Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Sunday, February 29, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Now I have congestion and a sore throat....grr

I'm not catching any sort of break. First it was only congestion, now I have a killing sore throat. Seriously, what the hell? Grr, oh well, I shall live...

Well it's the night of the Oscars. I remember a time when I looked forward to this award show. Now, I only care for the opening of the show, especially if it includes Billy Crystal. Other than that I'll read the results in the paper the next day. But man the opening of the show was hiliarious. They had him in all sorts of LOTR scenes, which are always beyond words. I was in hysterics when he did a spoof on Gollum. Just too funny. Then I loved the parody of "My Favorite Things" replaced with LOTR related information. Just funny. Then once completed the awards died for me. Either I don't watch enough movies to really care for who is going to win or whatnot, but it just seems endless after that, or I just get bored too easily. Oh well at least I had a few good laughs.

A strange day at the hospital today. For the first few hours, there was barely any work to be had. After that was another story. I was happy when the end of the day arrived. Wasn't a horrible day though and it's good when it gets busy because time passes more quickly. At least it was steady at those times.

Only one more week until new ALIAS. I'm excited but disappointed at the same time. It doesn't look like the next episode is going to be exciting as the previous seasons have been. I'm just starting to get annoyed. Maybe it's because there are always such breaks between the episodes that they are losing their lust or maybe it's because of the evil wench. All I know is this storyline better get back up to the first two standards. Still enjoy it though, and plus it looks very likely there will be a season four, so yay! I'd die if I lost the show. What would there be to watch next year.

In other tv related news, I'm almost done my Roswell DVDs. Still feeling bummed because they cut out all sorts of special features though. I did listen to the only two episodes with cast commentary. It was funny at times and others it was like "umm, ok?" Still not fully adjusted to the new music. I can feel a difference, and I liked it better before but oh well c'est la vie. I did find another connection between Roswell and ALIAS though. The number 47 is a sort of key factor in both shows. I thought that was very interesting. See the crash happened in 1947 and in ALIAS 47 is huge deal. I just thought that tidbit was very interesting. But I digress....


{..::current..mood::..} grumpy because my throat is killing me
{..::currently..reading::..} nothing
{..::currently..watching::..} well my mom has the Academy Awards on in the background
{..::currently..listening::..} "A Whiter Shade of Pale" Procol Harem
{} There are more pigs than humans in Denmark.
{} Weiss: And what if there has been a takeover?
Vaughn: (gets his gun out of his locker and loads it) If I'm not back in a couple of hours, I'm probably dead.
Weiss: Good to know.
{} Maria: This is the second time you've dragged me into some cheap motel.
Michael: Yeah, well, don't spread it around; you'll ruin my reputation.


Saturday, February 28, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Congestion Strikes Again!!

Now I'm not fully sure on this, but either I have a cold or my allergies/asthma are way out of control. Yesterday I was all febrile (fever-y) and today I sounded like I had a horrible cold. Give me a few hours and I sounded and felt perfectly fine. Strange, very strange. My mom was actually teasing me about having a little fever last night. The reason for that is I had spent the afternoon with my adorable little cousin, whom has a cold. She thought I was being melodramatic and suffering from hypochondria. Hah! She was so wrong... It was funny because she then said "oh, you really are warm. Hmm. Oops?"

I have decided that I am fully accident prone though. Since Thursday I've gotten at least one injury a day. Thursday during my crazy day I must have hit my leg on something because I now have a huge shiner on my leg. Yesterday I managed to trip over my cousin's toy and ended up bending back my toenail on my big toe. It hurts like hell, very tender. Which made a day of wearing runner a fun challenge today. If you add up all the times I banged into something then I'd have a zillion injuries. A few bruises are popping up on my arms, but I'm constantly hitting my arms against something. At least I haven't injuried my head lately. Oh wait there was that one night when I was sleeping and woke up and was really mad about being woken up. So I slammed my head down, aiming for my pillow. Of course with my luck, I totally missed and slammed my head into the headboard somehow. It's just not been a good week. Lousy sleep, nothing been going right, and coming down with a cold maybe. Hopefully this week will fair better.

Plus, I'm still no where closer to completing my abstract. It's 250 words, how hard is that? Obviously for me, it's a real challenge. I was hoping to finish it by tonight, but no such luck. I did print off a bunch of info, so all I really have to do is put it all together saying this is what my paper is about. Blah, blah blah. I hate writing like that. It's all so technical and I've never been the greatest writer when it comes to school work, so here's hoping it all goes well.

But feeling a little exhausted so I think I'm going to call it a night... ciao

{..::current..mood::..} annoyed because my throat hurts
{..::currently..reading::..} websites about abdominal aortic aneurysms and EVT
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing. I was watching Roswell earlier and I plan on watching Lion King 1½ soon
{..::currently..listening::..} some Beach Boy Song
{} During warm weather hippopotamus's secrete sweat that is pink. This substance not only cools them down but also helps fight infections of the skin.
{} Vaughn: Now, the guys say it's bitchin, so I assume it's... bitchin.
{} Kyle: You look really great when you're pissed.
Tess: Yeah, right.
Kyle: No, I'm serious. I feel, like, all this energy coming from you right now. In order to trim the lamp of wisdom, we must attend to our bodily needs.
Tess: Let me tell you something, Buddha-boy... I got a lamp that needs some serious trimming.


Thursday, February 26, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Thank god my day at work is over!!

Holy crap! That was an INSANE day!! Yikes. I don't ever want one of those again. Hell, I don't even want to remember it.


Today was great....

Yes, I am on crack, thanks for asking...

TGIT...Thank god it's Thursday because Thursday is my Friday! Sadly I am scared for the weekend, if they're anything like these past two days, I quit! Way too insane for me, thank you very much. I've seen worse actually but that's beside the point.

Well I've been home for an hour and a half, and I've already accomplished a lot. None of which are high on my to-do list. But everything else was so much more fun. I really wish I didn't have to write my abstract for Monday though. I'm just not in the mood to start this research paper. I have connections so I'm well-off, but I just don't want to.

I just remembered something, earlier this week when I was watching Roswell, I so the TV geek from 'Beat the Geeks.' I thought it was hiliarious. I knew I'd seen him somewhere before. I almost didn't click in, but I did and it just cracked me up. Now when I see him, I'll just see him from that specific episode when he had a little cameo. Plus I got to see more of my sweet and hiliarious Marshall (aka Kevin Weisman). He's just cracks me up in everything he's in. I still remember when I first saw him on Felicity, so funny. *sigh* I need more alias and soon...only one more week and a few days...

Ever have those moments when you can't find a good song to listen to, although you have more than 1200 songs to choose from? I'm just in one of those weird moods I guess. I want songs I don't already have. The grass is always greener on the other side...


{..::current..mood::..} good
{..::currently..reading::..} Harry Potter and the prisoner of azkaban
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} "Manamana" by the Muppets and Animals
{} The pound key (#) on the keyboard is called an octothorpe.
{} Sydney and Vaughn walk into Syd's apartment, Vaughn's cell phone rings
Vaughn: Hello?
Agent Eric Weiss: Hey, Kendall has something he wants to show you.
Vaughn: Ah, can it wait?
Agent Eric Weiss: Apparently not, he wants to Sydney too. Are you with her?
Vaughn: Ah, no. I haven't seen her.
Agent Eric Weiss: You're in bed with her right now, aren't you?
Vaughn: Trying. Just find out what he wants.
{} Michael: "Listen, Maxwell. You're a sensitive guy and you have available to you one of the top three seduction lines in history with 'It's going to help me find my home planet'. And you're refusing to use it. No guy is that sensitive. Use it."


