Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Saturday, January 31, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: My computer needs to burn in hell...oh wait it's already doing that

Well this is my second attempt at posting. I swear my computer is mentally challenged. I'm just typing away, have maybe 2-3 other programs working in the background and bam! it freezes and I lose everything I've been typing for the past 10 minutes. This had stopped a while ago, so I thought it was ok to type on the site. Now I've sworn it off. I'll just type somewhere else and copy/paste it. GRRR!!! I hate my computer, I hate HP and I especially hate windowsME. But I digress...

Been a while since I last posted, but I've been plumtuckered out. It's been a little crazy for this past week. Evenings ended on Thursday. I'm going to miss the sleeping in part. But I forsure won't miss the getting home at midnight aspect. Thursday night started off really busy, but then suddenly stopped and became really quiet. Really strange. I was able to get quite a bit of studying done though, so that was good. Unforunately I never did get any more comps, so this week is going to be comp week. Hopefully emerg will be upstairs or something and I can try a comp or two. Yay.

Friday I had our little seminar. It was good. It was at our hospital this time which was nice, but the tunnel to get to the Educational building was all twisty-turny. It was nice seeing some of the people from my class last year. But for the most part, I could have done without them. At least we made a t-shirt decision, well sort-of. Plus we pretty much have grad all figured out, so that's two done. It just sucks that the people in charge of the committee think they get to make all the decisions and to hell with every one else. They're such bitches but whatever I guess. At least I got out early yesterday so that's all that mattered.

Seeing how it's the end of January, my license renewal was due. I had asked my mom if she could take it in for me, seeing how she was going to be in the area. I was thought I had signed everything that needed to be signed, of course I didn't. So when my brother picked me up after school we had to go down to the DMV. So we go to Portage because the one on Regent is usually insane and I wasn't sure at what time they closed so I thought it was safer to go to Portage Ave. Any ways, I get there and there's a fairly short line. Yay for me. I'm standing and standing then all of the sudden a worker comes over and asks if i was just a renewal because there is always the few people that are standing in the wrong lines and slow every one else. So she checks my license. Of course when my mom tried to bring it in earlier that day, they found it was missing a signature so they gave it back but signed it a bit. So naturally when I brought it back, it put a little warning sign on it. So the lady says she needs to take it and "verify it." So I hand her my present license so she can "verify" it. The idiot walks off with it. I'm thinking "where the hell is she going with it and what is she going to verify it to." Meanwhile keep in mind I'm not more than 5 people away from the cashier. So I wait and wait. I had to let people ahead of me being she was taking forever. Any ways, I see in the back with her boss and keeps pointing at me.

Finally her and the boss come over and the boss asks for my present license. I hand it to her, saying how my mom had brought it in for me and I simply had forgotten to sign the back. She says to her worker "All you do is look at the picture, see it's her [insert more boring dialogue] and then that's it." The worker then walks off, doesn't even say sorry or anything. The boss says sorry, we just wanted to make sure, and that I was next in line. Grr. Totally pissed me off. I thought it was so sad that I knew what to do but the worker didn't. I mean I did hand her my license and she looked at me as if I were on drugs. Seesh, just pissed me off more. You have to remember. I worked until about 11:30 the night before and wasn't able to fall sleep until almost 2 am then had to be up at 8am so I could make it to my 9am seminar. So I wasn't in the mood to stand and wait for the idiot women to realize when I handed my license to her she could verify it like that. I seriously have no idea where she thought she could verify it to. The woman was clearly on crack. But it was like I had a bullseye on my forehead because I was younger there. Seesh. I knew the DMV was filled with idiots but she took the cake. I've never had problems until then. Luckily the boss was really good about it and said sorry. The other woman was just so snooty, grr.

Then today I went to wal-hell, man I hate that store. If I never go there again, it will be too soon. But I digress.

And I'm spent....


{..::current..mood::..} pissed at computer
{..::currently..reading::..} my thoughts
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} theresa talking
{} One million cloud droplets are needed to make enough water to produce one raindrop.
{} Sydney: Vaughn, why are you doing this? My life is already a disaster . . . now yours is, too.
Vaughn: What happened between us - everything. The way it is . . . isn't anyone's fault, Sydney. And even though everything's changed, some things don't. I'm not gonna lose you twice.


Thursday, January 29, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Quizzes, I have quizzes

You are glucose. People feed off of you. You are
sweet, caring, and a source of energy for
everyone around you. You can inspire others
with your creativity and depth, and you can
keep people alive when in times of famine.
People love you...or at least the way you

Which Biological Molecule Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
HAHAHA...too funny for words. Me being the source of engery for everyone around me. LOL. Inspire others. What the hell is this quiz smoking.

You are going to Marry orlando Bloom. He will
always treat you right and is very romantic. He
will do anything for you. He is very polite and
has deep brown eyes and is very good looking
(which is another plus!). He can make anythind
cheesy look really good (like sliding down
stairs on a shield shooting arrows or wearing
pointy ears for example). Congrats!!

Which male celebrity are you going to marry? (10 results that have pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla
Yay! Ok it's not the real reponse I initially got, but I didn't agree with the quiz, so I retook it and got Orlando Bloom.

You are going to Marry Josh Hartnett. He is really
shy, but don't let that fool you. He is really
outgoing and sweet with those he loves and will
be loyal to them for the rest of his life.

Which male celebrity are you going to marry? (10 results that have pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla
This is what I initially got and did not agree with them. I don't even like Josh Hartnett. Strange.


What's your sexual appeal?
brought to you by Quizilla
So exciting....yikes

Congratulations! You're Elrond!

Which Lord of the Rings character and personality problem are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Seriously, what the hell.


what's YOUR deepest secret?
brought to you by Quizilla
OMG, how did you know. shhh....

