Life, the Chrissy way....
My blog. My Way.
Sunday, February 27, 2005
Only one day left in Feb...
I can't believe there is only one day left in February. Craziness I tell you, craziness...
It's oscar time and I for one, am glad it's tonight. No not to actually watch the show but to stop hearing about it. Years ago and I mean years ago. We're talking the time of spring breaks and grade school. That was when I'd look forward to the oscars. It was great, but that was then. Now the show just drags on and it's more boring than watching paint dry. Even the opening melodies aren't the same. Even though I hadn't seen almost all of the movies when I was younger, didn't matter, it was still fun to watch. Now it's all m'eh. Enough said.
As a result of the oscars there is no repeat episode of Alias today. this distresses me greatly because now I won't be able to tape the episode where I missed the end. Grrr! Stupid Oscars and stupid CTV!
Other than that things are dandy. Just came in from walking both dogs. They are nutty and provide many mintues of entertainment. They tried to get me attacked by some huge dog, delay me with little kids and I learnt kali is afraid of moving vehicles. It was funny, but in a wrong way. She just freezes and hunches down, as if it's going to come and run her over on purpose. Oh well, at least she walks really good for a puppy.
Plus so excited. A car, woot!
{..::current..mood::..} tired and wishing weekends were longer
{..::currently..reading::..} lemony number 10
{..::currently..watching::..} tru calling
{..::currently..listening::..} tru calling
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Apparently I've lost my mind .... again
Well I finally got home from work. Yes you read correctly. It's just after midnight and I've just walked in the door from work.
How so you ask?
Well middle of this afternoon, I was asked to take a shift. Of course I've been saying no so often that I couldn't pass it up, plus I didn't really have major plans for the night (besides lost and alias). So After work, I hoped in the car and drove to the other job. What a day! Luckily it wasn't crazy at either site, so I'm not dead exhausted, just plain exhausted. Nothing beats a 14 hour work day. lol.
I just keep telling myself, the more shifts I take, the closer I am to a new car... yay!
{..::current..mood::..} exhausted, yet not too tired to go to sleep, argh!
{..::currently..reading::..} ummm book nine in the lemony snicket's series
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} the fan of my computer
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Gerard Butler
Okay, sure that topic looks odd coming from me, but deal ok?
First of all, seeing how Theresa seems to be on a quest to find a movie starring Gerard Butler and in which he's a decent fella. Well turns out I found one. I'm sure you all know of this movie but if not, here it is.
I actually accidently found this movie. It's called 'Dear Frankie' and it looks really sweet, and low and behold it has Gerard Butler. Color me surprised when I saw that. I'd seen this trailer before but long time ago. It's a "foreign film" and it's going to be playing here starting March 4 (albeit at the globe cinema but whatever).
It looks like a really heartwarming story about this little boy named Frankie who writes letters to his dad. A dad in which he's never met. Each month he gets a letter back from his dad all from a different port. EVentually we learn that his mother has been set this all up and been replying to her son's letters acting as his father. Well now she's torn between telling him the truth and protecting him. Any ways, she hires this guy (gerard butler - whom I might add does look really hot in this movie, I just never knew that was him) to masquerade as Frankie dad. It looks really sweet though.
Any ways I just thought I'd share this with you. We'll have to see it.
The trailer is here.
Change... I need some
So I just visted Lynnsey's blog. OMG, is that the most hiliarious thing in the world. I don't know what's more sad, the fact she actually found that site or the people that created the "izzle-ictionary" (or so I'm going to call it). Too funny...
No hot firefighters and hottubs to report upon, unforunately. Shucks!
Any plans for the weekends, my peeps? or should I say homies? hehe. Yes I realize it's only tuesday, but I like to think in advance when it comes to weekends. My life revolves around them actually. I'm such the typical makes tons of plans and never accomplish the majority of them. Actually I never seem to come through with big plans and goals. I could make that a goal, but that would be entirely worthless because it wouldn't be accomplished. I really am 'le suck.'
Seriously, I think I have a problem committing myself to something fully. First there was my getting in to shape thing (or rather I really should be doing that but nothing is clicking in my brain to get in gear and on board). So many unfinished things I've gotten started the past few years. I'm in utter disgust with myself over this. The health thing is a huge thing, but yet here I am all talk no doing. Bad me! Maybe it's some huge psychological thing (but it could just be a plain psycho thing).