Wednesday, February 25, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Why must some patients be such asses...

Ever wonder why some people are just complete asses? I had that thought today, as did the other 4 techs working with me. Last patient of the day, fine whatever. Of course it has to be a patient that some infectious disease. Rush, rush, rush to cover certain things in the room, get all dolled up (gowns, masks, gloves, the whole shebang). Trying to co-ordinate all the people was so much fun, because you need the "dirty" and the "clean" techs. It's all good, but annoying at times. Any ways, we're taking the pictures and sending them through the processor. Fine and dandy, right?

Wrong!! No one was really checking if our films were coming out, until after do all the pictures. Plus this patient is a complete asshole, hence the topic. This whole time he's making accusations, touching everything, just totally off the wall. All of his IVs were twisted and stuff so he wasn't able to give himself a shot of morphine, so that just made him insane. Complaining about everything. Sure I don't blame him to a certain point. If I were him I'd be a little mad, but he was telling us we were doing it on purpose and all this crazy stuff. That we didn't care, or didn't know what we were doing. No reasoning with him, that's for sure. By the time we finally got all the film out of the processor (turns out no films were coming out...what a shock, the processor not working), we were all feeling like two inches tall. I swear some people just can not be patient. I've been there, I've been that patient in lots of pain, but I'd never treat them like that. It wasn't our fault the processor was eating our films. But no explaining to him....seesh. Just a total prick. So then came the 10 minute clean of the room or remove all the possible contamination from him. You'd have be there to totally understand, it's just sometimes people are rude, inconsiderate jerks. We're there to help them get the appropriate care they need and they think we're just out to get them. He wasn't even that terribly old. Maybe mid forties or a bit older. Just grr... But I digress...

Today we had a pot-luck for out dark room guy, who because we're going to digital sort of lost his job. He's the sweetest old guy around though. Going to be sadly missed. He got another job, as a result. He's close to retiring as it is, so it would have been an awful shame if he lost his job so close to retiring. Just so sweet and caring. Since the first day we were there he was always making conversation and just one of those sweet guys. The lunch was really good, he really liked it, so that's all that matters.

Then I had some conversations with my teachers from last year. They had come to the lunch today, because before they were teachers they worked at this hospital. So had a nice chat with them. They were concerned about my health, so got to go into that whole spiel. Just reminds me of how many health problems I have at such a young age. Oh well, by the time I'm really old, I'll just have my own medical team, as I always say. HaH! No one thinks it's as funny as I do though. *shrug*

Oh so I watched the series finale of "My big fat obnxious finacee." Sort of a big let down in my opinion. I thought the last episode would have been way better. Instead it all mushy and stupid. Her family was so mentally challenged. Steve was the best part of that show, Randi always drove me nuts. I don't know, I just thought the ending sucked beyond belief. Could be the show changed in that last episode because the family went all awol half way through the episode. But I thought the reveal about him just being an actor would be better. Instead there was just a lot of hateful looks and stuff. Scary family. My family loves me but they'd never act like that crazy family. But now we can all rest at ease because they're closer and came to realise just how important they mean to eachother. Aww, excuse me while I reach for my vomit-bag. BARF!BARF!BARF!...

But I digress for the day for I am totally spent!


{..::current..mood::..} indifferent...but wishing I could turn back the hands of time...
{..::currently..reading::..} Well I did start Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban..
{..::currently..watching::..} I was watching Roswell until it went all musical menu on me.
{..::currently..listening::..} the annoying music to my roswell DVD telling me to pick the episode or know that little intro music or something on the menu annoying if you don't turn it off in 5 seconds
{} Ancient Romans at one time used human urine as an ingredient in their toothpaste.
{} Vaughn: This watch belonged to my father. It's broken now, but it used to keep perfect time. And when he gave it to me, he said, "You could set your heart by this watch." It stopped October 1st -- the day we met.

MARSHALL: I know what you're thinking, "Hey, Marshall! I need my kidneys!"

{} Kyle: "You tell me and I'll tell you. How far did you and Liz get?"
Max: "We saw into each other's souls. How about you?"
Kyle: "Second base."
Max: "Well, we can't win 'em all."


Tuesday, February 24, 2004


Which Kim Possible character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

So according to this, I'm a genius. Yes, that's right you heard it straight from the horse's mouth, I a'reckon I'm a bonifide jean-us, oooh doggie...

Monday, February 23, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Monday, Monday

What a crazy day. I ended up spending the whole day in the angio suite watching two endovascular therapy procedures. It was very interesting. I now have a better idea of everything involved with the procedure. It definitely beats having to have full blown surgery to repair your aneurysm that's for sure. Pretty intense though.

So I'm starting to get a little more stressed about the abstract due in a week. At least observing the procedures today helped, but it's a headache. I actually left there feeling drained and exhausted.

Other than that I'm doing ok. Still feeling incredibly crappy though. I slept horribly this weekend and my back is killing me all the time. I'm thinking it's my liver causing the pain but not completely sure, nevertheless it sucks horribly. Then my headache decided it was time to reappear, along side my dizziness/faintness. I wish I could just get rid of all this stupid stuff, it's driving me insane. Hopefully by using the treadmill more and eating a bit better all this will go away. It did go away a bit more after I used the treadmill more, so here's hoping.

I had this most brilliant subject to talk about today, and now for the life of me I can't recall it all. I swear I have some sort of memory lost thing. I actually feel like I'm becoming slower mentally. It's weird. It could just be stress though. I really need a vacation. Maybe I can convince my parents to a weekend in Grand Forks or something. When would be the question because it's going to be crazy for the next month. I did find out that this weekend will be my last weekend rotation. Come May though I might or probably will be working weekends, but at least I'll be making money there, so yay. I need the money. Contrary to my mother's beliefs seeing how she was mocking me and my money jar. But that's a whole other issue...

Well I still have another free 2 hours, so I think I'll fit in some more homework... Later Dayz...


{..::current..mood::..} crappy... I have the worst headache followed up by a round of dizziness
{..::currently..reading::..} textbooks about CT scanners and such
{..::currently..watching::..} Roswell
{..::currently..listening::..} Roswell episode "River Dog"
{} The first British ship to use the SOS distress signal was the Titanic.
{} MARSHALL: He also happens to own the largest collection of pornographic art in all of Madrid... Which I thought was an interesting fact, Sorry


Sunday, February 22, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Ugh! Oh how I despise you Sunday Night....especially with no ALIAS

Yes, it is you, Sunday Night. You and I go way back and yet I've never quite gotten over my hatred for you. Well that's not one hundred percent accurate. I only like you when there is no work/school/something the following day. You were well liked during the summer and such, but now that's it's the eve of a new work/school week, you are despised. I seriously dislike Sundays. They remind me of how I have to get up early again, and barely have the time to just sit down and relax. Of course I need to get over this because I have many years ahead of me of despised Sunday nights. Only time will tell...The only good part about Sundays are ALIAS, which of course has another 2 week hiatus, DAMN YOU ABC!!!
At least I can watch my DVDs or taped season 3 episodes until the show is back.