You are one of the few out there whose wings are
truly ANGELIC. Selfless, powerful, and
divine, you are one blessed with a certain
cosmic grace. You are unequalled in
peacefulness, love, and beauty. As a Being of
Light your wings are massive and a soft white
or silver. Countless feathers grace them and
radiate the light within you for all the world
to see. You are a defender, protector, and
caretaker. Comforter of the weak and forgiver
of the wrong, chances are you are taken
advantage of once in awhile, maybe quite often.
But your innocence and wisdom sees the good in
everyone and so this mistreatment does not make
you colder. Merciful to the extreme, you will
try to help misguided souls find themselves and
peace. However not all Angelics allow
themselves to be gotten the better of - the
Seraphim for example will be driven to fighting
for the sake of Justice and protection of those
less powerful. Congratulations - and don't ever
change - the world needs more people like you.

*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~*
brought to you by Quizilla
See I always knew I was angelic.

I'm terza rima, and I talk and smile.
Where others lock their rhymes and thoughts away
I let mine out, and chatter all the while.

I'm rarely on my own - a wasted day
Is any day that's spent without a friend,
With nothing much to do or hear or say.

I like to be with people, and depend
On company for being entertained;
Which seems a good solution, in the end.
What Poetry Form Are You?

{..::Topic::..}: Winterpeg Strikes Again

I keep forgetting to post about the weather. It's so blantly in my face all the time and yet I still forget to post about it.

It's been brutally cold here lately. It's probably warmer up north, such as the Artic or something. It's just horrible. Days like -50ºC degrees out. Seeing how I don't get off school/work until almost midnight it's mighty cold. Luckily I can get into a nice and warm car because my family will pick me up, but I couldn't imagine taking a bus or something. Scary stuff.

The temperature is so cold that even school buses aren't running because it's too cold for kids to stand outside. They might as well just cancel school, seeing how most schools don't even have school tomorrow as it is. I feel sorry for those little kids, stuck inside all day. Actually I feel more so for the parents, they have to really bundle up their kids or be stuck with cabin fever kidlets all day. Yikes!

Tomorrow it's supposed to warm up to -20ºC but we'll see. Here's hoping. As it is I have about 2 inches of ice on my window because my window sucks. The whole house is freezing and we don't want to turn the heat up really high because of the cost, so instead we freeze or have heaters on all over the house. I couldn't even imagine being in this weather more than a hundread years ago. Just too scary to think about.

Although it's so cold out, I'm still seeing people that are going outside in barely any protection. Yesterday on my way to the hosptial I actually spotted some guy with no winter coat, mitts, hat or anything. Just two shirts on. That horrified me. It's more than -50ºC with the windchill and you're outside in next to nothing. You're skin get frostbite in seconds at those temperature. Just scary. I don't think I ever remember it being this cold out.

This winter started out fairly well. It was mild, not too much snow, just nice. Then January came and blew all that away. It brought horribly cold temperature and massive amounts of snow. I wouldn't be surprised if the groundhog doesn't see his shadow next week. There is no way winter will be over before 6 weeks. Horrible horrible. This just makes me want to curl up in bed with a nice book, some Tim Horton's hot chocolate and some relaxing music. Of course this is reality and the closest thing I have to that is sitting on the couch or at the kitchen table with a school textbook. Grr! But there is light at the end of the tunnel, yay!

Well back to the books....grumble grumble


{..::current..mood::..} good
{..::currently..reading::..} x-ray textbook stuff
{..::currently..watching::..} nada
{..::currently..listening::..} my dog barking at my brother's girlfriend
{} The male howler monkey of Central and South America is the noisiest land animal, which can be heard clearly from a distance of ten miles away.
{} "For four months, I did nothing. I was so terrified of what I did not know. I was so terrified that I was paralyzed. And the longer that went on, the more terrified I got. Wanting to know the truth but being too afraid to find the answers. " - Emily


{..::Topic::..}: What a crazy night

Tonight was interesting, to say the least. I arrived to learn there was no water, which means I couldn't do x-rays because we need water to process the film. Another advantage of going digital this wouldn't matter. Any ways, it was just nuts. Lots of phone calls with management and stuff. Turns out we actually did have water but that wasn't until later at night. At one point we didn't have water but it was back eventually. It was nuts though. So much to say about it, so little time or will to type it now. At least it wasn't that bad of a night. At points it was because of the chaos and then all the x-rays that had to be done, but we got it all done good. Phew!

Other than that, not much that went on today. I studied during the day, and slept (apparently sleeping 8 hours wasn't enough). Tomorrow I have a bunch of crap to do though. Get my credit card all updated, get my license renewed, return a dvd I got, etc.. etc.. I'm sure there is more that I'm leaving out though. Plus tomorrow night I have to come home straight from work (midnight), crawl into bed and leave the house by 7:30ish for a school seminar. Yuck! But at least I won't have an insane Friday to work....that'll be my next evening's rotation. hehe Maybe tomorrow night actually...

Any ways, I'm tired and have a horrible head-ache so I'm off to bed. Toodles..


{..::current..mood::..} sleepy
{..::currently..reading::..} x-ray science related stuff
{..::currently..watching::..} *shrug*
{..::currently..listening::..} Temptation Island (my mom is watching is right next to me)
{} New York's Central Park is nearly twice the size of the entire country of Monaco.
{} "Syd when I walked into your apartment. I saw you lying there, I thought oh god don't let me miss a chance to tell her how much I love her" -Vaughn to Syd


Wednesday, January 28, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: So exhausted

Now that I'm doing a week of evening shifts (or rather 4 of them), I'm even more exhausted and finding myself accomplishing less now. ACK! I thought I was supposed to get more done now that I have all day to do homework and such. Guess I was informed wrong. But tonight's shift wasn't too bad. Kind of quiet, so tomorrow will forsure by a massive pain in the ass. Maybe because it's like -50 outside no one is leaving and getting hurt or something. *shrug* it's all strange....

