Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Is it sad that I'm looking forward to the 11th?

Exhaustion is finally getting to me. All this working and no play is making me insane. Not that I really should be complaining. I mean my friends are all starting to study for their finals and I know how exhausting that is. It's a hell of a lot more exhausting than just working (most of the time). I feel for you guys! Good luck though :)

Tomorrow we finally hit December, the last month of a crazy, crazy year. So much as happened this past year, and so much still to happen this year. Graduation next week (yes the big finale, finally!), christmas parties, christmas decorating, christmas baking, christmas shopping (when I'll do that is beyond me, but on the bright side I have 2 gifts. Woo! Two out of a million, it's a start though). Plus a bunch of other stuff.

Nothing funny or ironic happened today. Nothing to talk about. Just another day, another dollar. I'm just seriously looking forward to the 11th, because I will finally get 2 full days off, with no work, thank god!!! I just want these next two weeks to pass by quickly, and that's sad because the next thing I'll know it will be christmas, then new years, then bam! January. CRAZY!!!

But just as i'm typing my mother just said the funniest thing -
"That tree looks like it needs viagra"
[the tree being our downstairs christmas tree, which I'm slowly decorating, or rather making a mess of]
Moms can be funny human beings.

any hoo I really should continue decorating, seeing how I keep pulling out boxes and never continue decorating, oops! hehe.



{..::current..mood::..} tired
{..::currently..reading::..} nothing, still no trip to library (that's tomorrow)
{..::currently..watching::..} 'home alone'
{..::currently..listening::..} 'home alone'


Monday, November 29, 2004

Confirmed madness...

Officially, I am insane. Plus my msn finally signed in.

Well it's confirmed, I am going to work both Saturday and Sunday evening this weekend. I should be committed for this insanity I suffer from. It's not even like I'm doing it because I want money, although it will be good for paying off my student credit line (woo! debt free!), but still. I actually don't know why I keep saying yes. Maybe it's a problem. My name is Chrissy and I have a problem saying no! lol. Apparently, the hospital is that short and that's sad. In the summer we fought for shifts, now the supervisor is fighting to get people to take the shifts. It's all so ironic...

Weird thing happened today. Some guy came in for an x-ray and I could have sworn this is some guy I talked to on ICQ many, many, many moons ago. I'm 95% sure it's the same guy. Same name and around the same age and same area of town. Very strange. I wasn't going to go and ask him. That's verging on creepiness. I'd be freaked out if someone said 'Hey, did you ever chat with other locals on ICQ back in about 1998/1999? I think we may have chatted on there a couple of times." I don't even know why I remember the name, I just knew it looked very familiar and that's the only place I can match it with. Still very interesting though.

My day was good though. A nice pace. Well after the first rush passed, that is. I arrived extremely early (8:30 am, when I don't start until 9am) to find someone actually waiting to have their x-ray. Being nice, I opened up a little earlier for her, then a few minutes later another guy came in and it was only 8:45/8:50 am. Insane I tell you, insane!!! Ok maybe not insane but still...

So nothing else really new with me yet. Gearing up to finally decorate the house for christmas, although at the rate I'm going with picking up shifts, I'll be lucky if the house is decorated by next Christmas.

By the by, any plans yet for our little holiday bakefest? Shall we turn it into some all day/night event involving baking, movie/alias viewing? what's the story morning glory? Plus the whens? I don't really have much time off, besides weekends (starting on the 1th...insane, i'm so insane..).

{..::current..mood::..} meh
{..::currently..reading::..} nothing...need more to read, although I started Lemony Snickett's A series of unforunate events while I was my cousin's house having a physio/accupuncture session last week
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} christmas music jazz style


Saturday, November 27, 2004

Did I mention I'm crazy?

Turns out I'm totally insane. Not a big surprise, it's simply common knowledge.

So I've decided that I don't need any days off. Yes you heard me correctly. Turns out that in my mind I only really need one day off in 12 days. Because really, who needs rest, right? Exhaustion is just a way of life...

Any ways, reluctantly I took a shift for earlier today, plus I was called in last Monday. To top things off, I actually agreed to work next Saturday and Sunday evening. Therefore I am totally insane. So tomorrow will technically be my only day off until December 11. Sounds good right? lol. Well at least I won't be bored.