Another uneventful weekend. Although I was spoiled, yet again. My mom bought me my memory card for my digital card (of course I do need to pay her back in time) and we finally got XP! I'm so psyched. Of course it takes a long time to install, but it so far has been worth it. Well actually our cd burning programs aren't compatible (something I need to work on) so that's not the greatest but there are other cd music burning programs on the computer. I just have to figure my way around it and it will be all good. I'm kind of sick of the computer right now though, too much computer for me, ack!

Today I was actually pretty busy. I woke up and finished finalizing what I needed to in regards to the computer upgrade for the first little while. Then I became a little clean freak. I went cleaning crazy. I sorted a LOT of laundy. I swear, no one must have had any clothes upstairs because there was no shortage of clothing in the basement to be washed. Plus I actually did a bunch of homework. I'm so happy for myself. I still have some I didn't do though. It would be a miracle if I ever fully completed my weekend goals in regards to homework. I even did some research for my research paper. It was actually quite productive.

Nothing exciting or witty to report, unforunately. Just regular updates of how boring my life really is. But I have the feelings all that is about to change...or I could be on crack (probably the latter). Any ways, time to do more homework... Later dayz...


{..::current..mood::..} somewhat satisfied with my weekend accomplishments
{..::currently..reading::..} Endovascular related articles
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} "I Believe In A Thing Called Love" by The Darkness
{} Ivory bar soap floating was a mistake. They had been overmixing the soap formula causing excess air bubbles that made it float. Customers wrote and told how much they loved that it floated, and it has floated ever since.
{} VAUGHN: you're cleared to read classified documents and you get a government salary, which isn't much.
WILL: compared to what I make now it's... much.


Friday, February 20, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: EW!! Ew!! and other interesting findings

Ewww! I sat down at the computer and all the sudden my hand felt wet after touching the arm of the chair. At first I thought it was just because I had washed my hands a few minutes previous to coming here. Alas, I was wrong. Looks like someone sneezed right onto the arm of the chair. EWWWW!!!!!! How gross, and I know exactly who did it. Gross, gross, gross... So I sprayed it good with carpet cleaner. Actually I used the pet stain and odor kind, but that is just sooo incredibly gross. Ew!

In other news, I have no other news. I'm on crack actually. Yep, you heard it first, I'm on crack.

In other news today, looks like Angel fans around the world are teaming up again, a-la-Roswell style to save their favorite show. Why can't they just let sleeping dogs lay. Roswell didn't fair well with it's big move to UPN, nor did Buffy. Although Buffy's move did provide us with much shirtless Spike... *drools*

... Ok what was I saying, oh right shirtless Spike...yum... Any ways, as I was saying, moving the show to UPN will probably kill it more. Now I'm not a diehard Angel fan. I'm more of a fan of Spike being on Angel fan more than anything. I was torn about Roswell then and well turns out it's move wasn't the greatest, so Angel should probably just get laid to rest before it totally becomes ruined. Just give us the naked Spike hour and we'll be all set.

Oh and today I performed the cardinal sin in the angio suite. I let go of the exposure button before the radiologist told me too. Now this was the only thing you were not to do, under any situation. Every student before me warned me of this. That is like just killing yourself, only you don't, you get the drift. Luckily for me, he wasn't too terribly mad. Phew! He just sort of told me to "pay better attention next time." Which of course I replied with a "so sorry and it will never happen again." In my defense he was probably a second away from telling me to stop anyways, but nevertheless I mistaked his saying something else for stopping. At least he didn't scream at me or something. Phew! It all worked out in the end, but boy was I scared. He sort of has this frightening appearance and has been known to blow-a-gasket at people before so I got off pretty lucky.

Here's the best of my findings. I've diagnosed my dog with a squirrel complex. See yesterday during the day my dog went through the garbage. So maybe she really has some sort of raccoon/squirrel complex, but that is beside the point. As I was saying, she went through the garbage and took out some spoiled meat I'd thrown out. Stupid me, yes I'm allowed a few of those a year, forgot to put that garbage bag outside in the garbage pail. So on the way home from school my mom told me how the dog did all this and was sick on the leather couch and all that sort of stuff. Later on, I'm all alone watching Friends, Survivor, all those fun Thursday night tv shows. I go to sit down in the chair down here and I see something shoved in the corner of the cushion. At first I thought it was just a sock all balled up because my mom had been matching socks. So I reached down and wouldn't you know it, it was some turkey. Gross... My dog is hording food again!!! I swear she thinks she's some sort of squirrel. She also had some in my brother's bed and ate some in my bed because I found dried up pieces of turkey. Sooo incredibly gross.. It's a gross-me-out-conspiracy....AHHHH!!!

*spoken in Fez's tone* I said "Good-day"!...*close door behind self*


{..::current..mood::..} strange...
{..::currently..reading::..} nothin' darlin'
{..::currently..watching::..} still nothin' I a-reckon
{..::currently..listening::..} "Save Yourself" Sensefield
{} Clans of long ago that wanted to get rid of their unwanted people without killing them used to burn down their houses - hence the expression ’to get fired’.
{} [Unveiling a building model]
Mugatu: I give you, "The Derek Zoolander Center for Kids Who Can't Read Good."
[Derek looks at the model for a moment, then throws it on the floor]
Derek Zoolander: What is this? A center for ants?! How can we be expected to teach children to learn how to read if they can't even fit inside the building?
{} Derek Zoolander: Rufus, Brint, and Meekus were like brothers to me. And when I say brother, I don't mean, like, an actual brother, but I mean it like the way black people use it. Which is more meaningful I think.
Derek Zoolander: If there is anything that this horrible tragedy can teach us, it's that a male model's life is a precious, precious commodity. Just because we have chiseled abs and stunning features, it doesn't mean that we too can't not die in a freak gasoline fight accident.


Thursday, February 19, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Not being able to breathe properly sucks!

So here comes a shock. I'm allergic to something I ate at dinner. Or at least that's what I think happened. I've been congested ever since. Then again we are talking about me...need I say more.

So nothing all that new or fantastic going on. Everything is pretty much the norm. Good, or bad I don't really know yet.

I did get my Roswell DVDs this week though. It's good, but they totally changed the special features, that now the DVDs aren't as grand as they were going to be. Maybe only a few extras and all the commentary looks like it's not the greatest. They took out the best parts, ie the gag reel and deleted scenes. I'm glad I bought it though, but it still pisses me off when things like that happen. But second season is supposed to be released this summer, hopefully the special features will be better there and that they won't be subject to change. I haven't watched more than one episode because I've been in a weird mood lately. So far none of the music is different from the first episode, so yay to that. Still Dave Matthews Band at the end, and Sarah Mclachlan's "fear" when Max gives Liz the flashes. So it's all good for now. I'm just curious to see what episode's music was changed and if it really is good or not. Only time will tell...

Yay, only another day and it's finally the weekend. Pretty much the last one before all hell breaks loose. Seriously. I get this one off, the one following that is my weekend rotation, then normal weekend, then I'm evenings (weekend sucks then) then the following weekend I think I'm working nights. Then normal (or two can't remember) then i'm on CT evenings so another semi-shortened weekend. It's all crazy I tell you, CRAZY!!!! Nights will be insane. I still have to figure out which tech I'm going to be working with. That will be insane. How do you go from working at 8am on thursday to working at 11:45 on Friday until 7:30am Saturday. Then again you have to work at 11:45 Saturday, etc.. Continue on Sunday night. Then you get monday to sleep (although you don't get home until like 8 am on Monday). Then you get tuesday off, and you're back to work normal schedule at 8am on Wednesday. That is seriously going to through me off. My sleep pattern will be massively messed up. I'm naturally a night owl, but I don't think I'll be capable of sleeping during the day. I'll seriously be going to bed when people are getting ready for work or whatever. Sure this all comes as a part of working at a hospital and working shift work, but it still sucks. It's all CRAZY!! AHHHHH....