Today I saw the dietitian and you know what? She didn't like my jello diet so much. I can't imagine why though. hehe. But we did come up with some ideas for food that should help me, so yay! Only now I have to take two calcium pills a day seeing how I don't eat much dairy due to allergies. Of course, I never remember to take the one, so let's see if I remember to take two. So right now I'm on this big fiber and fruits and vegetable kick, so lots of stuff like that. I bought some frozen fruit and I'm going to see how that works out. Should be interesting. Good news though, I've lost weight since I saw the liver specialist. Yippee! I'm right on target. Of course this may because I pretty much only eat jello, but who's to say that's bad for me. lol.

Guess what I forgot to tape last night?

You guessed it, Angel. How could I forget my spikey. I was so mad when I got home and realized it. Now I have to download the episode and everything, so much hassle for one little episode. But it's spike, so it's ok, I'll go to that trouble.

But I did remember to tape Days today. Yay! It was the big killer reveal. I already know who the killer is/was but I still wanted to see it. Supposedly this is only half of the story. There is a huge twist in the plot to the reason the killer is who they are. Damn my theories though. I really thought Alice being the killer was the best idea. Then again, who am I but a lowly x-ray student.


{..::current..mood::..} extremely exhausted and hungry but ok
{..::currently..reading::..} something
{..::currently..watching::..} something
{..::currently..listening::..} something that has steve martin in it
{} There was a 19th century Native American tribal chief who went under the name, "Not Able to Fornicate."
{} "Uh, listen, I made you a, um, mixed CD of all of the most popular songs over the past few years. Not so you can listen to all the impossible boy bands they keeps churning out with…except for J.T..Timberlake…that guy can move… whatever…But more importantly, because it’s scientifically proven that sounds trigger the CA3 region of the Hippocampus in the, you know…long-term memory." ~Marshall to Syd


Tuesday, January 27, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: First evenings shift

Tonight was my first evenings shift, hence the topic of this blog. I'm still trying to understand why they are so much better than days. As it stands, I prefer working days so the jury's still out on this one. I actually was early for my shift by a half-hour and then had a fairly quiet night. So tomorrow evening should be really busy, either that or Wednesday will be super busy. But I am pretty tired. I enjoy the not working until 4pm, so I get to stay up a little later and wake up later in the morning. Now I'm just a little confused on times and such. I need at least an hour after work to relax so I'll be up until 1am before I call it a night, and then I have to get up early tomorrow because I have the appointment with the dietitcian, ugh. Oh well, c'est la vie.

Then today just as I was about to leave my grandparents dropped by with my birthday gifts. So that was nice, plus I finally have my mitts with idiot strings, yay. I'm a simple minded person that likes idiot strings on my mitts, leave me alone. hehe. Any ways, I finally got my popcorn maker and I can't wait to try it out tomorrow. Plus I got the "Pirates of the Carribean" and "Sleeping Beauty" DVD and a camera bag for my new digital camera. I was spoiled, they really bought too much, but I'll take it :) Any ways, I'm exhausted and therefore it's time for me to go to bed...nighty night


{..::current..mood::..} tired with a headache
{..::currently..reading::..} some x-ray book
{..::currently..listening::..} some old disney movie my mom is watching. It's strange the kid is like best friend's with a turkey and of course it's thankgiving, I'll let you put two and two together
{} A person uses approximately fifty-seven sheets of toilet paper each day.
{} "I'd offer you passage back to civilization, but my submersable only seats four." -Sark


Sunday, January 25, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: The Butterfly Effect

I finally got to see this movie. It was actually really good. I was a little hesitant before seeing it because I didn't know if Ashton Kutcher could pull it off, in comparasion to his other roles. He did really well. It was actually believeable.

The beginning was all chaotic and confusing, but by the end you fully understood everything that had occured but in a satisfying way. The movie did jump around and leave you scratching your head at times, but it all came together. Certain parts were just plain creepy, and by creepy I mean very very distrubing at times. So strange how changing one little event could change the story as it did in those cases. Another enjoyable fact is that even I could not predict the exact end to the film. Usually midway through a film lately, I'm able to figure out the end, but this time I couldn't. Not that I was thinking of it much because I was so engrossed in the film. It's actually one of the better films I've seen in a years.

The theme of going back in time and changing it for the future is often done, but this time it was a little different. Really makes you think. I always enjoy that sort of theme. Imagine if people could actually do this. Man, would there be crazy worlds. It's just interesting to me and I think this film really captured the essence of that topic. Pretty much that no matter what we can't play god and that certain things are just meant to happen. This was really explored here.

All and all a good movie. A lot better than I expected or hoped. Creepy at times, but it all had reason and that made it worthwhile.


{..::current..mood::..} Relaxed
{..::currently..reading::..} nothing
{..::currently..watching::..} "French Kiss"
{..::currently..listening::..} French kiss's ending credits music
{} The colours yellow, red, and orange are used in fast food restaraunts because those are the colours that stimulate hunger.
{} "Hi.My name is Marshall J. Flinkman, and I'm here to rescue you." -Marshall


Saturday, January 24, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: I made my room a mess by cleaning it

First of all, the world is right again. I realize I may have been a tad dramatic, but I already stated that fact, nevertheless it's alright again.

