Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Hump day (no, not that kind of day)

Another day down the drain. Didn't get two comps I've tried for this week. Today's is actually still in the air but grrrr to yesterday's attempt. Partly my fault granted but I'm still bitter and pissed off. Oh well c'est la vie of a student, damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Nothing else really happening. Still not studying for my upcoming test in less than a week. Seriously I don't know how I'm going to fit it all in. I still don't know what time I'm babysitting on Saturday and I'm not looking forward to this test one bit. Tons of new stuff are on the test, always a joy. Plus I have a paper due. Damn you procrastination, damn you!

Top things off my class is even more stupid than before. I swear we'll never have our t-shirts out and ordered and everything by the time we graduate (provided I'm still in the program by then). The "goddesses" of the class don't like the design and have decided upon themselves that they will change it according to their views. We should have just stuck with a simple word or something, seesh. Now they want the money for Rumor's on Wednesday next week (so I have to have the money in to my clinical instructor by Tuesday), meaning I have more work to do because I have to contact people and see if they want to go. Then I have to order more additional tickets and I guess pay in advance or something. ACK! My class is all fucked in the heads! I'll be so happy when I never have to acknowledge some of those annoying people again. Ok rant's done with.

Watched ALIAS on Sunday. I enjoyed it, still think Vaughn's an ass and stupid but whatever, I'm still hoping that will change. I mean it will, it just has to. Interesting twist though. Can't believe I didn't think of it before, all the signs were there. Glad I didn't read the spoilers on that. Although it's not like I'm out searching for them, usually they pop up and I can't miss them. It's a curse I tell you, a curse! Oh well no more, I'll just close my eyes from now on.

Wow I just noticed I haven't posted any quotes or anything in more than a week. Ouch! Oh well, not today either. I have to do at least 10 minutes of studying, lol.

Well I'm spent, could rant more, but I wouldn't want people to think I'm a complainer or anything. *innocent look*

{..::current..mood::..} cranky
{..::currently..reading::..} sectional anatomy
{..::currently..watching::..} alias season 1 ep 10
{..::currently..listening::..} the washing machine?


Sunday, March 28, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Where oh where did Sunday go?

FYI I added a new page to my fanart website. All alias themed, of course. I haven't even watched ALIAS yet today. I'm clutching the tape in my hand right now though. As always dinner was served when the show come on air, so I have to watch it after this post.

As I was saying, where did my sunday go? I really need to start getting up earlier than 11:30 on weekends. Actually I need to start doing a lot more things in my life and a lot less of other things. Plus I'm getting really stressed about this upcoming test and paper. At least I have tons of info for my paper now, a little bit of a relief but still major stressed about this test.

Studying I shall do this week. Or rather, I'm saying that now and we all know it won't happen. But it better because I have to babysit on Saturday (no idea what times though), we lose an hour next weekend, and I don't get to study the night before the test because I'm working evenings. Grr! Seriously this course is annoying when it comes to scheduling. Only 30 odd weeks or so and I'll be done, provided I pass that national, which I will if i get my ass in gear.

Any ways off to enjoy 44 minutes full of alias tv. Ciao!




{..::Topic::..}: Sunday Sunday

Sunday Afternoon.

A day of rest and if! I'm now supposed to clean some of the house, do some studying and begin writing a paper. Of course I'm supposed to go to my cousin's to get some information, but when I phoned no one was home, which kind of sucks for me, but hopefully they'll be home soon and I pop by to pick it all up. *crosses fingers* If not I'm sort of screwed. Damn you procrastination!!! Plus I have to remember to go to the hospital library this week, in hopes of finding literature I need for this paper. It's only 10 pages double spaced, nothing major major but still, I suck at writing. Oh well c'est la vie..

Little tired today. Got home pretty late (well early in morning standards) and decided to stay up a little later, only because Futurama came on. As luck should have it, I fell asleep while watching it. Now I won't know what happened, curse you sleep!! All I know is I have to start going to bed earlier on weekends, so I can get up earlier and not feel like I sleep my weekend away. I've been up, what? maybe 2 hours and it's already midday. Cripes! On top of it all, I haven't used the treadmill lately so that's why I'm not able ot fall asleep at night, it's just a horrible cycle here. Oh well I'm counting down until my 4-day weekend.