Now for the reason for posting. Just another weird thought I had today. Ever get those days where you just know something is going to happen, it's just going to be some time before it does. You don't really know what's coming, you just know it's en route. I've had that feeling a lot lately. Something big is coming, mark my words. It's just weird. Lately I keep having these weird feelings of hospitalization, which is totally insane. It must be because I "work" at the hospital or something. It's just creepy. Very...


{..::current..mood::..} mad because i'm all congested and coughing...for no apparent reason
{..::currently..reading::..} casting the runes...i'm crazy, d'uh
{..::currently..watching::..} I was watching ER, but then I forgot and actually turned off the TV and missed the end of the episode. Just like I did while watching Survivor, damn me!!!
{..::currently..listening::..} "Wake me up before you go-go" Wham
{} Ernest Vincent Wright wrote a novel, "Gadsby", which contains over 50,000 words none of them with the letter "E."
{} Derek Zoolander: Oh, I thought you were going to tell me what a bad eugoogalizor I am.
Matilda: What?
Derek Zoolander: A eugoogalizor, one who speaks at funerals. Or did you think I'd be too stupid to know what a eugoogoly was?
- Zoolander [2001]


Sunday, February 15, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Argh!

Well what an adventurous day. It began with some baking. Yum! Then I did a bunch of little things waiting for a phone call from Theresa because we had plans for today to go to Le Festival Du Voyageur. Any ways, I finally got a phone call giving a time and place. So I get my stuff in order. Then I get another phone call, plans have changed and she'll get back to me.

La la la la, time passes. Finally another phone call with a totally revised plan. Then a bit later she phones back and once again the plans have changed. So on and so forth. In the end she ended up coming over for a few hours and that was about it. But man was that a confusing day. Poor Theresa trying to figure it all out and relying everything to everyone. Oh well what's done is done. Oh and btw Theresa I finally read your story and I really like it, I want more. Yah you heard me, I want MORE!!

So yay it was ALIAS night...but boo another 3 weeks until a new episode. DAMN YOU ABC!!! Ok I'm done cursing them. The new episode is jam-packed with loads of coolness and I have to wait *pout* this upsets me immensely. Oh well it will be worth it...maybe if I keep repeating that I'll start to believe it myself. I can't wait...

Plus only a few more days until I will own my dvds yay.

Oh and on a sad note. No more Spike next season. BOO! Damn you WB and your cancelling of Angel. I hate you! First they cancelled Buffy and Roswell (luckily UPN picked them up, although they didn't quite better the shows) and now they've decided to end Angel. How evil. How will I live without my James Marsters hour. What is wrong with the television stations in the world. Next year will have nothing on it but ALIAS (although that's not a bad thought) but still no more Friends, no more Spike, no more this or that. I'm just bummed. I was just beginning to enjoy Angel and now it's going away. GRRR!!! But I digress..

Then I actually did some homework today, imagine that. It's been a long time since I spent my Sunday night actually doing homework. I still have a bit more reading to do but it shouldn't be too bad. I should also get cracking on my abstract for my paper seeing how it's due in two weeks. Yikes! If it's not one thing with this program it's another. Ugh!

Any hoo, it's time for me to go and read about angiography... Later dayz...


{..::current..mood::..} tired from treadmill
{..::currently..reading::..} well i'm about to read about angiography
{..::currently..watching::..} I just finished watching ALIAS (could have been better, but some classic Marshall lines)
{..::currently..listening::..} to Charmed, my mom is watching it
{} Your stomach needs to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks or it would digest itself.
{} Vaughn: Do you have any questions?
Sydney: Yeah, can you show me what a paper bag looks like again?


Saturday, February 14, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Die evil computer...and other topics

I tired to post on Friday, but because my computer is evil I was unable to. It likes to defy me and freeze alot. Everytime I tried to post or just use notepad, it froze. It was evil. Theresa was able to use it though. So I'm convinced it can sense when I'm using the computer and acts up on me. Wow I said that and it went all crazy on me. GRR!! Hopefully I'll win some money or something and beable to buy XP. Then again I'll be very upset if I get the program and it doesn't do a damn thing, but I have hope it will make using my computer an enjoyable thing, rather than frustrating.

Once again Valentines day has come around. It has no importance or value to me, but then again I'm a single gal so I don't really have any one to celebrate it with. I did get some movies from my mom though. So I guess my mom is my valentine....ack!!!

Now back to exam talk...

Well I got my mark and I've plateau'd. My marks are now a consistent B+ so yay me!! Still some people failed in my class, but no one at my basesite so yay. The exam review was long and tedious at times but I survived. Plus there was some free food. Yum! We had a potluck for my clinical instructor because she's going away to have her baby soon. So we had cake and all sorts of foods. It was really nice. We were all crazy funny though. Teasing eachother and everything like that. It was lots of fun. Probably the best exam/test review we've had. Maybe it was all that sugar they ingested. All in all it was good. Plus I got a kick-ass mark on the exam, so I was worried for nothing. Happy, I am.

Today I didn't really accomplish much. I did sort through my container of pictures and memorbilia today though. So many memories, good and bad, but really funny at times. I found a list of "Things I want to do before I die." That was hiliarious. Some of things on there were so hiliarious that I was actually laughing out loud. I threw out the list because it was so off the wall. Then I scraped my idea to work on my scrapbooking, so I had to refile (put back in albums) a whole bunch of pictures. Man that took almost all afternoon. Then of course I had to try and figure out the dates on some pictures, which was always fun. Spent an hour there, trying to match it up with other pictures. Of course being the idiot that I am, didn't really look hard at the pictures because I could have easily figured it just by looking at the type of glasses I was wearing in those pictures. It was just too funny when I realised how daft I was. I kept wondering and wondering and flipping through pictures just trying to match up anything and had I just looking at my glasses I would have easily discovered they were from 2000. Oh those were good times. So now all my pictures are back in albums, all neat and tidy. I'm just happy again. Plus I'm starting to put the dates on the back now. Maybe some day I'll get back to the scrapbooking, but for now it's just not going to happen. Damn you school!!!

Oh and then yesterday I got the surprise of my life. See I have this friend I met in university and she's originally from India. Any ways, a few years ago she told me that if she ever got married, that I was invited. The only catch is that her wedding would be in India. Good news though, all I would ever have to pay is airfare and spending money. So time had passed and we haven't talk all that much, but we're both busy with school and work, etc... I never thought we'd still be in touch by that time but low and behold I got an e-mail yesterday.

In this e-mail she announced she's getting married. I was in a state of shock and surprise. I knew she was really close to a friend in India and they were having a long-distance relationship, but I never thought they'd be getting married so soon. Any ways, so now I'm invited to this wedding in India. I was all excited and thought, "cool, what the chance of a lifetime." Then reality hit me. Unforunately for me, her wedding is during July. Of course this means I can't go because of my damn program. I tried to rationalize being able to go for a week and just making up the missed time after I finish the course, but my mom decided to crush my dreams. Theresa even volunteered to go with me. See my mom has this crazy thought that I need a month to go, not just a week. Of course I don't have the money, but I was willing to find a way come hell or high water but *sigh* I lose. So damn you x-ray program!!!!!! Why couldn't she have just picked a date after August 20th, why?!?!?!! *drops to knees and shouts to the skies, fisted hands pointing to the skies* WHY?!?!?!? Any ways, if she stays there maybe I can come and visit once I've finished this program and stay for the month that I mom says I have to say...So there is a silver lining. Or at least I keep telling myself that. Just frustrating.