Today was the day I decided to do a half-assed clean sweep of my room. Of course in the process, I messed my room up beyond all recognition. I did get very heart-less and threw out a lot of stuff, or put it aside to be sold at a future yard sale or whatever. Man, I have a lot of crap. The only thing I won't part with are my old penpal letters and such. I love those things. Thinking about it I miss those days. That is the days before e-mail existed. Everything was so much more personalized, well most things were. Don't get me wrong, the e-mail is great too but old-fashioned mail is soo much more personal. I need to get more penpals or something, I miss getting letters. Any ways, I still have hours of cleaning and stuff. So much dust and garbage everywhere. I also realized I have to work on my scrapbooks just so that I don't have as much junk in my room, yikes! I was amazed to find as many McDonald's happy meal toys, still in their bags, lol. I'm such a pack-rat. Hopefully I'll get everything in order by the time I have to move out (ok, so that's about 60 years away lol). Then again I only have 7 months of school left (8 if you include the national exam), so maybe I can get it all done.

Last night I went back to Club Regent with Theresa and I finally won again. Ok it was only $10 but it was better than nothing. I actually won it on just spin, which was cool. I barely had any nickels left then bam, 5 oranges meaning 200 nickels. It was sweet. I'm still pissed at this old broad that would not leave the machine I wanted but it worked out in the end because I won the ten bucks, mwhahaha.

So yay my throat doesn't hurt any more. The rest of me still does though. Boo! Which reminds me I need to get on the treadmill tonight. Plus I see the dietitican this week. Boo and yay. Boo because they take weight and tell you what you're doing wrong and yay because maybe I'll find some better alternatives or something. Here's hoping.

I got new shoes today, yay! Nothing beats getting New Balance shoes (really good brand) for $55, on sale of course. I love having small feet, yay to children sized feet. I only have to pay one tax and they're always comfy. Now I have two pairs of really good shoes. Of course my mom is making me get rid of more shoes as a result. I almost got two pairs of shoes today, but they only had the one pair. Funny how a few years ago I couldn't get enough shoes and they had to be "tall" shoes. Shoes such as platforms or chunky or whatever you want to call them. I wouldn't even consider them if they didn't have more than a few inches on the soles to make me taller. Now I can't even walk wearing the same platforms I wore almost every day just a few year ago. A true tell-tale sign that you're getting old, when you find your old shoes painful and hard to wear. LOL. Now I only wear runners and sandals in the summer, and barely any of them have much height to them. So different now than then. Times sure have changed.

Right before I forget I keep meaning to post the picture of my birthday cake. My brother and his gf thought it was so hiliarious, the buggers. So here is a picture of it. To view it you just have to right-click it and click on show picture, that usually works. If not just click on the picture and it will link you to the picture.

But time for me to return to the mess, formerly known as my room. Later dayz...


{..::current..mood::..} a little down because my liver hurts
{..::currently..reading::..} old letters
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} Faith Hill's "Breathe"
{} In ancient Greece, throwing an apple to a girl was a way to propose for marriage.. If the girl caught it, that would mean she accepts.
{} "I Think I said 'I can smell you from here' In Ewok" -Marshall


Thursday, January 22, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: I am The Zeppo

Maybe I'm being a tad melodramatic or something, but I think I'm actually disappearing from existance and becoming the forgotten one. It begins slowly and only know have I noticed. At one time I was lively and well liked. Now I'm lucky if people even remember I'm in the room or something. Have I done something so horrible that I don't even remember it? Am I that horrible of a person? Honestly, because it's really starting make me wonder. If past lives in fact do exist I must have done something horific, in regards to all the crap I'm putting up with now. Maybe I am a spoiled princess or something, I don't know but I'm fed up. I'm about to pack my bags and just leave. If it weren't for this damn program I'd probably be doing something worthwhile. I swear I need a vacation or some sort of purpose in life. Maybe I'm having a quarter-life crisis or something, again. I'm just trying to piece together everything that has gone wrong lately.

As it turns out, my week hasn't improved yet. It's actually plummeted more, if that's possible. Sadly there is still another day this week. I can only imagine all the wonderful things that are still to come. I know, think positive but sadly I have and it's not done a damn thing for me. In fact I think it's making things worse. I woke up today wanting the day done as it was. It started off that great. I was almost late for school, yet again. I swear I cannot get my father to leave 5 minutes earlier. Sure I should be thankful for just getting a ride to and from there and it's not like I'm not thankful, all I want is to not be so fricken rushed in the morning. I literally have ten minutes (if I'm lucky that day) to get in the hospital, changed, take my stuff to the classroom and then report to the room I'm in for that day. It would be easier if they were all close but they're all 5 minutes apart because of all the stairs and curves I have to take. The morning wasn't too bad then BAM! it hit, req after req kept coming and we couldn't get ahead of it. I'm sure that could have been my fault, I swear I was just incompetent today. Nothing was going good for me. Juts another horrible day in what I've dubbed "the Worst Week in Years." Then the whole afternoon was devoted to reviewing the test (where I made so many STUPID mistakes, ugh it makes me furious). Then my evening plans fall through, like they always do. Thank god the day is almost over and for melodramatics. But hell I'm pissed and I have every right to be. Nothing makes a girl feel better than being forgotten, but hell I'm getting used to it.

Hopefully next week will be better.


{..::current..mood::..} pissed off and fed up
{..::currently..reading::..} nothing
{..::currently..watching::..} Tru Calling
{..::currently..listening::..} commericals?
{} "Write this down. E-M-E-T-I-B. You got that? Now reverse it." -Syd


Wednesday, January 21, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Waiting for the other shoe to drop

You know the saying "things come in three," well I'm waiting for that shoe to drop any time now. Another pretty crappy day. I got to the room and no one was there again, strange I think to myself. Not even the other classmate, oh right she's in Beausejour and the highways are closed, still where are the other two techs. Finally I get a phone call saying the other techs are in a staff meeting. So I'm left to run emerg alone. It was ok though, it was only simple skeletal things like fingers and hands, nothing extravagant. Then later in the day I just kept making such stupid mistakes, it was awful. Probably because there was a fracture clinic. Just at the end of my lunch, the out of town girl showed up but by then the dept was all messed up because the processor had to be cleaned and all this crap like that. Whatever. We go down to the room and find a shit load of req's need to be done. There was only one tech there and she was having crappy luck with what she was doing, so it was taking a lot longer than she anticipated. So we sent her for lunch, and the remaining three of us worked our asses off before we had to set up shop in the main dept. Then we find out we're short some porters, so emerg patients would be coming up slowly and just stupid crap like that.

