Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Funny Test

the Ham

(30% dark, 60% spontaneous, 22% vulgar)

your humor style:

Your style's mostly goofy, innocent and feel-good. Perfect for parties and for the dads who chaperone them. You can actually get away with corny jokes, and I bet your sense of humor is a guilty pleasure for your friends. People of your type are often the most approachable and popular people in their circle. Your simple & silly good-naturedness is immediately recognizable, and it sets you apart in this sarcastic world.

PEOPLE LIKE YOU: Will Ferrell - Will Smith

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You scored higher than 20% on vulgar
Link: The 3 Variable Funny Test written by jason_bateman on OkCupid Free Online Dating

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Harry Potter Book Summaries

Just thought I'd share this link with you. I found it highly amusing. The voice singing the song (if you can call it that), is just beyond words. The only bad thing is that you have to wait over 3:50minutes before the first summary starts. But it's well worth it.

It's definitely good for a laugh, check it out.



Well I am truly ashamed of myself right now. First and foremost, no posting. It's been almost 10 days since my last post. This is inexcusable. Any reason? No. Lazy? Perhaps. Moody? Most definitely. A new trend of only 0ne post per ten days? Hopefully not.

I shall bullet-ify my past week...
  • Kali ran away (never a dull moment with her)
  • finally was able to have our bonfire...and s'mores
  • Made jam with Theresa, much thanks to her and her mommy for picking the beautiful berries
  • finished HP:HBP (quel disapointment)
  • Spent too much money on things I didn't necessarily need
    1. Arrested Development:Season 1
    2. "Big" (movie)
    3. Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella (like I don't already have 3 books to read)
    4. Pants (I've now brought my quota up to maybe ten pairs, yay!)?
  • Decided that no one should ever shop at Penningtons (damn those fat cows to hell, to hell I tell you!!)
      See here's the story behind that. They're bastards. Need more? Fine, here's the small version. Bought two shirts, charged twice on my debit, went back they'd "never seen that before, don't know what to do," phone their headoffice where the fat cow is told I have to wait but she'll phone on Monday.
      So Monday passes and no phone call. Now keep in mind, I gave my work number. This usually means I will not be in past 4:30 or 5pm. Apparently the fat cow was no listening and decided to be a loser (which she was probably at birth). Any ways, I go back this past Saturday, to her smirking, telling me she phoned, but no one ever answered. Imagine that no one answering the phone? Could it be because you're a loser and phone AFTER hours, after I told you not to? UGH!
      Any ways, she's trying to tell me it's not the companies fault and that I have to talk to my bank. I HAD already talked to my bank, who told me to take my statement or whatever to the store. Fat cow still did not care, and just smirked at me. I hate her with a fiery passion.
      As it stands, I am out money, and there is a investigation going on from my bank on the debit interactions, because wouldn't you know it? It's the store that has to take care of it and both debit interactions were seconds apart. UGHH!!!! I hate that store and especially that woman. She was of no help and completely rude. I digress though.
  • Receptionist scares me more than normal
  • Had no receptionist yesterday (it just fueled my "fun" day)
  • Still wishing I had summers of yesteryears
  • Ordered 'Dead Like Me' Season 2 and it should arrive any day now, woot!
  • My shirts I ordered online arrived (thinking about it, I think I've been spending FAR too much money lately)
  • etc.. etc..

Here's something you don't hear about everyday. I was watching some tv last night and flipped to TLC where they were showing a show on "101 Things Removed From the Human Body ." The show seemed mildy amusing, at first. By the end, I was completely and utterly disgusted. The very last thing the show aired was this one guy's creepy story. Apparently this man was suffering from Fetus in fetu. Fetus in fetu describes an extremely rare abnormality that involves a fetus getting trapped inside of its twin. It continues to survive as a parasite even past birth until it grows so large that it starts to harm the host, at which point doctors usually intervene. Invariably the parasitic fetus is anencephalic (without a brain) and lacks internal organs, and as such is unable to survive on its own) (dictionnary description, as if I could describe like that). During the story they show how doctors didn't have a clue what was ailing this man. His abdomen was huge. He looked like he had a massive beer belly.