So now I have all these travelling plans once I graduate from this program. First there my trip to Mexico (well my mom really wants to go there next year, but I doubt it will happen). Then there is Europe with Theresa. Of course I won't be able to go for the full time, because I'll just be new to the job and what job would let someone go away from a month so soon after starting. So so many places to go, so little time and money. I just can't wait to graduate and start working so I can have money. Hopefully I'll keep my marks where they are on the next final exam. That means I can work as an undergraduate, making $15 an hour. So yay!!!!

So obviously these exam hell has worn off because I'm like a giddy little school girl. I'm just excited about everything. Then again maybe it's due to the medication I took earlier. I don't quite know, but it's scaring me. Of course it really was scaring my mom and Theresa last night, but it's funny as hell to me.

Two more days, two more days. Yay, two more days and I'll finally own season one Roswell. YAY!! So excited. I'm very intrigued to see what songs had to be changed so that the show would be able to go on DVD. Damn licensing rights and crap! But still very exciting.

Less than 1 day until new ALIAS!!! YAY!!!!! Guest start Quentin Tarentino (sp??). That should be soooo interesting. He did have a voice cameo in the episode where we learnt about Sydney's lost 2 years. He was so involved her in going away. That episode better be worth it because I'll have to wait another month for the next episode. But it sounds really good, so I'm thrilled. I'm a happy little clam right now.

Oooh yay, it's time for "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy." That show is hiliarious. Any ways I think I've said enough, I already feel like I'm a motormouth today so I'm off to enjoy this fab-u-lous show. LOL. It's just funny...


{..::current..mood::..} Giddy and fulfilled for some strange reason
{..::currently..reading::..} nothing .... yay!!!
{..::currently..watching::..} Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
{..::currently..listening::..} same as above...if not I'd be listening to Elton John
{} Just how the idea of people in love came to be associated with Saint Valentine's Day is a bit uncertain, even though at least two Valentines were in love or helped those who were. Our best guess is that Valentine's Day goes back to a Roman festival called Lupercalla. When this festival was celebrated on February 15, girls put their names in huge urns or vases. Boys each drew a name from the urn. The girl and the boy who drew her name were considered sweethearts for the coming year. This custom was later popular in England. There the boy pinned the name of his sweetheart to his sleeve and wore it for several days.

A few superstitions have become a part of Saint Valentine's Day. Birds and animals are believed by many to begin mating on February 14. A girl will marry the first eligible man she sees on Valentine's Day. If you pin bay leaves to you pillow and eat a hard-boiled egg filled with salt, you will dream of your lover on Valentine's Eve. If an unmarried girl goes to the graveyard at midnight on Valentine's Eve, she will see a vision of the man who is to become her husband.

{} Will (on the phone): Hi, um, I don't know if I'm talking to the right person, but I need to borrow a million bucks. The Olsen twins went public, and I'm looking to invest.
Sydney: (smiles) You'll need some collateral. I don't think you've got any.
Will: Well, have you seen my aqua blue Chevy?
Sydney: You mean, with the hula girl on the dash? Yes, sadly, we've seen that.


Thursday, February 12, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Everyone at our site passed the exam ...sweet

Yay us. We all passed our exam (well the 6 of us at this hospital site). I hope everyone else did, though. Even better is that we passed before the exam went for review with all the clinical instructors. Usually they end up throwing out a few questions, so our marks should go up now, meaning we'll be getting higher than our "preliminary" passing marks (whatever they may be). So it was all good news today.

I've decided that spring must be coming soon, because man oh man were the guys at work cheery. It was actually really humorous today. Dave was just too funny all day. He actually phoned down to another student and asked her if she'd rub his feet. What a nutcase. Then he left us stranded on the 5th floor (stupid security and their controlling of elevators) but I got him back because I found his lead marker and held it hostage. mwwhahahaha. Then Mark was all crazy today too. So I'm convinced that there is something in the air because these guys are like I said maybe it's almost spring and these guys are restless. yikes lol

So I'm watching Friends and I just marvel at how much I'm like Monica that it scares me. I'm watching the new episode (yay pheobe wedding) and I was watching an old episode on TBS. I love it how she was yelling at Ross that he couldn't help because he "didn't know the system, you don't know the system." Man it's scary sometimes. I swear I'll be her in a few years. So very frightening sometimes... I never would have thought that Pheobe would get married though. Althought I always thought her and Joey would have been too funny for words, but oh well, I can live with this. Plus there was a poodle (i think it was poodle). Just too funny... But I digress...

So exam review tomorrow and pot luck, yay! So I must go off and make my pasta salad...Later Gators...


{..::current..mood::..} still braindead and in the mood to shop
{..::currently..listening::..} "I want a new drug" Huey Lewis and the news
{} Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.
{} JACK (to SLOANE): personally, i would have found it anticlimactic. that after expecting to assemble a weapon of ultimate power, you ended up with a revelation you could have acquired from a fortune cookie.


Wednesday, February 11, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: 5 More Days...yay!

Post exam day....need I say more but blurg! Blurg summarizes it all.

Back to the main topic of yay five more days. I can not be any more excited than I am right now. First of all, I just found the official site for the Roswell DVDs. I've been waiting for that. It's all snazzy and all very exciting. Plus it said seasons 2 and three are coming soon. Even better. But best of all, only a few more days. I just hope they're $65 like the other tv series I have, rather than $80. Although, I do have gift certificates left over from christmas and I just got some Valentine's mad money from my grandparents. Unforunately for me, I need to buy windows' upgrade XP, a memory card for my digital camera and of course Roswell season 1. I need to find me a sugar daddy... lol

I actually have more better news. My newest favorite show ALIAS, if finally back on this Sunday. I'm very much looking forward to it. But what pisses me off the most is that this is the only new episode until March. *gets shrieky* MARCH?!?!?! What is the means of this? I hate you ABC!! I need my ALIAS!!! I need more funny Marshall lines, more hating of the whore (aka Lauren) and last but not least, I need my Vaughn/Sark watching. Of course naked Vaughn would be the best episode ever made. Sadly I don't see it in the future....Just means I'll have to watch my dvds of ALIAS this weekend (which could help me drown my misery from receiving my exam mark on Friday).

Then I went to Theresa's blog and found she'd updated a lot of it and changed the colours. All of which are wonderful. Man you study for exams and fall out of the loop and come back to craziness.....ack! what is going on... Actually that reminds me that I have to set up a fondue party or something. Maybe a girl's night where we watch movies (ALIAS) or play games (ALIAS) and fondue (ALIAS)....Need I (ALIAS) say more (ALIAS).... We'll see....

ooh but here are more quizzes (like I didn't have enough multiple choice questions today).