The day just was crappy like that. Plus I woke up again feeling nauseous and just horrible, I even had to take half a gravol today it was so bad. So that's why I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. Two down, one more to even out the bad things in three. Maybe that will be tomorrow, seeing how we're getting our finalized marks back from the test. Alcohol here I come, which is saying a lot when it could potentially kill me or make me incredibly more sick. On the bright side, someone remembered my birthday. It wasn't even a classmate. It was a tech. I didn't even know he knew, but he remembered. This is when two of my classmates, who were standing with us, realized they missed it. They all felt horrible, and said I should have said it was my birthday yesterday, but I'm just not that kind of person. I'm not a big attention seeker, and such, but it's still nice when people remember. It was nice that David remembered though. When I asked him how he knew, he told me another student had told his earlier in the week. Still didn't make my day all that much better. But nice nonetheless.

Here's hoping tomorrow is a little bit better than the previous two days because I'll just scream if they're not.


{..::current..mood::..} i'm beyond moods and feelings
{..::currently..reading::..} my digital camera's box
{..::currently..watching::..} my cursor blinking at me
{..::currently..listening::..} nothing
{} Female rabbits can get pregnant twenty minutes after they give birth to a littler. They also do not ovulate, so they pretty much get pregnant everytime they have sex.


Tuesday, January 20, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Birthday's no longer exist

Well today was crap! First of all I'd like to say, as per title, that my birthday no longer exists. Obviously it doesn't already. Only my immediate family, one aunt and my grandparents remembered my birthday. How sad is that? Even after last week when my classmates teased me that my birthday was coming up. They all forgot and it's written on the calendar. See this is why I don't have them any more. I'm the invisible person.

My day started off pretty crappy as it was. I woke up feeling like I'd been hit by a semi truck a million times and then was visited by the nausea fairy during the night. As a result I didn't sleep well that night before. Luckily I didn't have such a stressful day at work or anything. Actually I got to work, just a little before I started (really I was just BARELY on time) so I decided to go straight to the room instead of dropping my bag off in the classroom because that would have taken an extra 10 minutes, making me late and my instructor pissed, so I decided not to. So no other worker is there yet, no other student. So after about 5 minutes, I decide well I'm going to ask my instructor if I'm supposed to ask for any one at MRI, when I go there, plus we needed supplies. So I go up and wouldn't you know it, my classmates and my instructor were all waiting for me. Paint the big loser on my forehead why don't you. There was message on the board telling us we were having a meet and greet with our new instructor, as our present instructor is about to leave because she's pregnant. Therefore although I got to work on time, I was late to a meeting I didn't even know existed.

So MRI times comes I go and do that. Once I'm done (of course 15-30 minutes later than I was supposed to, but whatever) I go to my locker so I can have lunch, which takes 20 minutes to do because I was walking through the tunnels and stuff. I ended up taking a way shorter lunch than I was deserved but because I took my study today, I was out at 1400 so returning to work a little after 1300 seemed dumb.

So my day at work was fine. It was just the rest of the day. I was supposed to go to the Keg for dinner, but I don't eat steak and my stomach's been acting up so why would I go there. This didn't bode well with my dad but whatever. Then my dad doesn't get home until after 6pm and he's usually home way before that. Then my brother has to take his gf to work and he has a little fender-bender with another car, so by the time he got home it was well past 7pm. The everyone decided to just do their own thing. Eventually I got to open my presents. Spoiled again, but at that point I was so tired and feeling crappy that it didn't matter. I'd even gotten in trouble with my dad for, get this, stating the truth. How dare I. The man can't handle the truth sometimes whatever I guess. So we left for dinner.

In the end I thought, let's eat at the Royal Palms at the regent Casino, it's something different. We get there, look at the menu and think ok that's good the stuff looks good, so we are seated. Five seconds later I realize almost every meal comes with corn chips or something corn. Of course I have a corn allergy so we had to leave. Really embarrassing seeing how we has JUST sat down. I was mortified, not just for that but because my dad went up to the waitress and asked if they served fries instead. I didn't even want fries, I just can't eat corn chips. So we decided to eat at AALTOS, and it was ok, nothing spectacular though. Neither parent were pleased with their meal, and it just made my night worse. Then we decide to go gambling and I couldn't win anything. I think the most nickels I won, was 50 nickels in one draw. My brother on the other hand won $30 on those machines. I guess it evens out somewhat seeing how on his birthday he lost and I won $10. But I've never played that crapily before. I finished my money so fast it sucked. I couldn't cut a break. Finally we called it a night and went home.

When I got home I decided to check my e-mail, nope nothing there. Answering machine, nope nothing there. Looks like people forgot about me. Maybe that's a good thing though. Last year's birthday was crappy too, but this was by far the worst night in a long time. Nothing went right. The moment I left school my day just plummeted, deep deep deep.

In summary, at least my immediate family, Chrissy2, grandparents and one aunt remembered me. Sure people are busy, but still. Similar stuff happened last year too. Maybe people might remember tomorrow...but the hurt's already there.