In other news, our house is a huge mess, more so than before. Oh and my dog's an idiot. Kali ruined one of my brother's x-box controllers. Somehow my brother failed to realize my dog was chewing the wire of his controller-how he missed that is beyond me though. Whatever, so now I have to buy him a new one because my dog is the devil. Maybe I should rename her Cruella De Vil or something, mind you her name is short for 'mother of destruction.' Damn me, I should have named her something meaning 'gentle and graceful like the wind' and maybe she'd be different.... nah!
any hoos, I've got to lavish attention on my devil dog. Laters...
{..::current..mood::..} sickly/tired/exhausted
{..::currently..reading::..} lemony snicket's number 8 (I think)
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} frou frou 'let go'
Monday, February 21, 2005
hottub and firefighter, is there anything better?
Is there any better way to spend a saturday than sitting in a hottub with a firefighter? A firefighter and a hockey player? Okay okay. For starters, a single eligible firefighter, who's not currently dating my cousin. Ditto for the hockey player (who never made it in time to join us in the hottub...damn my cousins and their boyfriends).
A girl can dream can't she? lemme go back to hottub and firefighters though...
*sigh* so nice there...
other than that life is ok. Allergy attacks and all. Well see y'all on the other side. Laters...
Saturday, February 19, 2005
more quizzes
You came from the water. Calm and shy, you know
what you want, but sometimes are afraid to
stand up for yourself.
Where did you come from?
brought to you by Quizilla
Calm .... right *nods*
Fire. Impulsive. Unlike Air, you do jump before you
look. When you have something in mind, you
won't let go. You have a strong will, and will
do anything to get what you want. From time to
time you can forget that other people have
feelings too, but at most, you're a happy
jumping friend.
What is your element?
brought to you by Quizilla
mwhahahah I'm Fire.... bwhahahahaha
Dark shadow. Something has drawn you into darkness
in the past, and you're now trying to get out
of it. The darkness is already inside you, and
getting it out will be hard, but if you try,
maybe one day you can be who you want to be
again. Don't give in!!!
Please rate ^^
What kind of dark person are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
You're a Dreamer. You've only got 1 best friend,
YOU. You're to busy living in your own little
world that you forget there's more out there.
Just open your eyes for once and see what the
world has to offer.
What kind of group person are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Me? A dreamer? Nooo, never....
Well it's sure better than the results I got the second time...
You're a Dreamer. You've only got 1 best friend,
YOU. You're to busy living in your own little
world that you forget there's more out there.
Just open your eyes for once and see what the
world has to offer.
What kind of group person are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
I default....
So I guess our blog duel shall have to wait until Carla has a fully operational computer and access to the internet (only to make it fair, seesh, fair?!?! pfffhh!!)...
Nothing all that interesting happening, still..
Still being harassed about not going to that social. Apparently the courrier guy has shown my picture to his friends and they're upset I'm not coming. *shudders at the thought* See the dude had his camera and caught me off guard and got my picture (grr!). So now he's really bugging me again. I am sooo glad it's my aunt's birthday on saturday, thank god!!!!
Went on a little shopping spree today and bought myself some CDs and movies, so yay me! Of course that huge last looming bill I have to pay is hanging over me, but oh well, it's the little things that make me happy.
So movie night tomorrow. Yayness!! Plus my brother will be back with all of my usa stuff, sweet! So what if it's only certain foods and drinks, it's still something great!
Well I'm off to watch Alias, plus I need someone to tell me about Lost, as I went out shopping right after it started. Please and thanks. Well see y'all tomorrow.. Later!
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
now this is a house...
Ok, when I get bored I look up unusual things on the internet. No not some sort of kinky or twisted things but houses and cars and stuff I only wish I had the money for.
Any ways I came across this house and I thought 'holy shit, why in the world is that house $995,000' then followed by 'wouldn't that be great?'. Seriously this house is loaded. It's funny but cool at the same time.
Listen to this "Included in this home is a separate 6,000 square foot recreation complex, which has two bedrooms, a full kitchen, an indoor pool and a gymnasium. The complex is accessed by an underground walkway. " Can you imagine having an indoor pool with an underground walk way from the actual house to the "recreation center"? CRAZY. Plus "Featured in the recreational facility is an indoor 24' x 40' swimming pool and an adjacent 6-person hot tub with a panoramic view of the backyard. There is also a gymnasium plus a separate steam room. " Can you imagine?
