Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

It's official

It's official. As of this spring, there will be no more Alias. RIP ALIAS, you were good until I started to watch you. Curses!!!

Well at least I get until the end of the season, unlike Arrested Development.

I've officially given up on television, it's just all mean and evil.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

More Quizzes!!

The Land of Moonlit Magic

You are a siren of the Land of Moonlit Magic. The
moon is your goddess and you follow her with a
mystic eye. You stare up the night sky and
question the world. You are inquisitive and
that is wonderful. You feel most comfortable in
the night air under a cloudless sky. You thrive
under the moonlight.

What is the mystical land of your birth? {13 results with gorgeous anime pics}
brought to you by Quizilla

Sweet, this one is on the money!

Your twin is Paris Hilton. Your sexy and cute at
the same time. You also know how to strike a
pose. You are the girl all the boys want. You
have evrything you want and everyone wants to
be you.

QUiZ: Who is your twin celebrity y??{ w/ great pics !!} GiRlS OnLiI
brought to you by Quizilla
Uhhh??? Really, that's all I have to say to this gibberish. Me? Paris Hilton Twin? Shooot me now!! Please!

Donald Result
Donald Duck

Which DISNEY character are you most like?
brought to you by Quizilla
Me? Donald Duck? Uh-oh, don't let my cousin's wife know.

The Sexy Name Decoder

Charming Hottie Readily Imparting Sensual Touches and Intense, Naughty Affection

How did they get a hold of my birth certificate? ;)

Charming Hottie Rendering Intense Stimulation and Sensual Yeses

I think I like the first one best. The only time having a long name rocks!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Waiting for pie to make itself

Sunday afternoon and what am I doing? Avoiding my plan to bake a pie. Sure the pie filling has been in the fridge for a little over a week, but really do I have to? Although a little bit of a lengthy process, it's relatively simple, messy but simple. Thank god for PVC gloves, no icky dough to get inbetween fingers.

Impromtu mocktail party went fairly well. Probably would have been better had I planned it out earlier in the week or something, but I just don't think that way. At least now I have all the ingredients I need to make the drinks. So many options, so little time. Now if only I could print my mocktail book that I typed up on the computer, then get it binded.

Not too much going on other than that. Just starting to get affairs in order for the holidays. Still need to get the majority of my shopping down. I have brilliant ideas, I just haven't made the trip out to make the purchases. That's the problem with holidays. So much to be done and once it's done there is not a lot to show for it. But c'est la vie..

...Well I suppose I should go and complete my pie pastry making.


[mood] - sluggish
[book]- can't remember it's title
[listening to]- the movie '10th kingdom'
[quote] - [Buster gets a hook to replace the hand he lost]
Buster: Hey, Uncle Oscar.
[Buster gives Oscar a hug and impales his shoulder with the hook]
Oscar: Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! You're killing me, Buster! You're killing me!
[Buster pulls the hook out of Oscar's shoulder and stares at it in horror]
Buster: I'm a MONSTER! - Arrested Development


Saturday, November 19, 2005

Quiz live again!

With Christmas a short 6 weeks away, I thought what better to do than quizzes. Sure gifts need to be purchased, decorations brought up, making christmas lists for family members (worst part), etc.. etc... But still it's quizzes, yeee! So without further ado here are the quizzes...


Romance is most important in a boyfriend/girlfriend. You need romance in your life. You love the extra dimension that romance brings to a relationship and you tend to fall in love very quickly.

Perfect BF/GF Piechart -

Take this quiz at

Apparently romance and intelliegence are rated higher than anything else, interesting. I guess if he's smart and romantic, I don't care for the rest. Weird....

Family is most important in your life.

Having a high focus on family indicates that you are a loving and nurturing person. You want to have a nice big family of your own, and you are very close with your siblings and parents.

Life Piechart -

Take this quiz at

What the h - e - double hockey sticks? Family and love important the most? Riiiiiight. Mind you everything was almost just as important to me, so really nothing is more important than the other to me. Strange.

You have a 55% chance of being abducted

You have an above average chance of being abducted. You are into thinking about conspiracies and thinking for yourself – keep it up. But avoid going into the woods by yourself late at night.