Plus I would have just been sitting around the house any ways next weekend, seeing how everyone is getting ready for exams or having christmas parties. So it sort of works out. I'll just be tad exhausted next Monday, but meh I'll survive. Just expect me to drop into bed on the 11th, not to be distrubed for a long time.

Well none of it is official yet, but still. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

I am crrrrrrrrrrrazy.

Went blog surfing recently. Interesting posts by my peeps.

Firstly, Theresa, those little form things were hiliarious with your names. Too funny for words, especially that one with sex as a weapon, lol.

Poor, poor Lynnsey, blogger eating your posts. I swear it's some sort conspiracy by the amish. First they started with computers in general, now they've moved onto blogger. WORLD BEWARE!!!

Now Carla, yes I'm refering to you. So I've given too much eh? Generosity is not well accepted I see. It's always better to give than receive, it brings me joy to have shared my shows with you all. *snicker, snicker* But unlike some people *cough*theresa*cough* I am actually open to the idea of allowing you to have some sort of new show marathon. I'm sure by mid-december I can fit you all in, hehe.

More great news, I found 'Babes in Toyland' and no it's not some kind of kinky movie! It's an old disney movie, it's a classic. I was so excited I was practically jumping in the store when I found it. Of course I was a tad out of it, telling my mom how I was all excited hmv had the movie but it turned out to be some animated movie, so I was bummed. I was telling her how it stared Annette Funicello and all that jazz. To which she brought it down and said 'this one?' I was so excited. The idiot that I was didn't look very hard at it, I just assumed it was the animated one, but nope it was the one I was looking for. So yay!!!! I'm so happy, plus it wasn't that expensive at all! WOO!

Well it's time for me to return to my harry potter viewing..

later days...


{..::current..mood::..} all happy 'cause I have 'babes in toyland' (plus I think the robaxacet (sp?) is working it's wonderful magic).
{..::currently..reading::..} Silversword by phyllis a whitney
{..::currently..watching::..} harry potter 3 (just bought that too)
{..::currently..listening::..} hp3


Friday, November 26, 2004

Your Homicidal Rampage! by crash_and_burn
Your name:
Weapon of Choice:Flamethrower
Your Favorite Target:Zealots
Your Kill Count:529,636,109
Your Battle Cry:"I got mad skillz, yo!"
Years You Spend in Jail:50
How Much Money In Damages You Cause:$57,496,627,796,322
Your Homocidal Insanity Level:: 50%
Quiz created with MemeGen!

But if I use my full name ...
Your Homicidal Rampage! by crash_and_burn
Your name:
Weapon of Choice:AOL Trial CDs
Your Favorite Target:People named "Steve"
Your Kill Count:92,732,126
Your Battle Cry:"Allow me to molest your face with this rod!"
Years You Spend in Jail:36
How Much Money In Damages You Cause:$203,828,871,148,265
Your Homocidal Insanity Level:: 61%
Quiz created with MemeGen!


Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Getting out Early is fun....not!

Got out of work early again today. No I'm not making a habit out of this, sometimes the cookies just fall that way.

Any hoo, I was out by 3pm (a full hour and a half early) because my film processor was being cleaned, which was good. Cleaning those things are retarded and take forever, so luckily we don't have to do it here. We were always told at the college that if we worked in a clinic we'd have to do that, but *sticks out tongue at college* I don't have to. In your face!!

My mom offered to pick me up at work (although I did say I would just take a bus home because she had to go to another store as part of her job to "quickly" do something). She decided that instead I would come with her and do some shopping for dinner. In end I didn't get home until almost 5:30 (later than I would had I worked), the food I had chosen for dinner for my dad and brother was rejected because my dad had already picked up pierogies and sausage for dinner. Sometimes I don't know why I bother...

Plus, I've been given the green light to decorate the house for christmas, sweet! So by this weekend I hope to have the tree up, or at least the rooms slightly decorated, hopefully. Ah, we'll see. That's still a few days away. I mean I did just get all the plates down, so that has to count for something, right? Of course!