To top it all off, it's 20 years old and yet it's still for almost one million dollars. Can you imagine what it's original price was?" Wow!
Any hoo this just cracked me up so go check it out. Comfree
Funny what jogs your mind...
Another quiet day at work today. A lot more refilling was achieved. I'm absolutely sick of cleaning up our card files. I've only done 3 and a half bins out of 8 or 10. I'm seen so many names that I'm surprised I know my own any more.
See the problem is, for each file started we make a little card and but it in the card filling system so that the next time the person comes in we can locate their film easily. Of course over time certain cards are filled wrong. Either people forget their alphabet (I've done, we've all done it, but that's another issue) or else they are not paying attention and made duplicate files. It get frustrating so I took it upon myself to clean up the files. Now I wish I hadn't done it. I've actually created more work to do, lucky me. lol. Leave it to me to make things more difficult. Oh well, it occupies my time.
As I was doing the cleaning up today, I realized something. After seeing certain names, I was reminded of people I hadn't thought of in many many years. It's kind of strange when that happens. Like today I saw a last name and it was like I just automatically matched it with another name, but didn't know why. That's when I realized I has subconsciously reminded myself of someone from my childhood. Mind you it wasn't any one of importance, just weird. Then it got me thinking of all these names of fellow classmates from when we were in elementary and how strange it is when you think of someone from then out of the blue. Very strange... Oh well, just a weird random thought of mine. (one of many....)
Apparently the "geniuses" at fox have not only cut down the order for Arrested Development, but they are putting that awful 'American Dad' in its place. How horrible. I watched that show, but I can't say I enjoyed it. It was just weird and retarded. I don't know, I just expected it to be better. Mind you I did miss the first few crutical moments of any new tv show, but oh well. Man do I ever hate fox. I don't think there is any show I watch on that channel any more, except maybe the rare simpsons and 'that 70s show' and eventually the return of 'family guy,' but that's it. I've given up on 'the o.c.' and I'm still bitter about 'wonderfalls and 'tru calling' although truth be told I was devoted to 'tru calling' I'm still mad. Grr to you!
{..::current..mood::..} meh
{..::currently..reading::..} 'can you keep a secret' sophie kinsella
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} whatever my mom is watching on tv
{} Karen: Gosh, I don't think that I've ever been stressed out. Why would I be? I've got practically no responsibilities, my job's a breeze and I've got a KILLER rack. Good morning. -'will and grace'
Which Delicious Man of Fiction Would You Bed?
Which Delicious Man of Fiction Would You Bed? | |
Name | |
DOB | |
Favourite Color | |
Your Man Is.... | Jack Sparrow from PotC. Hint: a bit of rum will make a man do anything *wink wink* |
You Will Wake Up... | Completely satisfied |
Surprise! | Nine months later, expect a little bundle of joy, the spitting image of his father |
This Quiz by Krykiet - Taken 32611 Times.![]() |
Monday, February 14, 2005
I challenge you Carla.... a battle of blogging and posts for the title of "Blog Queen."
From this moment on it will be a race to see who actually is the reigning queen of blog posts. Of course momentarily I claimed my crown back, but thinking about it (thanks to Lynnsey) I realized I must challenge you.
You hear me?!?! It's on!!
To sum up this month I have posted 11 times (including this one).
Let the blogging war begin!!! mwhahahahaha *gooooooong*
Happy Heart Day...
Happy Heart day everyone!!
Plus I'll gladly take my blogging crown back. If you noticed I updated my blog and posted all my drafts, so I'll gladly take my crown back, thank-you very much! mwwhahahaha
So what's up with me? Nothing. Just watching 'Ella Enchanted' and relaxing.
A sort of weird day. I was kind of quiet for most of the day. It always makes me nervous when my day isn't busy. Maybe I'm just paranoid... (me? paranoid? NEVER!! wait are you reading this and thinking I'm crazy?!? You must be... AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!)
Oh and you'll be happy to know my "innocent" puppy is up to her evil tricks again. Apparently she has just discovered toliet paper and likes to grab some and run out of the bathroom with it (still attached to the wall). She also tried to help me put my clean laundry away. She took the majority of my clothes out of the basket and put them on the floor (and someone managed to keep some of them folded, isn't she talented?). Not to mention she also ran around the house with my underwear. She dug them out of the clean laundry basket. She's CRAZY!! See it's all an act she did for you guys, I SWEAR!!