Well apparently x-rays and CT didn't help the doctors find his ailment. Surgery was the best option. What they found was gross. As stated already, apparently this 36 year old man was suffering from Fetus in fetu. They actually showed the "parasite," it looked like a massive deformed person. It apparently had everything a human has, except a head. It was really gross though. Apparently it was like calcified remains surrounded in tons of fluids. I shudder just at the thought. That poor man. I mean he went for 36 years of his life with this. Never in history had they seen a case go as long as this. Maybe it's because he's from poorer country or something. But yikes!

Here are some links about it.

Well I suppose that is all for now. Toodles...

{..::current..mood::..} meh
{..::currently..reading::..} abarat days of magic, nights of war (or something like that)


Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Finally...third injury

Phew, what a relief to have this behind me now. I was wondering when that third "fun" injury would occur. But alas, today was that day.

Like my day wasn't going bad enough, I have to go and mildly injury myself, in the most embarrasing way. You know those people that don't really see where they are going and trip on the curb, those totally oblivious people.

Yep. That was me today. I knew there was a curb, I just didn't seem to connect that with my brain and I didn't lift up my feet and next thing I knew, i'm face first on the curb, kali in my arms.

Seriously i don't know what i was on at that moment. First I didn't even realize what has happening, then when i did I was slamming my elbows and my knees into the concrete trying not to squish my little baby. Now I'm sure I'll have bruised elbows because they are really hurting. My knees are scraped up, but they don't hurt as much as my elbows when i put any pressure against them. Luckily enough I didn't rip my pants, somehow.

What a stupid day though. Thank heavens for having two techs today though. We were insane. Both Barb and I were going at all times. It would help if our techniques weren't stupid, but that's a whole other issue.

I'm just glad this work day is over, 'cause it was scary. Plus it looks like our other location is going to be back up and running soon, so I guess that's good. Im sort of torn, cause deep down I wanted there to be two techs where I am, but that shall never happen again.

Any ways, I shall return to reading, but I have yet to do that tonight... Later dayz...

{..::current..mood::..} sore and tired
{..::currently..reading::..} harry p
{..::currently..watching::..} ads
{..::currently..listening::..} foot spa and tv


Saturday, July 09, 2005

Horrible disease...

I suffer from a horrible disease. It just ruins everything, in a comical matter. This comical, yet sometimes annoying disease has a way of just popping up when you least expect it. What's the name of this horrible disease? It's called 'foot in the mouth.'

Yes, that infamous 'foot-in-the-mouth' disease. Worst of all, I just can't keep my mouth shut after the initial symptoms. It just goes on and on.

Here's the story and how I shouldn't talk to people who haven't read or seen movies/TV I have. I have a tendency not to think before I talk, therefore ruining it for everyone else.

Karen and I were talking about Harry Potter. She's just recently begun to read all the books and is only on book three. We got to talking and I was saying how I was excited about the newest book coming out in just over a week. We're discussing the title and what it could mean. We're talking about prospective half blooded princes. W

Without thinking I rattle on about different people and how it couldn't be them. Then she mentions something about Sirius and me without thinking and realizing she's only in the 3rd book, I say 'well it's not him, he's de-"

Karen: "chrissy!!!!"

(laughter on both accounts, with me mortified) ... mind you it doesn't just end there...unforunately.

Karen by this time has forgiven me for my little slip, and says she figured he died anyways. Remember she's only in the third book so if I just had shut-up I could have saved my ass. Instead I continue to go on and say 'omg that doesn't happen until the 5th book.'

Seriously, I think my brain had left my body. I was just making it worse. It was then that I decided that I should just shut-up and leave because I was sure I would ruin in for her. I mean c'mon I just gave away the HUGE detail of book 5.

Oh well c'est la vie. It was just hilarious. I just was not thinking and just completely blurted it out, then to make matters worse I add on to my blurt, when I was completely safe. UGH! hehe

Nothing much else going on. The norm. Plus it's dad 50th birthday this weekend, so tomorrow we're going to celebrations. Normal people would think that funs. Me on the other hand, being abnormal, don't think so. The aspect of watching a show while eating, not that bad. The aspect of the actors interrupting my meal, is another. I prefer meals where I can talk with my guests and friends, not be interrupted by the entertainment. Oh well, I'll go. Maybe I'll enjoy it (not likely).