Which Pale Moonlight guy should you be with?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're BABY!
You're Baby, and Rosiekins ADORES you, she loves
you dearly, she'd do anything for you! You're
very smart and intuitive, and oh so adorable!
You're also a little snooty, being VERY picky
of who you associate with. You've almost died
four times from bouts with urinary tract
infections, and would have been put to sleep if
Rosiekins hadn't of thrown many fits. You love
life, and have been through hell and back to
survive. You like spending your time fighting
with Fluffy, and cleaning Prince, because you
can't STAND for things to be dirty (and we
think you're gay). You're probably obsessive

Which CAT Are YOU?!
brought to you by Quizilla

Love. You Truly Desire Love. You long for someone
to hold you and take the pain away. You haven't
been in much relationships or you need to work
on how to handle them. You always seem lost in
a daydream about the person you care about


What Do You Truly Desire? *PICS*
brought to you by Quizilla

Virgin to many things you are. Just get drunk and have sex dammit. And not with yourself anymore . . . .
Congratulations!! You're a glass of water!! . .. um

What Drink Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

But as time ticks, I'm reminded that I have to finish cleaning my room *shudder*... It's amazing how much of a mess one little room can become during exam time....mwhahahaha


{..::current..mood::..} mentally exhausted and apprehensive
{..::currently..reading::..} NOTHING .... yay
{..::currently..watching::..} ummm Celebrity Mole and then something about LOTR (all of which my mom is watching and I'm semi-watching)
{..::currently..listening::..} same as above
{} The name "cranberry" comes from German and Dutch settlers. The berry was intially called "crane berry." The reason it was called this was because when the flowers bloom, the petals of the flowers twist backwards and look very much like the head of a crane. Eventually the name was shortened down to be "cranberry."
{} SYDNEY: my math skills are above average, but i can't do advanced calculus in my head.
SLOANE: that's why you're going in with marshall.
MARSHALL: marshall who?


Sunday, February 08, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Wow three posts in one day

Your soul is connected with Nocturnal Beauty. You
like darker hues, and love Celestial things
like moons and stars. To you, nothing is better
than sitting outside, looking at the
constellations. I recommend you take a look
into some Wiccan books, they have a little bit
of Celestial Majik in them.

Which Beauty Is Your Soul Connected With?
brought to you by Quizilla

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Third Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Moderate
Level 2 (Lustful)Very Low
Level 3 (Gluttonous)High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)High
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Moderate
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Low
Level 7 (Violent)Moderate
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante Inferno Hell Test

My Phase is Olbos

Which Phase of the Greek Tragic Cycle Are You?

Take More Robert & Tim Quizzes
Watch Robert & Tim Cartoons

Ballet Shoes
Ballet shoes- beautiful, graceful, and creative,
you enjoy dancing writing and music. You are
often very poetic and sometimes dramatic. You
keep to yourself aside from a few close friends
that you can relate to. [please vote! thank
you! :)]

What Kind of Shoe Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are the blue moonlight. You are peaceful and
serene, kind and loving. Your heart never
stears you wrong. You let out uncertainess with
tears, and you let out fear with light. The
blue light means distance. You are afraid to
get to close to people. You have been betrayed
once before and can't do it again. Your dream
job could consist of a counsler or a traveler.
You love humanity and lonliness. You will have
love in your life and will never pass by
unnoticed. Your beauty attracts many, but your
personality is rare. The uniqness in your mind
will always separate you. You can always find
yourself lingering near the ocean, thinking
about life. Your head seema to be up in the
clouds, though you body is down omn Earth. You
change and each time come back a better person.
The blue moonliht will always guide to safety
in the darkest hour.

What shade of moonlight are you? (Boys or Girls)
brought to you by Quizilla

You came from the future. You have wisdom beyond
your age and are always thinking ahead. A
favorite poem of yours is "Autumn" by
Emily Dickinson. You have strenth and
independence. Intelligence and creativity are
your strong points and you always try your
best. Your heart shines through hatred and
always discovers truth. Often you are found
looking ahead and wondering what put us on this
Earth. Your heart is in the right place, but
don't let your wisdom shine through fun. Your
worrying can often prevent you from finding
friends, but your nice and caring spirit makes
up for it. Wisdom is your soul.

Where did you come from when you were born?
brought to you by Quizilla

you're a blueberry! you like keeping warm during
winter and luv shaded blue things. thanks for
taking my quiz...wanna rate it?

Which Type of Berry Are You? (8 outcomes, w/pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla

It looks as though you're just a little Fudged in the Head
'Fudged in the Head' PLEASE VOTE!!!

What Type of Lunatic are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla


{..::Topic::..}: My head is actually going to explode

As per topic, yes my head is actually going to explode. My head hurts so bad that I can barely look or read a textbook without my head spinning. It's horrid. When will the madness stop?!?!

Continued with the studying today. Thank goodness for sunshine, though. I spent most of the day studying by the front window, where the sun shine just pours in. I find it rather relaxing and enjoyable. Much better than a kitchen table or desk. I just wish it were warm enough to be studying outside again. I enjoy that the most. The warm sunshine pouring down and it just makes a much better environment to study in. Well at least I think so.

Other than studying this weekend, I endulged in watching quite a few movies. I began with watching "Le Divorce." It was interesting. Don't exactly know how I feel about it yet, but it was enjoyable. Some parts were pretty funny and others were just scratch-my-head-going-huh. Not bad though.

The next movie I watched was "Under the Tuscan Sun." I really enjoyed this movie. Predicitable but still an enjoyable movie. The scenary was all breath taking. It simply makes me want to visit Italy more than before. The life there looks so peaceful and relaxing. So very different from here. Just the thought of going somewhere like that on a vacation and staying seems wonderful. Then again, it could just be the idea of being away from everything is very appealing. Everything was just so incredibly beautiful in this movie.

I also watched Heart and Souls. It's an oldie, but a goodie. Kind of lame, but I still think it's sweet. Plus I even watched Ever After. I just adore that movie. I loved it since it came out. The dress she wears in the begining when she goes and frees that guy (bad with the memory) claiming to be a countess, inspired my grad dress. Just the whole idea of going from rags to riches is so intriguing. What can I say, I'm a hopeless romantic and always will be...


{..::current..mood::..} still exhausted
{..::currently..reading::..} still reading textbooks
{..::currently..watching::..} well I was watching Ever After
{..::currently..listening::..} the fan that is next to me


{..::Topic::..}: All study, no play make me crazier...

So it's finally Sunday, and I have 3 days until my exam. Well a little less than 3 days, but who's counting? Oh wait, yeah, I am. I am counting down until I flunk out, just kidding. I'll do good, I'm sure of it. Optimism is the key to success, right? Let's hope so..

This weekend has been filled with loads of studying. Actually I haven't exactly been studying as hard as I should have been. It's not like I'm not trying. Last night, I was asleep by 11:30. How sad is that? I finally had the house to myself and I passed out from exhaustion at 11:30. I forgot how exhausting studying can be. Come September I'll be too exhausted to even think straight, lol.

So finally I have the house to myself again. My dad is a very pissy mood right now, so I'm really glad he's taking the dog for a walk. He's been in a pissy mood for days. Must be taking new blood pressure medication or something. He literally turns me off of ever getting married for fear I'd end up with somone like that. Scary. He actually had me crying before school on Friday. Within 20 minutes of being up and I was in tears, how retarded was that? He actually got mad at me for having gas. Can you imagine that? He drives me crazy sometimes. We're not allowed to blow our noses if he around and eating (like we'd ever do that on purpose mind you) but he can do it whenever he wants. If you give him the exact same look, then you're automatically in trouble so it's mental. Having gas is almost not allowed. Like you can totally control it. I swear he's so retarded. You'd think he was from some sort of victorian era or something. Very strange man. I just hate it when he's all pissy like this. We all can't do anything right, and he's a god or something. Whatever, as soon as I finish this course, get money I'll be out of this house, yay!!! Maybe 'cause it's exams, I find him more annoying than usual but I swear he goes out of his way to be annoying. But I digress...