Ok well now I'm off to my cousin's house. Yay. See never fails that when you start something, you're plans come through... Later dayz....



Friday, March 26, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Bras are evil vile things!

Turns out wearing my other bra is almost worst than wearing the broken bra. See as luck should have it, this other bra (bought at the same time as the one that broke) is actually killing me. It actually fits properly, but after wearing it for a whole day, well it's not so comfy any more. It was ok for the first few days, but today I was almost ready to take it off midday it was just that painful. I have an enlarged liver, and well any extra pressure in and around that area causes pain. Therefore this bra in it's infinite wisdom does that. Don't get me wrong the liver is a little lower than where the bra is but the pressure moves down and causes pain and it's all just horrid. I've only ever had this problem with the bra, maybe it doesn't fit properly any more but when I evaluate it (yes you heard me evaluate it on me in the mirror, ok I just shuddered at that thought as you did too but it must be done, gosh darnit!) it fits exactly where it should. GRRR! So my conclusion is bars are evil and vile things. Of course they relieve stress from the back but bah!!!

In other me news, got another comp today! Yay! Go Donna! She's looking out for me now. Honestly I think she's worried that I won't get them (or that I'm not trying, although I resent that) and won't beable to work weekends like the other 5 students. So thanks to her, I got another one. Just 8 or so more to go in a month. Just need the luck to be in the right place at the right time with the right people. I almost could have had 2 or more today but I kept getting called off for a darn portable even though I told everyone I wanted to stay to do those comps or try, but do you think they let me, no! GRR! Annoyed me a lot today, but at least I got the one. So here's hoping when I'm in emerg in a few weeks, everything I need will come in. *crosses fingers* Pleeeeeeeeeeeease!

In other news, Ralph and I have broken up again! hehe I'm actually back on solid food again too, bonus. Although I'm still partial to my Jell-o, regardless of all the teasing. Jell-o has always been good to me, so I think I'll keep it around. These past few months, it's been a staple in my diet. Maybe I'll have to come out with my own diet with Jello-o. Yikes, scary thought. Oh well it might have been good for my system to only have clear fluids for the past week, here's hoping. Although I'm sure I'll have to spend some weekend doing some sort of detoxification ritual but really can't bring myself to it. The benefits look good, but seriously a full weekend only of fluids, mostly just lettuce and stuff put in a juicer. Doesn't sound like too much fun to me. Oh well, anything is worth a try I say.

Other than that, nothing new. Still procrastinating. Way behind in my studies and paper, but I have made an appointment with a cousin to get some research for my project so that's good, right? Oh well it's finally the weekend. Yay! Well time to do some cleaning of the room, a normal friday night thing with me. What? You really expected me to have plans. HAH! The day inwhich I have plans on a Friday night, is many years away I'm thinking, oh well off to make cocktails in my new cocktail shaker...


{..::current..mood::..} tired
{..::currently..reading::..} hp:ootp
{..::currently..watching::..} i just finished watching Wonderfalls, but nothing since
{..::currently..listening::..} Eva Cassidy - "At last"


Wednesday, March 24, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Ralph and me, together again

Yup, you heard it straight from the horses mouth. Ralph and I are together again. Now before you get all strange and wonder why I've never mentioned Ralph before is because we've always had this love/hate relationship. We were really into eachother a few years ago. Our relationship actually dates back to the early eighties, which may sound weird seeing how I'm from the early eighties but stay with me. Any ways last night, I was feeling all hunky doree. Eat dinner, BAM! Ralph is back into my life. I quickly make it to the Big White phone and give Ralph the call he's been waiting for. I feel fine by this time now, so I decided to get out of the house because I had cabin fever, hey you would too if you'd only left the house at midnight for work, but that's not the point. So I'm shopping, them BAM! it hits me again. Damn you Ralph! So here I am at home again, but sick. I was up for hours past the time I went for bed, just because Ralph wants me back. I stood my ground though, thanks to a little help from my friend Gravol. So that is Ralph and our story. I keep trying to dump him, but he keeps calling me back into his arms.....damn you ralph!!!


