Life, the Chrissy way....
My blog. My Way.
{..::Title::..}: No more research project
No more research project crap. I just spent the day on my ass listening to my classmates presentation. Plus I screwed mine up, but whatever nothing new. Then I got to wait for an hour before my ride was able to pick me up. Nothing like sitting/standing near a bunch of smokers because there is nowhere else to go and wait. *grumble, grumble*
I need the weekend, stat. I sort of hope I have no shifts, but with the way my lucks going I'll have a shift. At least, if all goes right, I'll be able to see Sasha this weekend. I haven't seen the little guy since umm a while ago. The time where he just cried, and cried and oh right, cried. Oh well, here's hoping.
{..::Topic::..}: Vacation... STAT
*sigh* I need a vacation. Bad day, bad couple of days actually. *sigh*
Still alive though. At least last time I checked.
Nothing terribly new, other than just a bad couple of days lately. A little shaken up but it's all right. I'll survive. That's that and nothing more.
{..::Topic::..}: Phew! Thank goodness I'm home...
Crazy day. Printer's breaking down, backlog of patients, patients just coming and coming, etc.. etc.. It was crazy. Then you had other students saying how other rooms/techs/students are going too slow, and it's her job to ensure everything works better. Pretty much she's a goddess and we all suck. GRR! Still making everyone look worse than she is. Seesh...
So my interview is two days. Supposedly there are two openings for when we graduate. Six students, two spots, hmmm I wonder. The manager deviced a plan that they will interview all six of us and grade us on the interview. Pretty much we're in competition with eachother and some people will do anything to make others looks bad. Worse is we get marked on this and we all get our marks back. I'm totally against that. Fine to do the interview but to actually grade us and then give us the marks, I'm against. More tension with the students to come, great.
I'm very rant-y right now. Just totally annoyed. I'm getting so sick of this student crap. Well at least I know if I don't get offered anything, I for sure have to look harder for a job. I like it here though, we finally get all this new great equipment and then I'll have to go to older stuff. I'd love to stay though, but against the other ass kissers, I'm toast. Yeah yeah optimism and confidence is the key, and I got that, it's just their heads are stuck so high up with the big wigs that their toes are brown. Gag me.
Any ways, I'm off to actually do some studying. Later days.
{..::current..mood::..} tired, just worked out for an hour
{..::currently..reading::..} family pictures
{..::currently..watching::..} "big business"
{..::currently..listening::..} same
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This is the guardian of my blog...
{..::Topic::..}: Well I made it
Just a little after two and I'm actually still alive. I look and feel like I'm in a trance or drugged, but relatively still alert. This morning was the killer though. I wasn't sure I was going to make it through the morning, but I stayed. Phew! Not that I've really done much today though, more computer stuff than positioning, which was probably in my best interest. No I didn't fall asleep during positioning or taking an exposure though. I'm actually somewhat alert. Quiet but alert.
My feelings on the movie. I enjoyed it, but I think I expected more from it. Certain things were not right according to the book and such. Some parts might leave you confused if you hadn't read the book though and I think that's a shame to the viewers. Sometimes I even forgot that certain things happened that weren't in the movie but briefly touched upon. I don't like when they do that, you just sort of jump and leave out some somewhat important things. Nevertheless we all enjoyed the movie so that's all that matters. Too bad Lynnsey couldn't come though, wuss (just kidding). We'll just have to take her to another screening of something this summer (hopefully a weekend one though...).
Looking at the time I realise I should probably go back to the department and work until my day is complete.
{..::current..mood::..} dazed, confused and sleepy
{..::currently..reading::..} family pictures
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} the computer humming
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{..::Topic::..}: What was I thinking
Really starting to regret this whole idea. I'm exhausted and it's only 11ish. I'm seriously going to pass out a) during the movie, b) tomorrow at school. What on earth was a smoking. Turns out I'll probably get maybe 3 hours of sleep at the most. Damn you world. I may be 15 minutes from the theatre, but we have to give rides home to my brother's friends so I'll be lucky to get home and in bed by 3 am. That 7am wake up call is going to be really tough. Grr.
Finally got all my comps. Children's did suck though, the tech felt pity and just gave me one. Not like my CI will know the kid was 6, whatever. Plus the room I was in sucks beyond means.