Well that is all, I'm sure I had more interesting things to say, but I'm still exhausted from staying up until 3:30 am on Saturday that I'm ready to drop.
{..::current..mood::..} grumpy I'm not going to grand forks tomorrow
{..::currently..reading::..} can you keep a secret - sophia kinsella
{..::currently..watching::..} ella enchanted
{..::currently..listening::..} ella enchanted
{..::current..quote::..}Excuse me? 7th Heaven is smart, edgy and insanely creative. Did you not hear they're doing a musical tonight? Do you not know that is surely a sign of Armageddon? Ruuun! - Watch with Kristin chat (feb 14, 2005)
Sunday, February 13, 2005
I am sooo exhausted...
Looks like I spoke too soon. I finally slept in past 11am this morning. Even Kali was still in bed. Well that's not totally true because she had gotten up earlier and then was put back in my bed. I'm not used to sleeping in though. Like I said last night, since I got Kali (a month ago, almost) I haven't slept in past 9am. It was very refreshing...of course I think the Benalyn All-in-one I took might have played a part in the sleeping, but that's another story...
Saw Hitch last night. It was very cute. I can't imagine it being as good if it didn't have Will Smith. It was actually kind of funny because earlier in the day I had watched him in Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (which apparently I still know all the theme words to). He just seems so much better know than he did on the show. It was still very funny to see him on that older show to this. But all in all, the movie was very refreshing. Plus the character Albert was so adorable. The movie was a little corny in areas but it was still really good. Better than I expected, that's for sure. Especially the "gobble-gobble" song...
Turns out the screening made us all really tired because we never did get together again today to watch movies, which might have been a good thing seeing how I was so incredibly sleep deprived and giddy the night (well morning) before. We all suck though, I was sort of looking forward to movie watching, but oh well I did do that on my own any ways. Ah, c'est la vie. We shall do it again this week...
Oh and you wouldn't believe this, but remember the simpson's episode where they go to Winnipeg? Well it was on again earlier!! Of course I missed it, AGAIN!!! Grrr!!! I didn't remember until after. Hopefully Theresa caught it, seeing how I told her, but if not, I'm sure it will on again. *fingers crossed* I just thought it was funny how we were talking about it last night and then it was on earlier tonight. Too ironic.
Any hoos i'm getting tired so I think I'm going to vickify myself and go to bed..
Later dayz...
Saturday, February 12, 2005
I'm starting to think there is a conspiracy...
Apparently, the hospital likes to play with my mind, in regard to shifts. Sadly, I almost expected and antcipated something wasn't right one my way to the hospital.
As I arrived one of the techs is looking at me like "what the hell are you doing here?" kind of looks. Turns out the woman in charge of shifts messed up. First of all my name was written in the book well below the normal weekend shift people, so the other techs called another tech to come in thinking no one was coming in. Wrong of course. Any hoo as it turns out the woman in charge of scheduling skipped a tech and went on searching for others to work (ie. me). Once it was all figured out, I lost the shift and had to leave at 11 (technically...but they left me leave earlier than that). They felt bad because it happened last weekend too (at least I wasn't at the hospital that time).
On the good side, yay I didn't lose my whole Saturday. On the bad side, I lost 5 hours of pay and I had to wake up for nothing. Oh well. Luckily I'm not the psycho-go-all-angry-because-they-took-away-my-shift type of person. Miffed, maybe but no point showing it there. So last weekend I was offered shifts and then they took the one away (another confusion) then again today. So I'm convinced it's some sort of conspiracy, oh well.
More time to have me time...
Friday, February 11, 2005
Friday is finally here...
Finally made it to the end of the week. Yay?!?
Plus I'm crazy again. I just took a shift at the hospital for tomorrow in the day, so no sleeping in, boo! But yay extra money to pay for my bills. Just sucky I keep missing my chance for shifts though. After last weekend's being offered every shift, I thought it better to just accept the shift than say no and being called in anyways. Ah c'est la vie.
My day was a little nuts though. I arrived at my normal 10-15 minutes before we open (with donuts I must add) and there were people lining up to get in. Seriously, what the hell. Sadly they didn't stop coming until 10:30. I barely had a chance to eat my breakfast (those yummy donuts from tim hortons).