Just a reminder.... 6 weeks. wheee!!! Six weeks to break Theresa into this vunderful world.... We must all attack with force or we won't succeed in corrupting her and bringing her to the alias side of the world. The power of Rambaldi is ours and we shall succeed. Of course if we have to kidnap her, use rope and tape her eyes open, she'll have no choice but to come to our side where she'll be one of of us....


{..::current..mood::..} still exhausted
{..::currently..reading::..} silversword
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing right now...i was watching charmed before
{..::currently..listening::..} faith hill - cry


Tuesday, November 23, 2004

6 Weeks!!! 6 Weeks!!!

It's Officially (or at least I think and pray it's official).

ALIAS (season 4) is coming back on January 5, 2005!!!! Two Hours Long!!!!

Only six more weeks and a day!!! WOOO HOO!!

Lost and ALIAS, awesome.

UPDATE: I just watched the promo and I'm sooo excited now!!! WHOO!!!
To see the promo click here. You will need real player though. But it's plays 'lady' by lenny kravitz so how can you resist, it goes beautifully with the promo. Yummm Vaughn goodness! but I digress...


Nutso, Nutso!

Seems like I'm the non-blogger for the week. Darn you world *angrily shakes fist at the world* I mean even Theresa posted a ton more times than I did. What is this world coming to. Don't worry TB I still wuv you!

So what's been up with me? The Usual. Work, work, and well work.

Last night I got home from work to find a message asking me to come in to work for another ERCP (like I did last time). You know where you come in for one procedure and end up leaving relatively fast and still get paid for 3 hours. Unforunately for me I was too late getting back to the supervisor. Darn! Except...

Turns out they just really wanted me because at 7:45pm I was called in. Sadly I was already in my pyjamas because I was tired, but regardless I wasn't going to pass up the chance. It wasn't for the ERCP, but that they were extremely busy they needed an extra set of hands. So at one point there were 5 techs (not for a long time though), when normally there are only 3. It was nuts. First snow fall creates messes at hospitals, understandly. I guess there were a few power outages at the hospital, so it kept messing around with the x-ray equipment, not so good. So they were getting bombarded with reqs and equipment malfunctioning. Never a good sign. At one point they had almost 10 patients just waiting to be done (the majority of the patients needing multiple x-rays). Nutso!

It gets better though. Eventually, the x-ray in emergency decided to fully stop working. Oh, the good times! HAH! So then we had to close down and move everything back to the main department (not that this isn't anything out of the normal, seems it happens whenever I'm on evening....hmmm? a pattern maybe?). It chaos. Luckily enough for us there was no O.R. procedures added or portable x-rays ordered during the craziness. Eventually one of the techs went home sick so it was really good I was there. I actually didn't get to leave until midnight, when I was supposed to stay no later than 11:15 (my guaranteed 3 hours), but it was so hectic they needed me to stay. Oh well, it's just a little more christmas money. I'm exhaused today though. I wasn't able to go to sleep until after 1am because I was so wired from running around all night. I still got a little under 7 hours of sleep, so that's ok.

Onto other things...

I'm also trying to come up with my superpower, seeing how I'm the only one without powers (or rather unshared superpowers). I don't think x-ray anything is my power, it's far too obvious, don't you think? Don't worry I'll come up with one and you'll all be amazed, if not dazzled by my incredible-ness (soo not a word...but this is my blog so I can make up my own language...shh!)

Closed shop early again today, but it was totally legitimate. I had a doctor's appointment. Yes, you read correctly! I actually made an appointment to see the doctor, regardless of my anti-seeing-the-doctor-if-i-really-don't-have-to. I'm still convinced I have an UTI (urinary tract infection of some sort). The dip test has proven negative, but it's going to be sent away to make sure there isn't any other cultures there. But I was given anti-biotics just incase it doesn't clear up.

Actually, the doctor did say my back muscles are not in good condition. Oops?!? She was going to send me to a physiotherapist but because of my vunderful cousin, I don't want to worry about going to one. So I'm going to see my cousin this week and she's going to help me with both my neck and now my back. I swear, I'm not going to last in this profession all my working days. Which is really sad, considering I just graduated from the program. Maybe by doing all these exercises that I'll be getting at night will help with the neck and back.

I'm falling apart, it's official. Maybe I'll go invent a way to get a body-switch, whaddya think? Maybe not? Hmm, I'll just have to find a way. Seriously almost 23 and I have more problems then some 70 year olds. It's sad when you can related with patients, when they're elderly and well you're younger than their new hip.