School is still pretty annoying. Friday was filled with "Chrissy you have to do everything and we're just going to guide you" or "we're not picking on you, it's just if you students are going to run the rooms you have to be able to a lot more." Yikes! Still annoyed with all that. We haven't been formally told that we're going to be running the rooms yet, but the techs have been and they're being all retarded. Usually the students begin to run the rooms in May, not February, so we're just trying to figure out what the hell all this is about. It was wearing thin with me on Friday. Our instructor has turned into some sort of crazy person (those pregnancy hormones must be messing her more than we realise, or maybe it's the new instructor...hmm).

Oh well....back to studying...later gators...


{..::current..mood::..} sick of studying....yet worried I haven't even begin to study
{..::currently..reading::..} a bunch of various textbooks
{..::currently..watching::..} the sands of life slip through my fingers
{..::currently..listening::..} "Landslide" by the Dixie Chicks
{} The YKK on the zipper of your Levis stands for Yoshida Kogyo Kabushibibaisha, the world's largest zipper manufacturer.
{} Marshall: That sound - you know that boom? That's my mind blowing.


Thursday, February 05, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: This day just keeps getting better and better

Can you taste that sarcasm?

This day actually progressively got worse. To think, I for some odd unexplainable reason, was looking forward to today. Yikes! The day started ok. Barely nauseous at when I woke up, so that was really good.

Portables went good in the intensive care unit.

I was in the OR alone, and everything went really good. Yay, no doctor yelling at me. Always a bonus.

Then from about here, things began to go sour....

I come out of the OR all happy that things went really good. By this time it's first lunch (11 o'clock is first, noon is second lunch, so that there is always someone in the dept). See I thought because two of the techs had taken first break, they'd both be taking first lunch. Of course no. So I was supposed to go for lunch, but did I know that, no. So I was helping another classmate with another room. Then I told my people that I was going for lunch and the big man (the guy in charge of that area) and he was a little miffed I hadn't already gone. Seesh. Like I can read minds...

Any ways, I go have my lunch. I come back and there is absolutely nothing to do. I wonder around, then I stop and chat with the front desk girls and a tech. Shortly thereafter I was paged to do an x-ray. So my tech and I go and do the x-ray. So on and so forth.

Eventually, more people came back from lunch, but still nothing. Then all of the sudden, one of the rooms had a patient but there were too many people in there so I had to try and find something else to do. The big man tried to send me to emerg, but there were too many people there. So I found some stupid little things to do.

This is where it gets all stupid. The student who works evenings came early and ended up taking over everything. She pushed myself and another other student out a room pretty much. Then started telling me what to do. Totally pissed me off. Whatever though.

Then I get home (late of course) and had a phone call. So I talked with a friend and I think I made an ever worse mess. I totally made my day worse, then I made this friend's day just as bad, I'm sure. I swear I shouldn't be allowed friends. I'm just not friend material. I'm doomed to wander this planet friendless. I swear I just made an ass out of myself and made my friend feel worse. Aren't I just the greatest person. At this rate I would be better if I was stranded on some island away from everyone. Yikes.

Then on top of it all. I found my dog had ripped apart my garbage. She does this from time to time. But she hadn't done it for awhile. Any ways, I found garbage everywhere. There is probably still some under my bed and such. Unforunately for me, I had recently thrown out some holepuncher punch-outs (confetti like), so my entire floor looked like a little mardi gras. Totally pissed me off, even more. So right now, the dog and me are not on good terms. Then I just found out she was rolling around in my dirty clothes. See I had made a pile of clothes to come downstairs to be washed. But being the evil dog she is, she decided it would be more fun to roll around in them and spread them down the hall. GRR....

So I completely just made a bad day worse. I can't even think of anything good that happened. I swear I'm doomed to fail or something. Lately, it just seems I can't do anything right. This better pass soon. All I know is I have the feeling something really bad is coming. It's just a hunch, but something is most definitely coming, mark my words. Hopefully not, but with the way things are going, I wouldn't push it out.

In summary....

I'm so stressed out.
I'm frustrated.
I'm pissed off.

Quiz time...

Your life belongs in the animated disney movie,
Cinderella. Your life may be hard at first, but
it will end with a perfect romance.

Which movie do you belong in? clh
brought to you by Quizilla

Lonliness dominates you. You can hide it well, but
its there, and your friends can see it. You
constantly feel alone, and need to do things to
fill your time. Your afraid to tell people
this, but sooner or later it gets out in a bad
way, and you think you screwed up everything.
And when you are in love is when you are sad
the most. (Please Vote)

What Emotion Dominates you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Sounds about right...


{..::current..mood::..} frustrated
{..::currently..reading::..} textbooks, whatelse
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} Harry Chapin's "Cat's in the Cradle"
{} Fine-grained volcanic ash can be found as an ingredient in some toothpaste.
{} vaughn is prepping syd for a lie-detector test
VAUGHN: have you ever had unauthorized contact with any agency other than SD-6?
SYD: no.
VAUGHN: better. are you romantically interested in anyone? pauses as syd looks up at him. it could be a question.
SYD: no, i am not. lie detector beeps. wait. ask me that again.
VAUGHN: there's no need. we have our answer right here. moving on . . .


Wednesday, February 04, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: the stress is starting to get to me

One week until the two part exam. I'm nowhere near ready and it's horrible. I am screwed. Royally royally screwed. So much to know, so little time. Okay I've had just under 3 weeks, but still ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Plus I still have to get one more comp. CRAP!!!

Seriously I'm losing it, slowly but surely. Stuff I already know like the back of my hand are becoming so damn confusing that I'm now further behind than when I started. It's the worst thing in the world. I understood it all well and then one person just got it all mixed up in my head. GRRR! I hate when that happens. See I'm the type of person that takes a while to fully understand something, but as soon as someone brings it up in a different way I'm gone. They just have to have another way of thinking of it and it sort of wipes out all of my hard work in understanding it. Just frustrates me to all end. Oh well, I just have to study my ass off for a week and then keep at until September... but I digress

Nothing all that much more interesting going on. No morgue visits today, and only two cases in the OR. Good news, I used the newer machine in the OR, yay for me (of course I wasn't fully alone, but I did most of it). Easier to drive, but it's a big machine. Definitely not made for short people like me.

Actually I do have a rant for the day. Stupid security. See there are only two sets of elevators at the hospital that are regularly used. The staff and visitor sets. On the same floor as x-ray there tends to be traffic jams because lots of patients coming and going from our department (and surrounding ones, ie ultrasound and CT) and stuff like that. Well any ways, workers are supposed to get off the elevator, making room for stretchers. Stretcher with patients are the main priority. But so is x-ray. Especially when we are a STAT. Whatever. That's just how it goes. Usually you can get a stretcher and the portable x-ray in the elevator. So today we got there before anything else and once it was free we got in but there was a stupid security guy (I guess directing traffic or being an ass, I'm personally leaning towards the latter). So any ways, we were to get off after the stretcher so we went in first but we had to get the machine in the corner, a little awkward. Usually it goes good though. Unforunately the stupid security guy would not move so we couldn't get our machine in properly, and then our machine acted up on us and we couldn't move quick enough for the ass. The short end of the stick, he kicked us off. Then he had the nerve of making it seem like we were the assholes. All because there was a patient that had come down with his family (which really isn't supposed to be, but whatever). The security guy decided that becuase we were taking a little more time that it was therefore probably making the patient's family feel like they weren't important. So instead our poor patients on the wards that are too sick to come to the department have to wait because the security guy felt the patient on the stretcher and his family thought they weren't important enough. UGH!!! When we finally did get on, we told the guy that when we're on STAT we have the right to kick everyone off, but he just tried to make it seem like who cares and that patient's on stretchers with family come first because they shouldn't have to wait. Any ways I digress... It just was frustrating. I'm not exactly discribing this the way I want to, but my head is moving faster than my hands and it's easier to explain not in typing but oh well...