{..::current..mood::..} dizzy mixed with nauseous and tired
{..::currently..reading::..} school books about breast anatomy
{..::currently..watching::..} Flintstones
{..::currently..listening::..} Flintstones


Tuesday, March 23, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Me loveth what I readth

I was visiting one of my favorite sites and was quite surprised. Looks like Spy Mommy might be coming back. YAY! Looks like this season is going to do a 360 and become extraordinary. So much to look forward. No more reading spoilerish stuff now, don't want to know more. I didn't read much because i love my show that much but the few tidbits I read today, boy oh boy, I don't want to know any more until it airs. Yay!!!

Well tomorrow I return to the daily grind. Didn't really accomplish much today. Counted my sacred money from the money jar and cleaned. For some odd reason the way the bathtub looked annoyed me that much. Here I am on my last day off, after working nights (still not adjusting well in regards to sleep) scrubbing the bathtub. It actually wasn't as bad as it usually is because I used a new product, Vim thick or something along those lines. Man does it kick butt. The spray kept turning to foam, pissing me off more but this stuff was just sweet. Only problem is now you get high if you go into the bathroom, oops!

I did have the option of going to the movies today, but my brother's theatre sucks. The only viable choice was Starsky and Hutch and I wasn't in the mood for that. Plus I was really looking forward to the new movie 'Jersey Girl' but his stupid theatre isn't going to be getting it Friday. *shakes fist agrily at theatre* Damn you!! They're getting Scooby Doo but that's only on my list to see if it actually sucks or not. I really wanted to see Jersey girl, now I'll have to go and pay like a normal person. Wait, I have a gift certificate, sweet I can see it free now. Phew! Glad I remembered that. Yes I am that cheap. Actually I've just been spoiled. After ceasing to see movies unless I was really really looking forward to going for free if my brother's theater had it, it makes a huge difference. Of course I also enjoy it more when it's a screening and that way the theatre is barely full. So spoiled I am.


{..::current..mood::..} hard to explain a sort of cross between exhaustion and cabin fever
{..::currently..reading::..} Hp:ootp
{..::currently..watching::..} I was watching DOOL
{..::currently..listening::..} "Everything I do..." Bryan Adams


Monday, March 22, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: As per title...Opps, I broke my bra

Talk about weird. I've been saying for days that I need another new bra. Of course I don't want to get a new one because I'm cheap and don't want to go and spend around $100 for one. Then low and behold I'm sitting in the car today when I hear a pop. I said to myself "Wow self, if I didn't know better I'd say my bra broke." I think nothing of it though. It wasn't like I was going to feel myself up to see if it was broken in the backseat of the car. Later I was running into a store (because it was so damn cold out) and I was telling my mom that I thought my bra was broken. Running reminded me of this. Once again I was out in public so I wasn't about to find out. I get home and sure enough I moved a certain way and my bra sort of did this popping thing. I mean underwire bras are supposed to be secure or somewhat secure against the breast bone or between the breasts whatever, right? Well see mine was sticking out forward, not a good thing. Sure enough the underwire has broken in half in one of the cups. Strange thing was, I was simply sitting in the backseat of the car, nothing more, nothing less, just sitting there. Strange. So now I have to go out and buy a new favorite bra, grrr!!

On a good note, no more nights. YAY!!! I finished my rotation and I'm still alive. Of course there is always the option of working nights when I graduate but I'm not thinking about that right now. Last night actually wasn't too bad. It wasn't as hectic as Saturday night, but it wasn't as dull as Friday night. It was just busy enough to keep you on your toes. No MVAs or anything like that. Most of the patients weren't in that bad of condition either, so it was a really nice night. Of course the tech left me in emerg all night, but whatever it really gave me the feel of working nights. Better luck last night then Saturday night. One of the techs is convinced I'm just unlucky or something. First the whole OR thing on Thursday then Saturday we get mandible x-rays to do and of course the panorex (the x-ray they use at the dentist for your teeth, which can also be used in the hospitals for jawbones[mandibles]) was broken. So we had to do them manually. It's not like they're that hard but still it's so much easier in the panorex, at least the patient wasn't intoxicated. Unlike our facial bones patient on Saturday, that was just funny. The one tech that thinks i'm unlucky was just laughing at the whole thing when I was telling her. It was funny though, I must admit. I attract the weird ones. Oh well, c'est la vie and that's how it goes. On a bonus note, no feeling nauseous or dizzy at all last night. I was actually pretty sick Saturday night and didn't realise until I got home. I crawled into bed and didn't wake up until almost 6 at night. I slept for almost 10 hours, and still felt a little sick. I just barely made it into the house though. I was worried about last night after that but I ended up looking and feeling a lot better than I did on Saturday night so that's good. But I digress and so ends my nights saga.