It's good to be home though....phew! Just exhausted, but I did have a good day, nothing too crazy. Only 15 patients all day (but that's with closing early by almost 2 hours, much to the chagrin of some patients). Some have been, let's say 'vocal,' about us being closed on friday and closing early today. Like I set out to do it on purpose, just to piss off people. Seesh. Oh well. C'est la vie.

Time for me to return to the kitchen where I'm bringing down all the christmas dishes (yippee!). I'm crazy, but we all know that.


{..::current..mood::..} tired little sleep and back pain are never a good combo
{..::currently..reading::..} ummm Swordstone (or something like that) by Phyllis A. Whitney
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..}the radio that is playing upstairs, its sounds more like thumping (due to the bass) more than anything


Thursday, November 18, 2004

Anyone up for donating parts of their livers?

Finally my day is almost complete.

Worked late, yet again.

My brother and cousin's birthdays today.

Went out for dinner. Didn't go well because I didn't feel so great.

Supposed to go to the bar tonight. Ended up having a horrible liver attack, which I'm in the mist of (the thing is really acting up lately). I even caved in and took some pain reliever. But it's flairing up again, as of this moment. Hmmm maybe it's the ice cream cake I'm having....

Any ways I'm going to bed, I hurt and feel like crap.


{..::current..mood::..} crappy and mad cause i couldn't go to the bar tonight
{..::currently..reading::..} dream of orchids
{..::currently..watching::..} er / hello again
{..::currently..listening::..} er


Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Screw the perimeter....wait! that sounds BAD!!

My day summed up in one word : CRAZY!!!!!

My morning was steady, about 10 patients, not too bad, totally managable.

One o'clock, my co-worker/receptionist arrives for her shift, yay!
13:01 - First Patient
15:00 - Bazillionth patient exits. Then two or three more show up before 16h. I ended up having close to 20 patients in the afternoon alone. That's a lot of x-rays to be doing.

It was chaos. Thank GOD I had Lucy, or I would have been dead. No ifs ands or buts about it. She ran my film through for me, had my patients changed for me and all the other stuff that has to be done, done for me. It was super!! Luckily the rush was finished by 3 o'clock and not starting at that time (like it normally does).

It was funny at first because we opened the door and there was one patient. I did their x-rays and then Lucy came down the hall to tell me there were 4 people lined up waiting to be done. All that in maybe 2 minutes. It's crazy like that. So I'm sooo happy I had Lucy in the afternoon and not the morning.

So my day didn't just end there...of course it didn't!!

I'm going home. First of all it takes me forever to turn onto McPhillips. Takes forever to get to the perimetre (I can't believe all the traffic). Finally get on the Perimeter, when all of the sudden traffic comes to a halt. I mean nothing was moving. To go from 100km/h to 0 on a hwy, is not normal. Turns out there was an evil train that was crossing. Crossing the perimetre at 4:45!?!?! What the hell was up with that. I spent ten minutes there. Then traffic was a bitch after that. Semi's galore. Asshole drivers, just fun.

I finally get near my house and to turn on the one street, I get stuck behind a bloody tractor. Seriously, who let all the dumbfucks out today?


{..::current..mood::..} grumpy from the traffic
{..::currently..reading::..} dream of orchid
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} nothing


Monday, November 15, 2004

Quel relief!

Well I finally got word on if I work evening tomorrow night. Thankfully she found someone to take the full shift, so I'm in the clear! Yay! I really wasn't looking forward to working all day at the clinic then working the evening then having to get up on Wednesday to work again. Not fun.

As it is, it's my brother's birthday on Thursday and we're going out for dinner. That's all fine and dandy. The only problem is that it's also my cousin's 18th birthday and we're supposed to go to the bar. So I've got a busy week already. Then just a bit ago an uncle of mine phoned and asked me to babysit another cousin. He was almost dumbfounded when I said I couldn't babysit because it was my brother's birthday. He didn't seem able to comprehend that my cousin and brother share a birthday, lol. I thought it was funny, d'uh!