What pissed me off today though was the fact I was supposed to have the receptionist all day but nooooo she decides she needs to "run errands" and go to the other clinic to do the "reports and filing" aka see the stupid courrier that she's having a sort of affair but not affair with. It's all stupid and retarded but whatever to each their own. I get soo annoyed with all this though. He comes to our clinic first thing in the morning and they gab for almost an hour (while I have to do all the work, instead of just the x-rays) then she rusn to the other clinic. Of course it's all planned so they can see eachother again. UGH!!! It's so infuriating. She was supposed to the filing in the morning before coming to my clinic, but nooooo of course she had to be here in the morning to see her friend, then leaves to see him again. I wouldn't have been surprised if she'd gone to the third clinic to see him again. Okay I'm done my rant for now, it's just frustrating at times.
Other than that my day was good. A little tired but just happy the weekend is here, even if it's only really one day long. Well toodles...
Thursday, February 10, 2005
Alias proved to be interesting..
....or at least better than usual in a different sort of way.
Seems the writers were listening and have decided to make the show a little bit more interesting. Not mind-blowing interesting but it's sure starting to get interesting.
First all, Syd going all crazy was brillant. I loved how she was hallucinating and hearing different things from what was actually being said.
Then finally Dixon told Sloane he's on to him. YAY!! Finally someone has spoken up to Sloane and told him that as soon as they figure out his little "hidden-agenda" it's over. At least they're not all willy-nilly working for sloane, like "oh ok, sloane is my boss again. Let's just ignore how you killed my wife, my fiancee, slept with my evil wife and produced a child or drugged your own daughter. Sure, why not. Too bad it wasn't Syd that told sloane off, that would have been better, predictable and repeated from earlier in the series but still interesting. Plus it finally makes Sloane all evil again, so yay!
I must admit Weiss and Nadia are cute together. Cute in a strange way, but still very cute. The whole syd:"are you sleeping here?" weiss:"oh, um, I don't know, am I?" nadia:"No" weiss:"oh shucks" Of course he didn't really say oh shucks, but it seems so much more cuter that way.
Now on to Lost...
I didn't actually devote my whole attention to the episode. I enjoy the show, but sometimes I just can't sit there and watch it, it's strange, I know. So evil-tess, oops I mean "Claire" doesn't remember anything since the airplane crash, typical. Those two weeks she was away she was really in Roswell, that's why she's blocking it... ok not really but I still think of her as Tess.
Still it's all very suspicious. First Jack just beating up Ethan. Then Charlie shooting Ethan (where did he get the gun? or did I just miss something?). Plus the whole past-storyline focusing on Charlie was sort of un-interesting. I found it just boring. No interest what so ever. I don't know I thought this episode would have been a bit better, but apparently not. Very perplexing. Maybe it's because I knew what was going to happen (damn you spoilers and the fact I'm a spoiler-slut!). Oh well, I'm really interested in the whole Hurley back story though. It sounds intriguing.
Well I'm off...
Is life catching up with me or what?
When did summer turn into winter into semi-spring? Funny how life just catches me by surprise.
With spring approching (and quite quickly, I might add) there is so much I have to do. First of all I said spring is when I get a car. Now normally a person would be excited, desu ne? Yes, of course they would! Me on the other hand, no looking forward to as much. I want a nice little Echo or Wave or something like that. Yet I'm not all that interested in paying the prices. On the other hand I'm not all that interested in buying an older car. So many decisions to make.
Okay maybe I'm just unrealistic and can't make decisions, great....
It sure beats waiting for your sibling to pick you, after he realizes he's gone to the wrong place. Still many decisions to make when buying a car. Lease or not to lease. Buy or not buy? Buy a car that is a few years old. Dealership or cartrader? Etc.. etc..
I hate growing up. But yay Lost and Alias on now...
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
I've never laughed so much at a movie in a long time
Ever go to a "comedy" and not laugh as much as you would have expected? Lately that's what all the movies seem like. Sure they were funny, but they weren't 'jaw-hurting-as-you-go-home' funny.
I finally got around to see 'Meet The Fockers' and oh my goodness was it hiliarious. My jaw and stomach hurt from all the laughter. Sure some of it was cheap ass tricks and stuff, but who cares it was one of the better movies I've seen in a while. I'm only really used to seeing drama or something predicitable (boogeyman shall remain nameless, oops did I name it?....mwhahaha).
All and all, really funny. Don't really care for Barbra Streisand, but she was hiliarious. Not to mention Dustin Hoffman, I haven't really seen him in a role this funny since 'Tootsie' (mental note, I must rent that again soon). Just great.