Alias night last night. I realise I didn't comment, but then again I'm having a hard time remembering what day it is right now. Interesting episode, at least someone has finally figured out the she-whore. Yay! Took people long enough and it was almost too obvious. Seriously people?!? Very intriguing episode though. Not as enjoyable as watching Sark and Vaugh together, but still enjoyable. The season seems to be picking up, good good. Here's hoping she-whore is gone soon. The teaser for next week's episode was quite favorable though. Can't wait....

So it's almost midnight and now I'm fully awake. Damn you nights!!! Well I'd be less tired if my brother had actually woken me up at 2 this afternoon like he was supposed to. Instead he forgot and woke up me after 4pm. So now I'm a little too awake to go to bed. I didn't expect to sleep as long as I did today. Last few nights I had to take gravol to fall asleep but today I simply ate some breakfast, crawled into bed and fell asleep in seconds. Next thing I knew my brother and his gf were in my room telling me to wake up. Strange bunch.

Later on in the evening I decided to go shopping with my brother and his gf. I actually went out with the intention of buying something. I even took money out of my infamous money jar. Anyone who knows me knows that by taking money out of my money jar means a huge step for me, seeing how I like to hoarde my money there. But alas, I came home with nothing but was kicking myself. See I was torn on buying a DVD and decided not to. Then I got home and decided I should have bought it so I went to get it at a nearby store. I also went to get some pictures that were developped from halloween. Unforunately for me, the stupid store didn't have my DVD, damn them. At least I got those hiliarious pictures from halloween. Theresa you'll have to see them, they are beyond words. I wish spending money came easy to me, like it used to. I really need to get all my comps so that I can pick up shifts at the hospital and make some money. Looking forward to that. Money, money,!!

Well so concludes a day in the life....


{..::current..mood::..} indifferent
{..::currently..reading::..} hp:ootp
{..::currently..watching::..} angel
{..::currently..listening::..} angel
{} An apple, onion, and potato all have the same taste. The differences in flavor are caused by their smell. To prove this - pinch your nose and take a bite from each. They will all taste sweet.
{} [the assassin Sark is introduced as an ally]
Marshall: Hi. Welcome. Don't kill me.
{} Liz: Since I told her that you broke my heart -- without any of the alien details, of course -- she thinks that we should just take things slow. Just dinner, then straight home, no plans for future dates. No making out.
Max: So I suppose skinny dipping would be against the rules, too.


Sunday, March 21, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Insane

Well last night was insane. I felt like I was running all night. That's a normal weekend, now I can see why they need two techs. We had equipment stop working at one point, always a joy. Then we had patients refuse x-rays to 10 minutes later denying they refused x-ray so we had to try again. Stupid things like that. I went to do one portable x-ray and once I finally got to the right wing (don't know why, but I kept going to the wrong wing) I was paged twice in a row. Finally I get to the patient and he's refusing, but finally I was able to convince him that it would only take a few minutes then he could go back to sleep. It was crazy. Boy was I glad to get home this morning. I pretty much dropped my stuff and crawled in to bed and woke up no more than 30 minutes ago. To make matters worse last night, I was so sick feeling. I was nauseous most of the night and then by morning my heart was racing because I was so sleep deprived. At least I got lots of sleep today.

Other than that, nothing else to report. All weekend all I've done is sleep and be at the hospital. At least tonight is my last night. Phew! Any ways off to shower and wait patiently for my ALIAS. Ciao.


{..::current..mood::..} a little cranky cause i feel congested in the chest
{..::currently..reading::..} hp:OotP
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} nothing
{} later
{} later
{} later


Saturday, March 20, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: I wish it were monday morning

I haven't even started to work tonight and I already wish I were finished. How bad is that? I'm actually wanting to go to bed right now and I only woke up at 6 pm. I'm not adjusting to this too well. Then come monday I can only sleep a few hours so that I can try and resume normal sleeping pattern. My body is very confused right now. Thank god for gravol, it helped me sleep today when I couldn't sleep. It took me until 10am to be able to fall asleep. It's all crazy...