Another crazy day at the clinic though. It was super quiet this morning (while I had the receptionist), but then by 1 o'clock, all hell broke loose, as per usual. I ended up having to lock the doors again, until the waiting room was less packed (something like 7 patients waiting, seemed like a long line at that time). One of the doctor's offices called me wondering if I was opened, which I was, luckily I was only done to the last 2 patients. Then just after that, I had to lock the door again because they just piled up. It would have been okay if the people were only needing chest x-rays or something like that. No such luck. It was like one chest, both hips and a spine. Something like that. I swear it was like they all sensed I was alone, so they must bring a thousand items for me to look at. Crazy!

Don't get me wrong the day was ok. It passed really quickly, but that's besides the point. Working at the hospital on Saturday was like a vacation compared to my days at the clinic. Nuts, nuts, nuts.

But looking at the time, I think it's time for me to sleep (yes, I admit it, I'm actually tired and it's not even 11pm).

Catch y'all later!


{..::current..mood::..} tired and wornout and I can't wait until Friday, woo! weekend! (is it wrong to feel that way seeing how it's only monday?)
{..::currently..reading::..} dream of orchids (or something like that)
{..::currently..watching::..} little nicky
{..::currently..listening::..} ditto


Saturday, November 13, 2004


Worked my shift today and have major guilt about tomorrow. The money would be nice with chritmas just around the bend (lists, lists!!), plus it seems the starting wage went up so I get 10cents more an hour, yay! Sucks in comparasion to the clinic, but oh well, it's a full-time job.

See the problem is, it seems tomorrow they techs will be short a person, typically that would be me, but I didn't want tomorrow, so I feel bad. They do have a student, but still. It's not my fault though. I'm sure they could have found someone else (which they might have, no confirmation on that), but still. But there was no way I was working for 9 days straight, with the chance of working an evening as well. Nu-huh, no way!


Friday, November 12, 2004

What was I thinking....

Finally, my day is complete!! I ended up being stuck there until 5pm (instead of 4:30). Ugh!

I was just a little pissed off about it. See, I had no patients in the afternoon, until about 3pm. There was one patient, then walked a second (with a few different areas needing x-rays), so I went ahead and started the procedures. While waiting for the first patient's films to come out, another patient walks it. This one has quite a few pictures to be had. In walks another patient. Finish 2nd guy and look at the clock. It's already 3:40, and I still have 3 patients to do. So I decide to lock my door (which I can because I am boss and because I knew I wouldn't be finished by 4:30 if I didn't lock it). Go and do my patient that has a few areas to be looked at. La-la-la.

I finish with that patient and go to the front (where the desk is). Turns out some of my patients in the waiting room thought they should let more people in. So now I have a total of 5 patients to do and it's almost 4. An average person, btw, takes about 10 minutes (at least). So I was not too pleased. Especially seeing how I'd locked the door and yet the waiting people thought they should let more people in. GRR!! Oh well it only took me until 5pm to get out there. But still, I couldn't believe it. I was so dumbfounded. Luckily I got so annoyed at about 4:15 or so, I went and posted a sign on the door that I was no longer accepting reqs (which I should have done at 3:40). They were all nice people, but I was sure pissed off).

That's pretty much how my days have been going. Actually, today being my first day working on my own, I managed to do more patients in the morning than I did all day on Wednesday. Go figure! Usually I can fit in, about 14 patients in the morning, and that's pretty much working straight from 9am through until around noon (or a little after). It's going to be strange working alone though. Not looking forward to the days when I have to work alone all day, not just the afternoon. It'll be crazy but oh well.

Needless to say, I'm exhausted! But it doesn't end there. Me, being the oh-so-intelligent-girl, decided to accept a shift at the hospital this weekend. *slap* what was I thinking?!? I'm so tired right now, I could probably go to bed and it's only almost 8pm. Sheesh. Actually I was asked to do both Saturday and Sunday but I declined both and only took Saturday. Except it's that awful 7:30 shift. Why, I always get that shift is beyond me.

