Alias 512
First time ever – I am going to comment as I watch the show. Of course by the time you read this the episode is over, but you get the drift. Beware it’s lengthy and very much all over the place. By lengthy it’s reminiscent of an early Alias Quote “It’s Tolstoy worthy” Hehehe.
Only 1 minute to go. Woot!
Oooooh it begins…..100th Episode!!!
[Recap]…BLAH BLAH BLAH….Spy Baby!!
Ok, now to Minsk. Oooh Dude kidnapped Sloane (huh?). I still think he’s another red herring. But who the hell is this dude (ooh his name is Joseph). Oooh something about 12 – alliance? SD cells? ACK! Brain blanking.
Ok this Nadia cure is getting annoying. Just cure her already!!
Engame? How many damn endgames are there on this show?
Peyton…visiting who? Anna Espinosa….interesting. I guess that explains how Anna escapes. Oooh offers of freedom.
Zoom to Syd and baby (still no name). So sweet.
Awww Jack dropping things/being clumsy (off camera) and telling Syd she should not have knives at child’s reach (who we learn is already 4 weeks old).
Back to Sloane….
Okay what does this “organization” want from Sydney? They want Sloane to influence her actions on some task….then he’ll get the cure on Nadia.
WILL!!!!! YEA!!! But boo because Anna Espinosa is at his door posing as a good guy. Stupid, stupid Will. Aww, hit with taser. Bad, Anna, Bad!
[Quick Recap:]
Okay that was a fairly pack and cryptic opening sequence. First we get Sloane arriving at a mansion – but his head and face are covered, so that he can’t see where they are. Then he enters a room where he is told that as long as he performs one more task for them, they will supply the cure for Nadia. We’ve been hearing about this since the season premier – blah blah blah.
Then we jump to Syd putting nameless baby into bed, as we hear a clatter – only to find it’s Jack in the kitchen dropping a knife. Then scolds her for having loose “weapons” in the house. Syd says baby is only 4 weeks old – but he says she’s a Bristow woman, that doesn’t mean much. Hehe.
Then we get to see Peyton entering a prison visiting Anna Espinosa offering her freedom for some services – which apparently involves kidnapping Will so to bring Sydney out of maternity leave. But the question is why?
[Opening credits….Back up to the minute review…]
Oooh Syd is told Will is kidnapped by Anna. Poor Sydney.
Poor Will getting injected with something. Ouch!
Okay Anna is on the phone with some guy – who sounds exactly like Joseph. So obviously Sloane’s cure people are working with Peyton and Anna.
Hehe, CIA agents are SpyBaby’s babysitters. How funny is that?
Isabelle – Spybaby has a name. Now I remember when they talked about the names. Plus they came prepared with a suitcase (like any other spy) but this one has baby related devices. Sooo funny. Okay this agent would be freaking me out if he were my babysitter.
Poor Sydney is still trying to prove to herself and her mother that she can be both a mom and spy – not like her mother. Stupid Irina telling Syd that she can’t be both.
Sydney is back in action and with another red hair wig. That was always the best alias for her. She must be getting lots of rest because after only 4 weeks, she doesn’t look that tired after having a baby and caring for a newborn on her own. Mind you I assume Jack is helping.
Blah blah blah club…Blah blah blah they (Grace, Dixon, Rachel and Syd) enter club….more blah blah blahing. They’re looking for Will. Marshall is back at headquarter giving them coms. Interesting a device that can read how much money is in someone’s pocket – a girl’s new best friend. Hehe.
Anna – talking to a guy that spyteam bugged. Syd goes off running looking for Will, who turns out to be alone – but not for long. Syd VS Anna, with Peyton and some men watching in another room – including the doctor from the boat that was trying to get information from Sydney about Leo 47 Norte. Anna now escapes.
Okay that was weird, as Anna escapes Peyton and Dr are watching on screen but they have thermal image viewer on. Petyon asks Dr if they need to send back up for Anna, but Dr says no they have everything they need – as the thermal camera shows warm spots on her abdomen. Okay, um, huh? Whaaa??? Brain overload and it’s only the halfway mark.
Syd and Will talking on a plane. Ah, Will is engaged – to the painter from Season 3. Apparently not engaged but almost. Now they are recapping. Will is so surprised and happy about baby Isabelle and looks kind of dumb for asking who the father was when he learnt that Vaughn is the father.
Oooh Vaughn talkage. Obviously Jack and Sydney know he’s alive – as per the previous episode. But Syd feels horrible because she has to lie to Will and let him know that Vaughn is dead.
Okay Sloane and drs with Thermal camera on Anna – I think the screen said something about Isotope.
Back to Syd, Will and Isabelle. Yay for uncle Will!!
CRAP! Agents are going after Will and taking Isabelle away from him and alarms are going off. Okay – apparently Prophet five injected a bomb into his head. CRAP! A bomb that will only kill Will. Not Will. Poor Will. First he dates his friend’s clone, then gets shot and moved into Witness Protection – thinking all his friends are dead. Then Syd shows up and he thinks it’s someone made to look like Syd. Now he’s kidnapped just as he plans to propose to someone and is injected with a bomb that will kill him and only him. C’mon guys give the guy a break!!