Any ways, I'm tired and I still have to do more studying. Later dayz...


{..::current..mood::..} hungry and tired
{..::currently..reading::..} Principles of Radiographic Imaging
{..::currently..watching::..} Kate and Leopold (yum Hugh Jackman)
{..::currently..listening::..} Kate and Leopold *drool*
{} In 1971, the postal code was introduced in Ottawa, Ontario.
{} SYDNEY: you look great. . . you lost weight?
WEISS: oh, thanks, yeah. i sort of gave up all the foods that i enjoy. i'm miserable, but i look really good.


Tuesday, February 03, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: I hate it when I'm right and various other thoughts

First of all, I have to get this off my chest. DAMN you groundhog! As I was saying, I hate it when I'm right. Do you think that damn little creature saw his shadow? Huh? do ya? Of course he did not. So another glorious days of coldness. We've actually proceeded to hit -40 again. Oh the joys of living in central Canada in the prairies. So grr to old man winter and bigger grr to groundhog.

On another note, I went to the morgue today. Gruesome thought, huh? Can't say much because I'd be breaking soooo many hospital rules, but I can say a bit about how it felt. Yes, that's ok. As a student, I am not required to go into the morgue to take x-rays of cadavars or whatever the case may be that time. It's totally elective, but (there's always a but) it's advised that if the opportunity arises, to jump on it. So I did. Keep in mind I'm not exactly the person that has the strongest stomach, but I thought what the hell. I told the other two technologists with me, that I sometimes have a weak stomach but if I couldn't handle it I'd leave, and they were totally cool with that.

Leading up entering the room, I was filled with the fear of the unknown. The mind is s racing, as well as the heart, just not knowing exactly what to expect. Once we were in there, it wasn't exactly as I had envisioned (ie, the room, etc..). It actually doesn't look anything like the ones you see on tv (like anything ever does). It was all kind of interesting. The whole experience will probably haunt me for a while (still get a little woozy and the chills just thinking of it). All and all, probably just as one might expect but still pretty damn creppy and gross. Something I wouldn't want to do every day, that's for damn sure.

Okay enough talk of death.

Lately I've been watching all these new(er) editions or what not of reality shows. I watched the new version of Survivor and then I've started to somewhat watch My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance (MBFOF). In Survivor it's all previous winners, right? Maybe whiners is the proper terminology, but potato potatoe. I found myself getting bored throughout that first episode. Could have been because it started at almost 10pm and I was exhausted by that time. Some points were interesting to see though. Of course Richard (1st winner) had to get all naked again. Seriously that guy has issues. Don't get me wrong I'm no prude, but that man is creepy. Any ways, he's all conceited and damn annoying. He hasn't changed at all from the first season, how sad.

The rest of the show was still filled with the usual bickering of the first episode. The "house" should be here, etc.. etc.. It's always the same. Then the whole alliances begin and these people just haven't learnt from their last experiences. Seesh. All and all, interesting to see, but boring at the same time. Hopefully it will pick up soon, but if not, the end is always interesting to see.

Now about the other reality show I've been watching. Now to make things clear, I originally checked out the show because the ads looked so stupid and I didn't see the point of the show. I actually had a conversation about the show one day with a girl in my class. I caught the end of the first episode one day and we were talking. A few days later it was aired again and I was able to watch from the beginning. I thought it was the stupidest thing in the world. Yet at the same time so hiliarious. I say this because it's almost like Bachlorette meets the Joe Shmoe show meets I don't know what.

Last night, it was on again. Theresa was over and her and I had previous had a discussion about this show. I had just finished watching American Idol 3 (another sometimes guilty pleasure) and MBFOF (as I will forever refer to it as) was after it. I left it on and we watched it. It was actually pretty funny again. They had both the families one. Or rather his "family" and her family. It was pretty damn hiliarious. I mean this guy just gets pleasure out of making her life so hard, which makes it so funny. All this so she can win a quarter million dollars. Most of it is so obvious, but she's just so dumb. I just love watching him freak her out. It's so crazy. I might actually keep watching that show. Although I did make fun of it to all ends in our discussion, this episode made it really good.

While I'm on the discussion of tv, how great was last night's episode of Angel? I love Andrew and him being there was just hiliarious. I could have done without the cutting off of Spike's hands but c'est la vie. I really hope we see a bunch more of Andrew. His comic relief is deeply missed.

Any hoo, I've probably stalled or rather procrastinated far to long. Back to the non-exciting world of studying *shudder*. Later dayz...


{..::current..mood::..} tired, mentally and physically
{..::currently..reading::..} my term's final exam plan (ooh so exciting)
{..::currently..watching::..} sadly nothing. I was planning on watching a movie earlier but wound up doing something else
{..::currently..listening::..} the dehumidifer only because my computer hates me and I was afraid to turn on my music on it
{} On average, a hair strand's life span is five and a half years.
{} "Syd...I don't love you for what you do, or what you don't do. I just love you." -Will


Sunday, February 01, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Goodbye January, Hello February

Seems to me that we've already zoomed through January and entered February. February as we all know is the month of love. Being the person that I am, never have spent it with any one special, nor will I for some time to come. Therefore, to me February is just another month filled with reduncies, boredom and of course stress.

This month is filled with massive studying for my exam in 1 and a half weeks to be exact and getting down to the nitty-gritty of my big research project. Sadly I still have not narrowed down my topic, but I'll get there. This month also means we welcome our new clinical instructor and say goodbye to our present one. Frightening thought because this new one has a Dr. Hyde and Mr Jeckell personality, or so I've been told. I don't know what to expect but from the way the techs are talking in the department, it's going to be a bumpy six months. Hopefully between the six of us, we'll be able to put her in her place if she gets impossible.

The best part of February this year of course is the release of Roswell Season 1 on DVD. I'm very much looking forward to that. Only 15 days to go. Yay! Just means I have to get through this exam, and those DVD will be mine. Sweet. This was naturally the best season of the entire show. Less sci-fi and heavy. Plus the extras on the disks look incredible. It's been a long time waiting, but finally it's almost here. Hopefully they're release the other two season too, but no word on that yet.

The weekend was once again uneventful, but if it were any different I'd probably have a heart attack from surprise. lol. I mostly just finished de-cluttering my room. Well that's still a work in process but it's getting better. Looks lots of better. Means I have to now start on my hope chest because I plan on moving out in 5 years at the latest. I need lots of stuff. So soon I'll be starting on that list and such. Growing up sucks some times, or at least it does now. I'm sure that idea will change soon :)

So any ways that is all for now. Lots of studying to do before the night is done. Later Gators..


{..::current..mood::..} non mood
{..::currently..reading::..} my word search book
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} "Return of the Dias" Delinquent Habits
{} soon
{} soon