Plus I might even have to work a double on Tuesday. Yet again my stupidity is rearing it's head. I was phoned and asked to do Tuesday evening (at the hospital), but obviously I couldn't get there until around 5:30, so I don't know if she'll accept that, or just find someone else. Deep down, I just hope she finds someone else, but the money would be nice, with christmas coming up and all my association dues due (damn them, those money hungry people!). Of course the woman in charge of shifts at the hospital wasn't there today, and won't be back until Monday, so I won't really know until then. I never got anything from there and then bam! I get a job and they can't stop phoning me. Last weekend I was called and then I was called twice this week (for 3 shifts). That's 4 shifts in one week, that have been offered to me. That's more than I was ever called for in one month. Seesh! The irony of it all.

Then to top it all off, my brother phoned me and asked me if I wanted to go and watch a screening of 'the incredibles' tonight. Why is it, that they only have screenings when I have to be up before 7am. Seesh. So unforunately, I don't think I can take any of my friends to a screening of it (provided they haven't seen it yet). I just can't believe the luck of it all. I seriously have no luck. Although, my brother seems to think I should be able to go and see it and still get up for my 7:30 shift, and yes the boy is that daft. Siblings, what can you do.

But yay! Bridget Jones' Diary: The Edge of Reason came out today. I'm mad it's not at my brother's theater though! Grr! But I think I might have some movie passes somewhere (I'm sure I do, I must). I really want to see it though. I loved the book, although this sounds entirely different from the book (the movie that is). See there was no Daniel Cleaver in Thailand while Bridget was there, so what the cheese is going on? Reviews in certain areas aren't good either, but I trust that it's still good (I hope *fingers crossed*) If I didn't work tomorrow I'd probably have found someone and dragged them with me, but there is always tomorrow night or Sunday. Unless I just wait until I can drag my brother to SilverCity where he can get me in for free (but he'll have to go with me, lol, the highlight of his day I'm sure). Oh well, seems I'll just have to wait and see it.

Well that's about all. I'm sure I had something interesting to say but I'm so tired that I can't think of it. So catch y'all later. Ciao!


{..::current..mood::..} tired and my foot hurts!
{..::currently..reading::..} Olivia Joules and the overactive imagination
{..::currently..watching::..} how to lose a guy in 10 days
{..::currently..listening::..} ditto


Monday, November 08, 2004

I wish my posts were more funny

I've decided that nothing funny every happens to me. Okay maybe there are odd one or two funny occurrences but, generally, not so much. It pains me to think about how uneventful or uncomical my life has become. *hangs head in shame*

It seems everyone else has something funny to report. Me? Not so much. I did have fun laughing at myself today. I counted about 4 injuries I inflicted on myself. I was obviously not paying attention to what I was doing. I closed things on my fingers a few times, got my fingers caught in something, then I slammed my head on a shelf. Like honestly, what the heck was I doing? The woman that is training me [what a sweetheart this lady is] couldn't stop laughing at it. It seemed every half hour I was doing something to get hurt. My fingers are still sore from closing them in the bucky with the film. Total airhead moments.

I've also decided I need to find a new way home. What takes me maybe five minutes to drive in the morning takes me almost 15 minutes at around 5. It drives me nuts. Plus everyone is just evil. They're all speeding and cutting each other off. That or they don't let any one in their lanes, etc.. I think I might just say to hell with it and take the perimeter home, not sure yet. See just to leave work, I have to turn right then either do a U-turn (at the fancy schmany u-turn specific lights) or do a huge loop type of deal and finally end up at the street I want. Mind you I'd still have to do that to get to the perimeter but Leila takes far too long at main. Plus you mix in the mess of turning onto to Springfield and you get one annoyed Chriss. Literally I spend more time sitting at the lights then driving. Drives me bonkers!!

Well I'm off to find something good to eat (this is hard to find, nowadays, see they've all gone extinct)


{..::current..mood::..} exhausted (I can't wait until I won't feel exhausted after work...oh wait that won't be until the day I retire, DAMN)
{..::currently..reading::..} nothing...still meaning to get to the library
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} to Hot103 online (yes I'm actually too lazy to turn on the radio and listen to the station, rather it appears I prefer listening it through the computer.... weird, I know!)


Sunday, November 07, 2004

Weekends are far too short

Sunday is here again. I must say that I really detest Sundays. You can't really sleep in late because you'll be up too late that night and be really exhausted on Monday morning. They're good for being a lazy day, but still they always serve to remind me that work is only a few short hours away. I'm crazy I know. Annoyed because not employed then annoyed because you are and can't sleep late any more. lol. It's ironic really.