Well I'm tired so I'm gonna hit the sack... Later days....
{..::current..mood::..} content (for the moment)
{..::currently..reading::..} 5th lemony snicket book
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} nothing
{} Greg Focker: [Re: Little Jack] I'm serious. I left the room for a minute, he let himself out of the playpen, put on Scarface and glued his hands to the liquor bottle! - Meet the Fockers
Monday, February 07, 2005
my new hobby is banging my head against the wall
I'm seriously ready to burst. Turns out the new person hired at work doesn't seem to be staying. She was so rude, arrogant, and ignorant today, that all of us in the building were ready to slap her. She was just fully insulting from the moment of arrival. Horrible, horrible, horrible. I'm at wits end here people, wits end!!!
*deep cleansing breath, deep cleansing breath* Phew!
Other than that it's been ok. St b continued to phone me on Sunday and possibly tonight, but my mom automatically thought the phone call was for trevor's chrissy. It is really confusing at my house sometimes. CRAZY!!
At least this week's Lost and Alias look promising. *fingers crosseD*
I'm so tired though. Extremely exhausted of everything right now. Thoroughly at my wits end. I really shouldn't though. I am fully employed and everything but I feel so drained it's crazy. Ah well, maybe it's the lack of sleep talking. Oh well..
Well tra-la-la!
{..::current..mood::..} exhausted
Saturday, February 05, 2005
I've never been wanted as much as today
Appears I'm popular today. This weekend alone, I've been offered almost every possible shift at the hospital. It's been insane. I was going to work sunday during the day, but I took too long phoning there on thursday. Then this morning I was called to work this evening. Two hours later, turns out all that was a confusion and they didn't need anyone, but they would for tomorrow evening (but they had to go through the whole list again, yadda-yadda). Then just a few minutes at 11:20 I was phoned and asked if I could work the night shift. It's nuts I tell you, nuts!!! Never hear from them, then they're all I hear from. In the end, I managed to get nothing on top of it. lol. life is so fickled!
Apparently I'm starting to get a cold, or at least I think so. I wouldn't be surprised with everyone getting sick at work last week. By Friday both the girl in lab and my receptionist were sounding like they could cough up hairballs any minute and the sniffling was constant. I was surrounded by sick-ies. Oh well, hopefully I won't get sick, normally I don't get colds so I'm sure I'm immune to them or something, right? *fingers crossed*
Lynnsey's birthday get-together was yesterday. It was all fun, even if we had to watch the boogeyman. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, but on the same note, it wasn't the greatest. It was watchable, that's about it. Mind you it did provide me with many moments of laughter and predictablily that I felt like I was fortune teller, but still fun. Best of all I had pancakes after. Yay pancakes!!! I swear perkin's pancakes are like a drug to me, yummy yummy!!
Plus I'm finally debt-free. I finally (reluctantly) wrote my dad the cheque for him to pay off my student credit line from school. I feel so cheap and poor now. Damn that $2600. I had so many nice plans for you. Of course not having to owe that kind of money is spectacular, but I'm just sad because I was attached to that money. Oh well c'est la vie and now I don't owe the bank anything and I'm officially finished with school *happy-dance time*...
Well that's all, it's time to drug myself silly.... YAY!!
{..::current..mood::..} headachey and bummy 'cause i've turned down so many st b shifts in the past month
{..::currently..reading::..} well i just finished abarat a few hours ago (must get next book soon...) ... so I think i'll be reading lemony snicket's no. 4 'the miserable mill'
{..::currently..watching::..} freaks and geeks
{..::currently..listening::..} my annoying music my dad is playing in the room above me (the man's deaf, I'm SURE of it)
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Whirlwind of life
Seems I've been neglecting my blog, oops! Oh well, c'est la vie. Deal with it :Þ
Let's see how my past few weeks have been since my last actual post. Wow I haven't actually made a "good" post since my birthday. Tsk, tsk me.
Any hoos, birthday went great. Turns out birthdays can actually be enjoyable, lol. Won $15 at the casino (big spender, I know). Plus spoiled beyond belief. At least I have tons of very enjoyable books to read now and movies to watch :) Yay me! birthday dinner with friends was great, plus we still have to go out for Lynnsey's birthday (date! date! I demand a time and place by last week!! hehe). Very much enjoyable!
Other than that, just been up to the normal stuff.