Oh well, it's time to get ready for work, plus I have to take my neighbour's crazy dog home. Later dayz...


{..::current..mood::..} tired and dread the busy-ness that will ensue
{..::currently..reading::..} .
{..::currently..watching::..} .
{..::currently..listening::..} .
{} .
{} .
{} .


{..::Topic::..}: I survived

Well I survived. I even got to sleep for almost 2 hours, that was the best part. It was actually really quiet there, which only means tonight will be crazily insane. Oh well, c'est la vie. As a result I'm almost finished harry potter and the goblet of fire, again. Only problem is I'm wide awake, maybe I'll go and watch my neighbour's satellite tv seeing I'm house sitting, that should help, eh? Here's hoping.

Later days...


{..::current..mood::..} wired and a bit tired
{..::currently..reading::..} .
{..::currently..watching::..} .
{..::currently..listening::..} .
{} .
{} .
{} .


Friday, March 19, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Not gonna make it tonight...

Well my plan to stay up late last night failed miserably. I ended up falling asleep by 1:30 in the morning, which means I woke up at 11 in the morning. I'm totally screwed now. I did sleep later in the day but not much and I feel like total crap. That is why I hate taking naps. I always feel sick and more tired after taking a nap. I assume by 2 am tonight I'll be passing out, great to be me. Even better because it will be super busy all weekend of something. Also because of the nap I missed Theresa phoning me and I also somehow messed up on the plans, oops. I thought it was for Sunday and it was for tonight so I really messed up. I blame it on the lack of sleep in the past few weeks.

Oh well back to trying to stay up, which is already a problem. Later nights...


{..::current..mood::..} cranky
{..::currently..reading::..} hp:gof
{..::currently..watching::..} Wonderfalls
{..::currently..listening::..} Wonderfalls


Thursday, March 18, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: I have no luck in the O.R. and the irony of working Nights

Another day gone. More O.R. trouble, it's all good. No rotation of mine would ever be complete without having to call a tech in to help me because a radiologist will be needed in the operating room. Twice this has happened to me now. Seriously what are the chances of that. This was a little more serious than last time, but still scared that crap out of me. So intimidating, but I probably would have been ok. Oh well, I'm still glad I had another tech come in. Crazy crazy day.

Every Thursday a movie store near my house has all movies being priced at $0.99 no matter what. Lately every time I've gone there on this night, they have almost no movies whatsoever. Tonight was no different. All I want is to see Mona Lisa Smile, but do you think I can ever find it there, noooooooo. GRR!! But I went there twice tonight and both time almost all new releases were gone. It's like they hide them or something. Drives me crazy. When this first began there would still be new releases, now you can rarely find any movie there. I have yet to discover the optimal time to go there and find movies, but that day will come, watch out world!

Tomorrow is the big night. My first shift working the night shift. Now normally I wouldn't care too much because I am a night owl, but I'm so sleep deprived that my body is rebeling against me. I'm prepared though. I have enough Pepsi and Cherry coke that I should still be wide awake Monday morning. The irony of it all is that tonight, the only night I can actually stay up late and read or watch tv, is the night I want to go to sleep at 11 o'clock. I'm a little better now, but after being out all evening (sorry for never calling you back theresa it was almost ten when I walked in the door and I wanted to eat dinner so sorry I didn't get back to you, I'll phone you tomorrow or something) I'm tuckered out. I just found it all so ironic. All week I was made because I had to go to bed and be up at 7o'clock and tonight I wanted to go to sleep at 10 o'clock. Seesh. I can't win sometimes. It may also have been I was in a lot of pain, damn you womanhood!!! Oh well no matter what I'm ok as if this moment. So it shall be interesting trying to stay up as late as I can tonight. I have movies and such, so here's hoping. *fingers crossed* I should be ok though, who knows maybe I'll even catch up on sleep as a result.