On the note of entertainment, I've decided that maybe I have seen all the episodes of Veronica mars, just not all in their entirety. I just downloaded episode 15 and it turns out, I'd seen the majority of the episode. I think I downloaded the episode after it aired to support Alyson hannigan. I wasn't into the show back then (or at least not fully hooked, as now). So yes Lynnsey, I think I have seen ALL episodes, I just didn't know it. *rolls eyes at self*

aNy hoos, I'm off to clean my room...yet again. Later gators...


{..::current..mood::..} meh
{..::currently..reading::..} 'all that glitters' (I finally finished both my books, YAY!)
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} 'seasons of love' rent cast


Monday, July 04, 2005

official liver results

Well my specialist finally got a hold of me, only more than a week later and well over a month after the procedure, but at least he got back to me. Apparently, my liver results are good, in his eyes. He said I'm not in the 20% where their fatty liver leads to cirrhosis and other bad things. So yay? Contradicting to the results from the liver study, but still good, nevertheless.

Luckily the specialist has agreeded to hold onto my may appointment next year, but after that, I shall be freed from him. So I'm totally confused. Apparently I'm all fine (well, I have the fatty liver but it's not damaging me). Yay is in order I guess. But now I feel I went through all these appointments and procedures for nothing. Ugh! But I digress....

Another crazy day today though. Someone came into to do some repairs so of course I got way behind in the afternoon. At four o'clock I had 4 patients and apparently 4 more came in following that. Two of those 4 wondered if I truly was "closed", because you know how the 'closed' sign is optional. heh. Still I was fairly quiet all day, until 4 pm. Plus I only had one room, it was just really put me out. Oh well, thank god it's over. Mind you I should have stayed and done those extra patients to get the overtime, but with my luck, my bosses wouldn't go for it and then I would have wasted all that extra time. So here's hoping tomorrow is a nice day.

Wel lI suppose that is all for now. Later gators!!


{..::current..mood::..} tired
{..::currently..reading::..} little white lies (almost finisheD)
{..::currently..watching::..} sabrina
{..::currently..listening::..} tv


Sunday, July 03, 2005

screw you weather

The weather lately is realling driving me bonkers, more so than usual.

First kudos to mother nature for allowing us a beautiful day at the beach (more to come following rant). Second screw the gods of thunder and rain, boo! Those gods overpowered the beauty that is mother nature and delivered us more rain. More rain = no bonfire = no s'mores. Booo!!!

I was willing to sit in the rain for my fire, sadly I was alone on it. Ah what's a little struck by lightening, it's never killed anyone....ok well not MILLIONS. I'm sure I'd be safe. You know, sitting by a metal fire pit, holding metal skewer, totally safe, desu ne?

Back to the beach...

Beach was great. Weather was fantabulous. Plus we got to the beach in time to get a perfect spot and before the big rush go there. Kudos to the one who thought of bringing subway, a perfect idea for the beach. Plus we had fun at subway in regards to those dastardly tomatoes.

The sand was all nice, unforunately the same cannot be said about the water; unless you enjoying freezing yourself. Ok, ok, it wasn't bad. I did go into the water, twice, plus snorting water, always a joy. Plus I ressemble a lobster slightly, but nothing a little aloe vera, noxema and drugs can't cure, hehe. Mind you if my mom hadn't decided to re-caulk the bathroom, I'd have cooled off a hell of a lot faster. Ah well, c'est la vie, eh, mon lobster friends?

All in all, day at the beach quite enjoyable. I recommend we follow-up such trend later in summer. Maybe that time we'll bring Theresa....maybe.


But I digress...

well it's off to go through some junk in the house, or rather my belongings...cheerio!


{..::current..mood::..} sleepy (darn advil for migraines)
{..::currently..reading::..} little white lies
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} the wind (i love this laptop)
