I Need a Vacation from this Life
Ever have those days where it just seems like you need a vacation from yourself? Or even better yet you're just so tired of your every day life you want out of it? (not in a I'm-going-to-kill-myself sort of way more of a this-sucks-and-where-has-my-life-gone-oh-yeah-down-the-tubes). Lately I just feel my life slipping away from me, just like sand in an hour and those are the days of my life, oh sorry got off track. As I was saying, I just constantly feel like that. Maybe I need help *shrug* who knows. Just frustrated with a lot of stuff right now. Maybe it's stress of exams. Which brings up another good ramble.
Tests. I was thinking of how much I hate tests. Sure they test your knowledge and prepare us for the big huge national exam a year from now but they suck. I have such a hard time concentrating and getting my ass in gear to study. It's just awful. Many moons ago I used to be able to study and study and study until all I did was study. Now it's like 'oh I know this' or 'yeah yeah yeah, I get the gist of this' or best of all 'they wouldn't ask us this.' Ugh!I know these aren't made to ruin our lives but it sure feels like it at times. Especially when you're the type of person I am that has issues with multiple choice tests. I either get all confused or choose the wrong answer. I swear I can narrow it down to two and no matter what I choose the wrong one. No joke, no lies no nothing. I just utterly hate them. I know what I'm doing, but on tests that's another issue. Maybe I have a learning problem, then again maybe I just don't read my questions good enough (good possibility there). But it's not like we just have a test. It's like working a full time job (with no pay) and you have to study on your own time and we don't get any classes (which sucks when other classmates at other hospitals are getting up to 3 classes a week). Sure we're getting more hands-on training but it's the big national that will determine if we get certified or not, but whatever. Ok so ends my rant of studying...just know it's horrible.
Ok *exasperated sigh* got that off my chest. Now for more interesting rants and ideas. I've stopped watching soaps since school started last year, not to mention they all became incredibly stupid but I still sort of keep track of what's happening and I must say how greatly saddened I am to see how the new head writer at "DOOL" is ruining that show. Sure the show has been going downhill for years but to kill of at least 4 people, 3 of which have been with the shows for many many years. I just don't get that. Fans were dying for Jack to come back he comes back and bam! he's killed off. Stupid Reilly. I don't think a huge serial killer will bring the show back, it'll just kill the show. Seeing how that show plans to drag this storyline out for another year (rumored), I can't honestly see it gaining ratings, unless you count the negative numbers. I just shake my head at it all, I think I'd rather just see Marlena possessed by the devil again, rather than see the show kill of people, regardless of how little or how much we see them. But c'est la vie. So ends my rant for now...if I feel I need another vent I shall return, until the next time....be scared!!
{..::current..mood::..} a point at which banging my head would barely faze me...maybe a little emotional, and I want ice cream
{..::currently..reading::..} "pursuit"
{..::currently..watching::..} my life pass me by
{..::currently..listening::..} my life passing me by (ok ok it's "fall of grace" by Sarah McLachlan)