{..::current..mood::..} I feel no more
{..::currently..reading::..} nothing
{..::currently..watching::..} time pass from my lame existance
{..::currently..listening::..} nothing
{} Today was my birthday. --- There's something useless obviously


Monday, January 19, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: My last few hours being 21

Well today was the awful test day and all I have to say is "ugh!" Nothing more, other than I'm taking a few days off, but then it's back to the grind because that 6 hour exam is only 3 weeks away, AHHHH!!!!

As it seems, it is my last day being twenty one. Another year gone and not a lot different, sadly. But yay presents, although I have no idea what to expect. See I was rather spoiled at christmas and there was not much room for more in my life. Only time with tell. Plus it won't be a taxing day at school or anything. See I have a rotation in the morening at MRI, then I'm taking my study at 1400 so I won't have all that much work to do tomorrow. Interesting, yes. But I need the time to get comps and such, oh well there is always evenings next week.

Yay post Alias day! I finally was able to watch the episode. It was funny because the mummy from "the Mummy" movie series was on the series. It was interesting to see though. Episode not as good as last week unforunately, but good nonetheless. Now I have to wait until mid-february to watch the next episode, grrr to you ABC and your playing stupid ass movies instead. At least it was finally revealed that Lauren was evil, YAY!!! Plus Vaughn and Sydney kissed, yay....but boo Lauren, when will they learn!?!?! But I digress for one night...


{..::current..mood::..} meh...tired and feel like crap
{..::currently..reading::..} nothing YAY
{..::currently..watching::..} Angel...stupid Harmony themed episode
{..::currently..listening::..} Angel and Theresa on the treadmill
{} There was no punctuation until the 15th century.


Saturday, January 17, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: My brain actually hurts

I'm already sick of studying and I have SO much more to do. Of course our instructor has decided to stick the fear of failing in our heads in regards to the big big national exam in September. So in her world we're supposed to just studying our asses off 24/7 until we write that exam. You know, what's a few months where you lose touch with civilization, life and all that good stuff. Because in the end, once you pass that first time, you'll be able to travel and make money, and the world will be your osyter so why waste these last few months. All that yadda yadda stuff to instill fear in our little hearts. I think she actually made us more nervous for Monday's test though, dangnabit! GRR! Oh well. So my weekend goal is to lose touch with life and studied my ass off to acheive a good mark on this test like last time. I've actually been studying since I woke up. So much positioning needs to be straight in my head and pathology, so much, so little time....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH. Ok better now....

And back to the exciting world of radiology and walking on my treadmill at the same time, wow so multitasked.....


{..::current..mood::..} sick of studying
{..::currently..reading::..} radiographic positioning
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} the dehumidifier
{} i got nothing.....for now


Thursday, January 15, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Gosh darnit, I jinxed myself

****Warning this post contains absolutely no sense and many ramblings from a stressed out student....but also Days spoilers...

So you guessed it, I've gone and jinxed myself. Today wasn't exactly the best day at work/school. Not much laughter involved, boo. First I tired another comp because I need 3 in about 4 weeks and of course I didn't get it because my patients was just too hard to do a competency with. Oh well, there is still enough time and hopefully, I'll get the comp next week when I'm in emerg, because that room is a lot bigger than the room I was in today. Then I was running ragged trying to keep up with everything. I was working in another room then I jumped back to my room and the stupid resident decided it was easier if he did it on his own, in reference to turning on and off the barium running during the barium enema. So fine whatever, that resident is an idiot any ways. I was doing it properly, he's still stuck in his ways of doing things on his own with no help. No many of patience for him, but whatever. Then later, I'm helping the other rooms again and I go to do a chest exam and of course I get this whacko of a guy. He was scared and mad, but he was sure coming off a little koo-koo. He was going on and on about calling his lawyer and stuff. Luckily the doctor stayed with him the whole time, phew, no crazy guy attacking me! lol. The same guy later was talking to me and telling me how scared he was, totally understandable but still yikes, some patients you never know what to expect. Suffice it to say it was a nuts day, with not as much laughter. Boo to you!!

So tonight is treadmill night. Really I should be studying but health first, then school. See I can always work something out with school, but not with health. It's pretty much a one time deal...or is it? Any hoo, big test Monday, and I'm incredibly worried. I've been trying to study for weeks, but with no such luck. It's like I open my book and I get bored or I feel I already know that stuff. Soo bad. I need good on this test because the final is two 3 hour parts in February. *runs around the room like a chicken with it's head cut-off* AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! ... ok back now. So much to do and soo little time. I also have to fit in research for my research project, I think I have a topic now, but still so much to do... School BLAH!!! I miss my old university life, oh the good 'ol days. Granted I was barely taking anything, at least I had time to do projects and studying. Now it's like more like this :
6:56 - Wake up
7:01 - Crawl out of bed complaining and contemplating what the hell am I doing in this program and thinking, tonight I'm for sure going to go to bed earlier because I'm exhausted
7:20 - Finished getting dressed and just finishing breakfast
7:25 - Look at time and realize once again I'll just barely get to school on time and get an evil look from my instructor
7:30 - Finally leave the house with dad
7:50 - Arrive at hospital and quickly change
7:55 - Arrive in classroom and get a weird look for arriving just barely
8:00 - Finally get in the dept and work
9:00-9:20 - Coffee break then work till lunch
11/12:00- Have a 45 minute lunch and chat with fellow students then work
14:00 - Coffee time again, then grudingly return to work
1500 - Ugh still another hour before I get home
1600 - yay home time, go back to locker
1620 - dad finally arrives
1650ish - walk in door and collapse on bed from exhaustion. I'll just lay here and relax a few minutes before I start to work
1730 - hmm let's check my e-mail and type in blog before I get to homework, that won't take long, nope
1800 - wow I should do homework and pull out books
1806 - return to room and pull out books blah blah blah then sit on bed with them
1900- I should go on treadmill, so drag a book or two down but somehow end up at computer or sometimes end up on the treadmill
2100 - wow I should have done homework, ok study study study, get tough you can do it or you'll fail
2115 - wow I still haven't accomplished much, but now I'm too tired to do anything
2230 - crap! I've done absolutely nothing, AH!!! I'm so going to fail. Tomorrow will be different, maybe I'll go to bed earlier tonigt
23:30 - Ack! It's 11:30 and I have to get up early, but damn I just wasted another day. Tomorrow I'll make it up though, really I will.
23:40 - Gone for the night
Seriously. It's like work work work, and should be studying, should be studying. Sometimes I actually glance at the work, but it's soooo hard some nights. Mind you not ALL nights are like that, but lately it seems that way. Usually it's like 1500-1000 reading notes, hilighting, reviewing, etc... Maybe take a few breaks but it's lately just killing me to sit still. Luckily today I took my study so I'm able to get more done, then again I've been home maybe an hour and I still haven't got to homework. Once again I thought, ooh I'll use my program about radiology and yet here I am blogging away. LOL...