What the bloody hell? Okay so far Will has a mini-bomb in his head (hence the injection) and APO cannot try and get it out because it could detonate if removal is tried. The bomb will pretty much only kill hill. Crap! Cell phone rings – it’s Anna phoning Will. Sydney answers and Anna goes on to tell Sydney “now that I have your attention.”
[commercial – I hate commercials!!!]
Apparently Anna wants Sydney to bring page 47 of a certain Manuscript. Want to take a guess who’s manuscript…. RAMBALDI!!! As long as Syd gives Anna the page, the code will be given to deactivate the bomb in Will’s head.
Now we’re full back into Rambaldi. Of course Rachel has no clue about him – that is highly suspicious. C’mon almost EVERYONE knows Rambaldi on Alias. More talk about Syd being the chosen one.
How cute. Sydney and Will back in action together. I must say I much rather love their British personas from Season 3. This time they are in Portugal though. I love his adlibbing though – it’s always so cute.
Aww Will wants Syd to be his best man. Ha ha, now he’s uninviting her because she thought he was going to say he was afraid he was going to die instead. Too cute.
Syd vs Anna again. No fighting this time though. Background working on intercepting frequency to get code for Will’s bomb.
More talk about Rambaldi - Ack! Only 58% - Now 65% . Stay close or Will dies. CRAP!!! Now Will’s head is beeping and he only has 30s to live as Syd and Anna fight. It’s actually pretty funny because Syd is in all white and Anna in all black. It’s a totally Good Spy Vs Bad Spy. Phew!! Will is safe – no detonation.
Uh-oh Anna just locked Sydney in a separate car. Now some alarm sprinklers are spraying Sydney with something red. I don’t think it’s blood. It must have something to do with that thermal Camera thing we saw earlier in the episode. Now just to clarify it’s not exactly a thermal camera it’s something else but I didn’t catch the name I was too busy typing and then forgot what it said. It was something about cells or isotope scan on the body. Something like that. I’m sure we will know soon enough.
[commercial] CURSE you COMMERCIALS!!
Sydney is not doing well here. Uh-oh. Okay the camera is panning to the drain and where the drain is going. Apparently her DNA is starting something.
GO Will!! He just knocked out Anna. Save Sydney, Will, save her. Crap now she just through the bomb detonator out the window of the train, so Syd and Will must jump in water to find it. Yay For Sydney she found it. Will’s safe….but what was all this info about Syd’s dna.
Hmm Peyton and Sloane are meeting. Nadia’s cure is given to Sloane. But at what cost?
Okay so now we have canisters filled with the chemical agent that was sprayed on Sydney and that ran down the drain. Uh-oh it looks like they are trying to use Anna to make her into Sydney Bristow – ala Project Helix. (I think???)
Aww, Sydney and Will are walking with Isabelle.
Once again we must listen to Sydney feeling like the plague because everyone she knows gets hurt/kidnapped/killed just because they knew her. Will explains ever so well that that’s not the case.
HA!!! I told you… Anna has just been turned into Sydney! This cannot be a good thing. Oooh the preview shows that no one is safe. So apparently this like the Buffy end – she must go up against her self ?
[Final Review]
Wow, what an episode. Everyone is right; these past few episodes have been completely reminiscent of early Alias. Anna now being a duplicate of Sydney – I personally have been wondering when a clone of Sydney would pop up. C’mon it was inevitable they’ve been hinting at this since the beginning. How many times has Project Helix come up? Almost every few episodes. First there was that guy (I can’t remember his name – the Ethan Hawke guy), then Francie/Alison then Irina. This should most definitely prove to be interesting. Plus it was very interesting to see how Project Helix works. I do not remember ever seeing how the process worked. It’s all interesting.
Plus how great was seeing Will again. I love the continuity of the storyline, it shows the writers truly do respect fans. The last time we saw Will said he was interested in a painter and after seeing Sydney again he felt he had the guts to ask the painter out. Present day - we learn he was about to propose to this same woman. Adorable.
Finally a baby name – Isabelle. As soon as I heard the name I remembered her and Vaughn talking about naming their future daughter that. Even in that episode it was obvious they were going to have a girl. Just another link in the long chain of strong Bristow woman. How cute was Jack about the knives though. HAH! It was hiliarious. He was so serious about it too that was what was so funny about it.
So we learn that we’re somewhat back onto Rambaldi – not a surprise. No one really believed that story arc was finished with yet. But it is weird how Rachel has never heard about Milo Rambaldi. I’m starting to think she has very high mole-ness potential. In the beginning she was all scared and didn’t think she could hack being a double agent (for all of what? 1 episode – puh-lease). Then her constant naivety about EVERYTHING. She’s coming down, what my word!
So ends my LONG review. Okay maybe watching and typing maybe not be in my best interest – but screw it! I only write it, I don’t necessarily have to read it. Mwhahahhaa.