Suffice it to say I'm very irritable right now. My pants are falling apart, I can't find papers I need for work, my head hurts, my shoulders hurt, my back hurts, my liver hurts and I still have to stay up. AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
{..::current..mood::..} cranky and tired and irritable
{..::Topic::..}: updates
The movie won't start until at least 1 am. I'm probably going to be leaving my house around 12:20ish, because that's the usual time I go when i'm seeing late movies. So we can all meet there or whatever. It'll be near the back doors though. Well the back meaning where really there is no entrance but it's the parking lot area that is behind the theatre, not near the main doors to go there. Little hard to explain. Umm, the area that has like three little painted over garage doors and stuff. It's still under the famous players sign, but not a normal entrance. You can see sears (not either of the main big entrances though). Well if you have questions, feel free to ask :) I'll try to answer.
{..::current..mood::..} sleepy
{..::currently..reading::..} family pictures
{..::currently..watching::..} /
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{..::Topic::..}: Bogglehead
Ok, that's not really the topic, but it was better than nothing.
Still don't have any more new news (tongue twister) about HP3, but I haven't really talked to my brother since 1am to get all the details. Probably we'll all just meet at the theater (not the main entrance, but in the back) because it's easier that way to leave at night. The movies just around 3 hours (including trailers, I think... I read somewhere it was 2 hours and 44 minutes, so with preview 3 hours). But sometimes they just start the previews while everyone is getting popcorn and stuff, so that by the time you're ready the movie is starting. Plus no chance of losing your seat ;) But I'll find out exactly what time to meet there and such, have no fear I won't let you down.
Plus I forgot to mention, happy grads to you Theresa, sorry I didn't make it there. I sooooo owe you!!! Well we're even now, with the whole forgetting my bday and stuff hehe. I'll make it up to you, I swear. I'm really not a horrible friend (and yes I'm still physically beating myself up over this), really.
To buy or not to buy, that is the question that plagues me. See yesterday I went shopping with the Theresa and I was torn (ask her, she'll tell you I'm crazy). I'm not totally sure if I should buy the dvds of the tv show 'Freaks and Geeks'. It was only one season and then cancelled, but I remember really wanting to come out on DVD and now it is. But I'm torn, do I really need another tv show on DVD? I already have buffy up to season 6, jetsons s1, flintstones s1, alias seasons 1 and 2, and finally Roswell. Do I seriously need more tv shows on DVD? At least with that there will be no more, but still. Did I enjoy it that much. I remember really wanting it but, I dunno... I should though, right? I think so, maybe I'll do that after school today. Plus I need to find 'someone like you.' I can't find it any where. I looked at superstore, walmart, best buy, hmv, and futureshop online, but no luck. I could order it off the internet but I don't really want to do that. *sigh* what to do, what to do.
Carrying on, I think I shall go and eat my lunch before I've spent all of it just typing out my gollum-type dilema (sp? i'm blanking).
{..::current..mood::..} meh, kind of hyper for some weird reason, but a slight hyper
{..::currently..reading::..} nothing, i still haven't found anything I feel like reading, guess i'll venture to the bibliotheque
{..::currently..watching::..} my lunch hour disappear from under me
{..::currently..listening::..} the computer because that's all that is in here
{} I named my first cabbage patch kid Marie.... lol what? It's a useless fact
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{..::Topic::..}: So much to do, so little time
First point of business... Harry Potter movie this thursday, well technically friday but whatever. Screening if you wish to come you're welcome. It's at KP though, but it's free and no crowds. Usually there is free popcorn and a drink. If you want to come let me know by Thursday.
Second point, t-shirts/hoodies/sweatshirts/women fitted tshirts.... any takers? So stylish with the skeleton and radiation symbol, how can you pass that up? ok ok, no one love me.Just kidding...
Third, seems I'm for sure going to children's on thursday. Like I don't already have enough to do. So turns out i'm at children's, have a wedding shower and am going to see harry potter all in one day. Plus still go into work for 8 am on Friday and then work at 7:30 on Sunday. Am I nuts or what?
So I rewatched Alias a couple days ago. Wasn't as impressed as I was at first. Now I agree with others on how it was a letdown. Sure a few surprises but still not generally all that great. So they better be good this season with no reruns or grrrr...
well coffee break is over so i must go back to the dungeon...
{..::current..mood::..} tired and want to be home
{..::currently..reading::..} nothing i finished my book last night
{..::currently..watching::..} /
{..::currently..listening::..} painters banging on the wall
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