Take this quiz at

Aww, only 55%, well I guess if the aliens resembled Max or Michael from 'Roswell' I'm sure that percent would jump really high. Still funny though. What a weird quiz.

You hate know-it-alls!

Know-it-alls are your number one pet peeve. They always know everything, and always take pleasure in making you feel stupid. And they always, always make a point of saying something when you screw up something.

Take this quiz at

Pretty true, but only some level. It depends on their "I-told-you-so" subject.

You are 66% Psychic

You are psychic. You are above average when it comes to perceiving the future. You are very observant and clever, with a good amount of common sense. It is very easy for you to predict things and be correct.

Take this quiz at

Woot! Go Gypsy blood, or alledged "gypsy blood," either way I'll take it.

You should have grown up during the twenties

You are cool, sophisticated and hip – even by today’s standards. You like things before they are considered cool, and you like them long afterwards.

Take this quiz at

Wow, kind of scary. I used to always want to grow up in the twenties. Funny.

You are Andie Walsh from Pretty in Pink

You are original and clever person. Although your family may not be able to buy you all the cool stuff you want, you are able to make cool stuff for yourself. Like a rocking 80’s prom dress.

Take this quiz at

Um, ok.

You will take over Lithuania using only the help of a huge conga line

Take this quiz at

hehehe a huge conga line is my means of attack. Too funny.

Sunday, November 13, 2005


Here are some ideas on what you may purchase. You don't have to stick to these lists (as always), they're just a little guideline if you can't think of something spectacular.

Any whoos....

Here's my wishlist. If the link doesn't work, just go to and click on wishlist and type in my "firstandlastname"

Or there is my Canadian Tire one. Just head on over to Candian Tire and type in my last name and First name in the appropriate boxes and voila! Or you can type in my Registry number, which is 004190757.

This is just a message to help you find something, if you are lost on what to get :)

Have fun!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Live Band Tonite!!

Just a reminder, Todd Hunter Band live @ Shannon's Pub tonight!

Be there or be square...

Monday, November 07, 2005

The Commonly Confused Words Test

You scored 85% Beginner, 92% Intermediate, 80% Advanced, and 73% Expert!
You have an extremely good understanding of beginner, intermediate, and advanced level commonly confused English words, getting at least 75% of each of these three levels' questions correct. This is an exceptional score. Remember, these are commonly confused English words, which means most people don't use them properly. You got an extremely respectable score.

Thank you so much for taking my test. I hope you enjoyed it!

For the complete Answer Key, visit my blog:

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

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You scored higher than 13% on Beginner

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You scored higher than 18% on Intermediate

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You scored higher than 7% on Advanced

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You scored higher than 39% on Expert
Link: The Commonly Confused Words Test written by shortredhead78 on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Life Quiz

This Is My Life, Rated
Take the Rate My Life Quiz

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Live Band

Any one interested in seeing a live band next Thursday (the 10th of November)?

See my cousin's husband's band, Todd Hunter Band, is playing 3 sets at Shannon's Irish Pub. It's supposed to be really good. You have to buy a one-time membership ($5 or something like that, says my bro), but it's sounds good.

Feel free to check out there website, it has some preview of their songs and such, so you can get a feel for them. If you're interested let me know and we'll have a ball, if not, you suck! mwhahaha

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Baby Factory

I was just reading this article on and I thought I'd share it.

Apparently there is this lady in the U.S. who just gave birth to the family's 16 child. Can you imagine that? Giving birth to 16 children (where there was only 2 sets of twins)? The first thought to cross my mind is a big: OUCH!

The site has a little article about it, it's nuts, but feel free to check it out. Just click here.

Don't get me wrong, if they want to have a nice and big family, go for it. But seriously are you out of your mind? That's a lot of mouths to feed and plus, how do they get around together? In total this family has 18 members, you'd need some heavy duty automobiles. Well I wish them all the best, even if I think they're out of their cotton-picking-minds.

The scary part is this boils down being pregnant for the equivalent of 11.6 years. She's only 39 and her oldest child is only 17. That is insane. So 14 pregnancies, 2 sets of twins, 140 months of raging hormones and being uncomfortable? I'll stick to four and under, thanks.

I just thought I'd share this, it totally baffled me. But to each their own, and good luck to them :)