Actually I'm almost glad it's Sunday. It means I don't have to be a servant in my house any more. Don't get me wrong I really love my mom but I'm exhausted from taking care of her. No one else is really doing anything. If she needs something I have to jump to it. I have to make all of her food and serve. I'm just tired and not sleeping well because I'm afraid she'll call me during the night. I know I'm being irrational after all she's done for me after my surgeries and illnesses but still I'm just just tired.

Granted, my mom is doing really well. Actually she's doing extremely well. She barely seems like she had surgery. A few side effects such as a sore shoulder but she's doing really well. The sore shoulder thing is because of all the air injected into her abdomen. I had the same pain after my last surgery. It's horrible. It's like a constant muscle spasm. Unforunately for her, she has it in both shoulders. That's really the only pain she's suffering from. Plus she's not really taking any pain medications any more, so I think she's doing far better than expected.

Earlier we went for a walk and we saw the most beautiful northern lights. I love this time of year because of that. It was cold out, but not too cold. At least there is no snow yet (although there best be some by christmas or it won't feel like christmas). I just love northern lights though. They kept shifting, seemingly getting more and more beautiful.

Nothing else going on with me. Just still adjusting to having a full time job. It's all really odd feeling. Quite literally going from unemployed to fully employed, within 24 hours it's all so sudden. Plus this is my last week of training (turns out I only really get one week of training, instead of two), so I'm really getting thrown right into it. It will all be good though. Hopefully soon I'll be able to get my own car, though. Yay!

Before I finish I just have to say I owe Theresa BIG time for everything she's done for me lately. Big round of appaulse for her *claps*. Thanks :)

Well I think I shall go and think of dinner, but never get around to making it...


{..::current..mood::..} tired
{..::currently..reading::..} nothing, but I do keep on meaning to head to the library
{..::currently..watching::..} smallville season 1 dvds
{..::currently..listening::..} see above


Friday, November 05, 2004

no incredibles screening :(

Turns out my brother's manager (or at least one of them) had 'the incredibles' screening last night. Boo! So no screening, but my brother did say he can get us all in some day if we want :)

Another day, another dollar. Today was less hectic, so that was good. Now in my best form, but still made it.

Well not a whole lot else to say. So later dayz..


{..::current..mood::..} exhausted
{..::currently..reading::..} some positioning books
{..::currently..watching::..} will and grace
{..::currently..listening::..} will and grace


Thursday, November 04, 2004

What a day!

What a totally insane day. Of course I couldn't sleep this morning. Lots of hubbub with my mom going to the hospital for her surgery, my brother getting ready for school and me getting ready for my first day of work. It was chaos.

Oh well.

My day was steady at the clinic. Still sort of feels weird to me. Almost surreal, but I'm sure that will pass. Luckily I had a great lady training me. I can't imagine having to do that all on my own though. Yikes! But that day will come fast because as of next Friday, I'm going to be on my own. Scary, scary.

Then after work I went to a little going away party for the woman that is training me. It was nice. We had some pizza and cake and stuff, so it was really nice of them to invite me, even though I've only been there 7 hours lol.

Good news. My mom is already at home. Good for mom! She's the guinea pig for this now. I guess surgeons are trying to make laparoscopic hiatal hernia surgery (say that 10 times fast) a day surgery type of deal. So mom got to try it out. I think she's doing really good. The first night and day are the hardest though. She looks good though. A little nauseated but looking good. I feel bad that I'm working though. I had all that time off and now that she needs me I can't be here. She'll have my dad, but he's not doing good at handling this. I'm sort of a nurse right now. Wait until tomorrow when Trevor gets his wisdom teeth out. I'll have two patients.

Well at least mom is doing good. We're all playing revolving bed though. My mom has to sleep in mine because she has a waterbed and my brother's is a futon. That pretty much just leaves my bed available so there we have it. I guess I'll be sleeping in my parent's bed (because my dad and brother will sleep through anything, so she needs someone close) so now my dad gets the couch. It's chaotic but it'll be fine. I'm just glad she's doing good.


{..::current..mood::..} exhausted
{..::currently..reading::..} nothing
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} silence (what a beautiful sound)


Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Remember how I said Monday....