Any hoo off to start my long night...wish me luck...later dayz


{..::current..mood::..} happy i'm not in pain anymore
{..::currently..reading::..} hp:gof
{..::currently..watching::..} rush hour 1 or 2 or whatever that movie my mom is watching
{..::currently..listening::..} same as above
{} "Floccinaucinihilipilification" which means "the act of estimating as worthless" is the longest non-medical word in the English language; it's 29 letters long.
{} Sydney: The highlight of my social-life was my dorms salad-bar.
{} Courtney: Chill out, NYPD blue.
Alex: Chill out? Chill out? I spent $150 to rent this costume. And do you have any idea how it feels to walk around all day with a thong up your ass?
Courtney: Yes.


Wednesday, March 17, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: So I flipped to much music....

Today I took my study, so I was out of school earlier today. I come home, tra-la-la-laa and turn on the TV. I remember that 'I Dream of Jeannie' is on tv so I flipped to prime, ok commerical break. Flip to much music, hmmm that's odd, there is news. Why is there average worldly news on my much music, ok maybe I have the wrong channel. So I flip somewhere else and yet it's all commerical. So I once again try Prime, but wait a sec, this isn't Prime. Try Much Music again, and see it's still news. So then I remember that all the channels changed today. Go figure after thinking about since it was announced last week, I totally forgot when I actually turned on the tv. This means I had to go and fine a new channel guide because almost every channel between 14 and 50 have been altered.

I'm still a little bitter about this. See the city used to have two different cable providers. One for east of the river(me- Shaw), the other for west of the river(videon), this means that in one city there were different channel numbers for the same stations. Any ways, a few years back shaw bought out videon or whatever they did. So then the city, both east and west were both covered by the same provider, but for the most part the difference in channels and stations remained the different to both sides. Made for interesting television when you'd be talking about for example channel 24 (showcase in the east) but something in the 40s for the west. So if you never remembered stations it was hard to get people to understand what show you'd be talking about. Then recently the city finally decided to have the whole city on the same station and channel. I've been saying this for years. It was always strange that one half of the city was set on way, and the other half was different. So yay, for it being continuous and constant throughout town.

But boo because the east changed a lot. It's closer to what the west had. I'm not saying they didn't have any flucuations or such, but the east got shafted. The east gained a few channels the west had, but the majority of the channels have changed now. So now I must check a channel guide to find channels that were once lower now being really higher. I miss the old order, it made sense, now it's all helter skelter. I just have to complain though. Very confusing. For almost 10 years some of these channels lived at those old numbers and now they're moved. Change is hard. Maybe this means less tv because I'll get too mad that i can't find the channel. But at least now if I go to an aunt's house across town, I won't have to ask where their much music or such channel is. I digress, still bitter though...

Interesting day. Once again worked with Dr Jeckell and Mr Hyde the tech. Then he tried to make me look so bad infront of the first year student. GRRR!!! As if I don't know what I'm doing. He asked her to make sure I remembered to do some things. Grrr!!! I can only imagine what tomorrow will be like. Not looking forward to the weekend, I have this huge gut wrenching feeling in my stomach telling me that this weekend's nights are going to be insane. Cripes! But oh well, it will be a learning experience.

That is all... I say good day!


{..::current..mood::..} somewhat chirpy
{..::currently..reading::..} HP:GoF
{..::currently..watching::..} E! True Hollywood Story about Mama Cass
{..::currently..listening::..} same as above
{} Gloucestershire airport in England used to blast Tina Turner songs on its runways to scare birds away.
{} Agent Eric Weiss: You really want some space, or are you and I going to go get drunk? 'Cause there's this bar - you won't even remember it tomorrow.
{} Isabel: The perfect Liz Parker lying to her mother?
Liz: Yeah, well, at least my parents know what species I am.


Tuesday, March 16, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Vaughn. Sark. Same time. Need I say more?

Who cares about the episode. This had tons of Vaughn in it. Plus there was just Vaughn and Sark moments. The best moments of those episodes. Very nice indeed. But I digress...

No one ever mentioned how hard it would be to have a social life during this program. It's so hard to plan anything because when I finally do have a free weekend or something, others are busy. Why is it always that way? If it's this crazy now, I can't wait until I'm older. Scary. Oh well only 24 weeks and I'll be done this program and 28 weeks until I write the national, but who's counting? I just never realised how hard a social life would be.

