko aka sonia), sloane shoots nadia to save the world and syd, irina is freed, syd agrees to marry vaughn, weiss and marshall bond over the impended world end, destruction of evil mueller (rambaldi device), jack and irina kiss (whoot!), syd and vaughn decide to elope on the beach, vaughn says he needs to tell syd truth, vaughn says he's not really micheal vaugh, SMASH of truck into the car syd and vaughn are currently in, heading towards Santa Barbara. CRAZY!!!!

But I don't want vaughn to be bad. He can't be. Mind you, I just hope he's not dead, you hear me VARTAN you better be back next season. C'mon we all know this is the last season, don't bail now. But this is almost as crazy as the whole 'syd we thought you were dead, two years have passed.' How can they do this to me, to the public. Oh the inhumanity. I can't believe I AVOIDED ALL spoilers to do with this season. Mind you, the season finale so would have been ruined had I read about this. But still, ACK! So many possibilities now. Who is vaughn really? Why lie for SO LONG. I mean in the show's timeline they've known each other about 6 years (give or take) and yet nothing has ever come up? Somehow this flew right under the radar?

What the bloody hell?!?! ACK!

any hoos, i'm being bellowed about going to bed. What am I 7? seesh, get a little bit of liver removed and people think you should go to bed early... ;)



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