Of course at lunch, Erin and I usually discuss the up and coming storylines on Days of Our Lives. We've concluded that Alice is either the last victim or the serial killer. Sure that makes absolutely no sense what so ever, but haven't you often wondered where Alice is? We never see her....hmmmm. Ok really we're just fed up and can't think of the killer's identity. All we know is that show is going downhill fast. Seriously they've been killing people left right and center. Then they make Jen pregnant, as if it's a christmas miracle and such after losing her husband, whom she finally got back with. Now she has to choose between her own life and the baby. UGH!!!! Oh well, just another few weeks and we finally get to learn the identity, well the viewers do. Still grrr. If the killer is in fact a female, then who the hell is it. It doesn't make sense. See it's a regular character, not someone brought in and it's not going to be one of those, mistaken identity body snatchers kind of deal either. So if they killed Jack, Abe, Maggie, Caroline, Cassie, Roman, Tony, who the hell did it. See Maggie was relieved that the killer was there before they obviously killed them, Abe seemed to know them well because he wasn't surprised or anything, as for the others I don't know. But then again they offered Maggie alcohol, when everyone knows she used to be an alcoholic, so really? So of course it's Mrs. Alice Horton. Yup, actually it's Stefano who was able to get all dolled up to look like Alice and has in fact being living as if he's her since he faked his death. LOL Okay it's funnier to think of it that way. So if it can't be Marlena which made perfect sense, then who? See Marlena is obviously the one who we're supposed to think the killer is because she's been acting so weird, but that's too obvious. Sure there are theories it's really Hattie and not Marlena seeing how Stefano did all stuff years ago about getting his "Queen of the Night" and had surgery down on Hattie to make her look like Marlena, to one day take over Marlena's life and then he's have his "Queen." But once again, far too obvious. Then it can't be Celeste because why would she have all these visions and ghosts visiting her and telling her she knows who the killer is. Unless she's the killer and the writer's are screwing with heads. See it's all retarded and then again here I am complaining when I should be studying GACK!!!!!

Ok I'm off to do some studying, seriously...


{..::current..mood::..} Panicky (is that even a word)
{..::currently..reading::..} Notes still
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} "Fernando" Abba....oh where oh where are you my Fernando...
{} Tying The Knot
The phrase originated from the traditional girdle worn by roman brides during the wedding ceremony ...the girdle was tied together with hundreds of knots...untying the knots was the responsibility of her new husband!!


Wednesday, January 14, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Somedays my life is nothing but laughter

Lately, knock on wood, school's been funny. Lots of laughter. Let's see on Monday, I totally walked into a bad set-up. I was begging for it actually. See I went to show another student how to load film for a certain room because he hadn't been shown yet. Any ways, it's near the end of the day and whatever. So I showed him how to load the film in the film loader, in the darkroom (d'uh, it's film and light ruins the film). Any ways the room is in a succluded area, between a hallway and stuff like that. The other student ended up walked out ahead of me and then all I hear is "Chrissy, you know you look a little dishevled you should really fix your hair and oh turn that necklace, etc..." I just continued to walk and of course, being the blushing girl that I am, I immediately began blushing. It was hiliarious, but damn I got to get that blushing thing gone. It was funny though, even the other student was teasing me later, then again all of us tease each other all the time. It's always fun when you have people around you that you can joke around with. Some people though, some I wouldn't dare smirk or laugh lightly around them. Yikes! Any way it's been really fun lately. Actually I guess because we don't have as many patients as we regularly did, we have more time to bug and tease eachother.

Then today another student and I were running the x-ray room in emerg for an hour of so. At first it was dead, then all of the sudden a bunch of requisitions came in and we were swamped. Then equipment decided to stop working properly, so we had to do re-do an exam or two and it was infuriating but it's ok because we're getting all new equipment really, really, really soon. It's all digitial and all very exciting. No more, running out of film, having to load the daylight-loader in the dark, and especially no more long long waits for the films to pop out showing how you have to repeat the images. Now we're able to adjust things on the screen when they pop up and we don't have to wait forever, we're pretty much immediately able to see the images, all really cool...well for the first little while. It will be a pain at first too though because no one will really be familiar with the equipment. But that's what happens with new technology...

To quote Theresa "and I'm spent!"


{..::current..mood::..} grumpy because I'm so cold and because credit card people suck
{..::currently..reading::..} notes
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} my mom on the phone
{} An acre of trees can remove about 13 tons of dust and gases every year from the surrounding environment.


Wednesday, January 07, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: My liver has exploding power....ka-pow!