Turns out that I actually start tomorrow morning. Talk about short notice. Oh well, it's all good :) It's all very exciting. Still can't quite believe it all, but I'll adjust.

But that is all. Now I'm off to get ready for my night at the casino. Ciao!


I got a job!!

You are not going to believe this. I got a job!! Woo hoo!!

Turns out that MedRad Barbie is an idiot. She decided not to take the clinic job. What does this mean? It's mine. Whoo hoo. Talk about luck though. Now my applications are in the mail asking for any sort of work and as of Monday I have a full-time job. My mom says I just wait on the hospitals and then screw over the clinic if I get something better, because the clinic screwed me by hiring MedRad Barbie. But that's ok, at least I get benefits, which you don't really get if you're part-time or casual any where. So for now I'll do this.

Celebration tonight! Casino time it is. No going out for dinner because of my mom's surgery tomorrow, but yay!

Plus my brother is still hoping to see the Incredibles at his theatre for the preview (he doesn't know yet if they'll have the movie at that theatre, but I'm sure they will). So I put in the good word that some of us are interested but I won't really know anything definite until probably Friday. If he's totally loopy from getting his wisdom teeth out, it might not be a good idea. But who knows, this is my brother and he has done crazier things.

Any hoos I have to go and start my day, now that's it's looking a bit better. Ciao!


{..::current..mood::..} dumbfounded
{..::currently..reading::..}calvin and hobbes
{..::currently..watching::..} umm I can't even remember what I was watching
{..::currently..listening::..} nothing


Tuesday, November 02, 2004

My fate once again rests upon the Postal Service

Well I did it. I finally mailed my résumés and application forms to the various hospitals. *claps* Yay! Now my fate rests on the postal service again, lol. Oh well, crosses your fingers though :) I'm sure I'm bound to get something at those places, right? lol.

So what's new with me?

Well halloween rocked. Good times there. Movies, friends, pizza and trivial pursuit. Great times were had by all. The only bummer is my father handed out all of our nut-free candy, so the only left-over candy we have, are the ones with nuts in them. Grr. He wasn't really paying attention to the candy, he was just grabbing huge handfuls from the first bowl (there were like 4 bowls), or so I'm told. GRR. They only had 30 kids and yet they gave away the only candy I could eat.

I'm really surprised at the number of kids going trick or treating recently. The past few years the numbers are decreasing steadily, even though there are more and more kids moving into the neighbourhood, go figure that out. We used to get close to 150 kids, now we're down to maybe 30. It's pitiful. Oh well, more candy for me, mwhahahaha.

Oh and I did get called in for a shift last night. An unusual shift, but a shift nonetheless. A short 3 hour shift (although I didn't have to stay the full 3 hours). I was pretty much just called into to do a specific procedure so it wasn't too bad at all. Turns out the procedure was one of the good ones where it's over in about 20 minutes. That's the great thing about ERCPs (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography), sometimes they take almost an hour or they can take as little as 20 minutes. So that was good. Plus the doctor was in a good mood, so that's an extra bonus :)

Not too much of other stuff going on. Just my usual. Still a little under the weather lately. I'm convinced it's because of my house. Since I haven't really had to go to work or anything lately and been at home more, I've been more sick. Therefore I am having some sort of reaction to our house. Too many allergies, damn you allergies.

Oh and btw I was at the J.K. Rowling website and the door was once again open. Yay! Great halloween surprise. Any ways, once you get threw all the little games and riddle you get the surprise which is the title of three chapters. Very exciting, although I would have preferred a release date for the upcoming book, but beggers can't be choosers. I'll post the chapters, you'll just have to highlight them to see them, in case you don't want to spoiled. The titles are [Chp 2 – Spinners End, Chp 6 – Draco’s Detour,Chp 14 – Felix Felicis ]. Very interesting. Of course now all the theory start up again, but that's what makes it all so much fun.

Any hoos, I have some cleaning to so, so I'll catch you all later.

{..::current..mood::..} could be better
{..::currently..reading::..} nothing much
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} various music stations from mts tv
{} from Lost
Charlie : You two run away fantastically. I'm glad my diversion spared you. I was only stung several hundred times.