Saw the evil Liver specialist. Okay, he's not personally evil, I just feel he is. Turns out I failed my little goal (although I was positive I had at least accomplished half of the goal, grrr life!). Now I get to go for a liver biopsy, yippee skippee. The fun never ends with me *rolls her eyes*. No clue when this will happen, but by the sounds of him it should be by the summer (or so). Great! *insert more sarcasm* On the good side, my next appointment isn't until May....2006. Yikes!!! That was the quickest appointment. LOL. Everything will depend on this liver biopsy though. But I'll get some sort of treatment before the next appointment (whichever the outcome of the biopsy reveals)*grumble, grumble* I just looooove sitting on these fun little needles and pins, they're ever so comfy. Oh well that's enough, I digress about my rebelious body and it's plans to break my stride... CURSE YOU!!! CURSE YOU!!!
Then last wednesday I went to the McPhillips Street Station Casino because my brother was a finalist in some sort of contest. I gambled and lost my $10. I was sad. But it was still very much fun. Unforunately for my brother, he lost. Although there was that suspicious lady that seemed to read trevor's mind and got his prize, I'm on to you lady, you hear me?!?! lol. Just luck of the draw though. Would have been pretty sweet though. It was an $8000 travel voucher to go any where you wanted with luggage and $1500 spending cash. Sweet eh? But unforunately his plans were thwarted by that lady, curses I tell you, curses!! hehe. We had fun though. Even Theresa came, but at least she got some sort of introduction. She was "assosciate" while my parents and I were "family" but his friends all got names. Silly boy. Oh well it was funny to watch. Even that horny old lady (say what you will, but she wanted that young man!!).
Let's see what else has gone on?
Not much. Kali still up to no good. She's CRAZY! Funny, but very crazy. She's getting so much bigger now though. I can't believe how big she's gotten. It guess it has been 3½ weeks though, yikes! Oh well she'll hate me after tomorrow's trip to the vet.
No alias this week. Very much le suck. The show does seem to be picking up....a bit. At least the writers have acknowleged that it's boring, good for you writers. *crosses fingers* please get better. But sark this month for two episodes, so YAY!!! So excited. Plus he's going to be guest staring on Charmed (I believe that's the show I saw his named attached to). Sweet more David Anders, purrrrrrrrfect!!! I am in heaven, yes siree bob. Still boo to no Alias tomorrow.
Work still going, unforunately. Funny story from Friday though. It was nearly closing time and it was crazily insane. I went to put a patient's film through the processor when BHAM!! the power goes out. No big deal, eh? I'm already in the dark so no problems. ha! I have one film, half in and half out of the processor. This means as soon as I open the door that film is toast, so I'm thinking, no point opening the door if the power's going to come right back on, right? Any ways, just to be sure that I haven't blown a fuse or anything I call out to Lucy, who in turn bursts out laughing. I'm asking her if there is power out there (apparently there is none) but she's laughing because I'm staying in the darkroom (but like I said I don't want to jeoprise my film). Any ways after a few minutes I declared it a lost cause and come out. She's still laughing wondering if I was ever going to come back out. The majority of the building had lost power so some areas had power and some not. We had no power to half our area (included the processor that was in the middle of developping a film and starting another film, our equipment, etc.) yet we had power to the waiting room, go figure. Best of all there was no power in the hallway so it was crazy insane trying to get out. It was really funny though. What are the chances that I'm in the darkroom when the power goes. I just figured the red light went burnt out or something. Seesh, the irony of it all. Too funny. Lucy just thought it was hiliarious I was in there though. We still didn't have power an hour later but as I left hydro was there fixing it. Crazy though.
Work's been it's usually insane-ness. I sort of snapped today, oops! I take my last patient at 4:15. When did I actually take my last one today? 4:45! The outrage. I said no but do they listen no. Evil evil evil people. I hate being a push-over. I did the nice approach, didn't work. Then I did the bitchy approach, still didn't work. DAMN YOU WORLD!!! Seesh! I give up, there is just no pleasing any one sometimes. At least it's my last week of jumping from clinic to clinic, although I am enjoying this location a tad bit more right now. Oh well, shit happens.
Well I think I'm done now.
This is crazy-mcgee signing off. Later dayz!!
{..::current..mood::..} bored
{..::currently..reading::..} abarat
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} "why don't you and i" chad kroeger and santana
{} Gone with the Wind -
Rhett Butler: No, I don't think I will kiss you, although you need kissing, badly. That's what's wrong with you. You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how.