Yesterday was the infamous liver specialist day. Six months of waiting for the appointment, but it was the right thing to do. Unforunately, it will another year before I am able to see him again. Actually I have to go back in 6 months for a little check-up and more blood work. Surprisingly the 5 vials (varying in size) wasn't enough, lol. The lab worker asked me if I were a regular as a result, it was funny, I assure you. On the yay side of things, the appointment revealed I actually have a medical condition and that it's not nothing, so yay. I was diagnosted with Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Long name, but at least I have a name for it. On the boo side I have to lose 20lbs in 6 months or I'll have to go for a liver biopsy and more testing. That's almost a pound a week, yikes. Hopefully I can do it, cause I really don't really want to do the biopsy or take tons of medication. On another good note, I get to finally see a dietitcian. Luckily it's on the day I work evenings, so I don't have to miss more school. Any ways, that's how the appointment went. Didn't really calm me down, but at least I don't have to think of it as a waste of my time or being nothing. Too bad it's been a year in the making. Actually I've always had a fatty liver but no one really investigated it until now. Very unforuante. Although there is so much more to say, I'm too tired and exhausted to get into all of it. I'd be here a long time typing everything out from yesterday and thinking of it bums me out so suffice to say this is all for now. Oh well, just another hurdle in my life. Just remember when life give you lemons, you gotta make lemonade. *wink, wink* .... And yes I am crazy.

Another yay, I finally have my treadmill. I actually used it tonight and I did roughly 1.5 miles of walking tonight, which is really good because I feel so sick and so dizzy. But nevertheless, no more skinny-minny teens walking around the gym looking at you with a glare or having to listen similiar type girls/women complaining that they need to lose so much weight. Those people are so nuts. Damn you Hollywood and your extremely underweight inhabitants. I curse you!! Seriously they need more women that look healthy, rather than these people who are extremely underweight and think they are huge. That's is just wrong and sending the wrong message out to young girls. It's just scary. It's good to be healthy, go out and have a healthy weight people. Being underweight can be just as detrimental as being overweight. Ok I'll be stepping off my soapbox right now.

Any ways, I'm spent so I'm going to do some study.... really I will....reaalllly...


{..::current..mood::..} Worn out but relatively ok
{..::currently..reading::..} well I should be reading text books
{..::currently..watching::..} That 70s Show
{} Eating chocolate three times a month helps people live longer as opposed to people who overeat chocolate or do not eat chocolate at all.


Sunday, January 04, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Alias...need I say more

Well I finally finished watching all of season 2 dvds of Alias. It didn't really matter that I had seen a few of the episodes, granted at the time those episodes made absolutely no sense. Now, everything makes perfect sense. I was able to really enjoy those episodes and appreciate what was to come. Still annoyed with that ending and where the story is going now. (She better be evil...that's all I have to say, grrrrrr). But I have faith. The show is just too good to give up one, especially after I've spent many hours watching and enjoying all the episodes. I especially enjoyed the blooper reels, unlike that of which is on the buffy season 5 dvd. That bugged me. I'm expecting bloopers from that season, not crappy bloopers dating all the way back to seasons 2 and stuff. They were funny to some degree, but they sucked. Alias with less seasons had better and more bloopers, how sad is that. Any ways, I also loved the huge story behind the season finale (so indepth, so great) and also the story behind all the costumes. I love that stuff, it's cool. Bonus, it's only one more week until a new episode after a month's hiatus, yay.... Ok I digress...


{..::current..mood::..} grumpy because my head hurts
{..::currently..reading::..} nothing
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} whatever my mom is watching on tv (I actually have no clue what that is though....undoubtingly it's planting who knows what into my subconscious)
{} 'Michael Grunberg' 's character is named "Eric Weiss". Erik Weisz is the birth name of Harry Houdini.


Saturday, January 03, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: New year, New colors

Look pretty new colours, well I think so. Although yay for colours, boo for html. I'm actually sick of looking at the stuff, yikes!

Well we officially have no more christmas tree, yay. Plus it's the final year with a real tree, yay! No more steping on sharp needles or being poked by the tree when hanging ornaments. Hooray! No more finding the needles 6 months later, when I've sworn I had found all of them. But boo to the multicolors lights that come on the fake tree. I like the clear lights, but what more can I say. This tree was half price and the last one at the store. I shall survive.

Sadly, I have never made reference to Boducky's awesome return from Hawaii. I sure missed her. Life is all good again. She did spoil me with all the gifts though, silly girl, but I luv her any ways. Needless to say, it's great to have her back. Now I have someone to annoy, mwhahaha! just kidding....or am I?

Well that is all. Now I'm off to pick up time for my cellphones. Later dayz....


{..::current..mood::..} Dreading school Monday.
{..::currently..reading::..} school notes
{..::currently..watching::..} Seinfeld
{..::currently..listening::..} same as above
{} 27% of female lottery winners hid their winning ticket in their bras.

Friday, January 02, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: I have finally updated my website

Phew! I have finally updated my website. It only took something like 6 months lol. Nevertheless there are 12 new pictures, new links and minor changes throughout the page. So yay me. But now I'm spent. So much work, very little in return...

Nothing new to report. Looks like it's 90% accurate that we will be getting a treadmill. Yay!! It's the small things that amuse me. I'm just really excited, no more dreading the gym (not that I go much because I am self-conscious) so yay!!

Any hoo, I'm off to rest because I feel if I don't my head is going to explode. Later dayz....


{..::current..mood::..} Exhausted and I feel like the gum which was stepped on by a shoe
{..::currently..reading::..} Nothing mwhahahaha .... until next week *doom*
{..::currently..watching::..} While You Were Out
{..::currently..listening::..} same as above
{} If someone was to fly once around the surface of the moon, it would be equal to a round trip from New York to London.

Thursday, January 01, 2004

Happy New Year