Today was the day the first years from our program came to the hospital. The girl I was with was really getting into it, so that's really good. She was a great help. We were quite busy so it was nice to have an extra set of hands. No shortage of work today, that's for sure. Oh well, they all seem like a good bunch. I haven't really met all of them, but no complaints yet.

Today we got our test outline. I keep forgetting how close that damn thing is. I'm no where ready for it, nor am I any closer to being done that paper that is due next month. Luckily I have a 4 day Easter weekend before it's due so I should have plenty of time to do last minute touches. Still I need a lot more information, and so little time or ressources. Crap!

Well that's all I got.......for now. mwhahahahaha.


{..::current..mood::..} pleasant
{..::currently..reading::..} HP:GoF
{..::currently..watching::..} White Oleander
{..::currently..listening::..} same
{} Bugs Bunny was originally called "Happy Rabbit."
{} Vaughn: Even though everything's changed... some things don't... I'm not going to lose you twice.
{} Kyle: What do you suppose alien crystals are going for on EBay?


Sunday, March 14, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Sleep...what's that?

After a long week of evenings, I have concluded that sleep and school do not go hand in hand. Give me a few weeks and I might actually be capable of comprehendibleconversation. But as of this moment, you're lucky if I utter a single complete sentence that makes sense. With nights coming up on Friday, all chances of intelligent conversation will be slim to none. I think a toddler could actually show more brain function then me after this...

yay alias in a few minutes....sweet!

Obviously I'm a little sleep deprived right now. Trevor waking me up early to fix the computer for him, didn't help either. In the end he left and used another computer, so I wasted most of the day doing that for him. GRR!!! Such a bad day, got into a fight with everyone in the house and now I feel like crap because I'm so sleep deprived. Hopefully ALIAS will revive me.

Well I'm off to rest before Alias....later dayz


{..::current..mood::..} i'm beyond moods
{..::currently..reading::..} HP:GoF
{..::currently..watching::..} Extreme MakeOver Home edition
{..::currently..listening::..} same as above


Wednesday, March 10, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Another day, another dollar...oh wait I'm still a student

That sums it up. Actually the evening wasn't that horrid. It was nice to be honest. Yes you heard me, it wasn't that bad. No blood tonight, yay! Puking, yes but no blood, so yay!

Only one slight problem with working until 23:45, by the time you get home you're so wired. I'm still on some sort of sugar high, or at least I think it's that. It sucks. At least I have the added bonus of sleeping in tomorrow, yay sleep! Of course there is the guilt and small voice in my head that nags me for sleeping and not doing homework/study but I tell that voice to kiss my ass. I have used the treadmill though, that has to count for something, right?

On the topic of studying, can I just take a moment and complain about how stupid research is. First of all I do have a cousin I can turn to for ressources but I'm lazy. So I go to the hospital library last week in hopes of finding some good articles or books or whatever the case may be. Do you think they actually had anything I needed? Noooo, of course not. They heard I was coming and hide it all, yup yup. The magazines I needed were too new for them. I needed Feb/Mar 2004 and the last magazine they had was Dec 2003, so I was pissed off. Maybe if I go this week they'll have some. I was only there for a few minutes but still research sucks. I've spent hours on the internet and databases trying to find good magazine articles but haven't had much luck. It all just sucks. Research sucks!!! But I digress...

We had some interesting stories tonight. We were talking about ghosts. Such a subjective conversation though. Creepy at the same time. One of the techs was telling us how she's confident in saying she has a ghost, but a friendly one. Just funny as anything, though. It's good to have a laught like that when the night just seems to be dragging on like it was. I always love those strange unusual conversations. I'm quirky what can I say.

As noted, I started reading Harry Potter again (damn you Theresa!). Sad thing is at times I feel like I've never read it before. I either read it soo quickly the first time or that shows you how bad my memory is. Granted it was 2 years ago I read it (ugh! imagine that, two years ago, gross!). I keep meaning to watch the first two movies but to do that my whole day would be gone because by the time the movie ended it would be 15:30 and time for me to leave for school so it's a bust. Oh well, I'll quit belly aching.

By the way, is any one interested in going to Rumor's on April 29 for our stupid little grad fundraiser. I'm at the point of no care any more because the people in charge are the only ones that have a say in anything. Drives me crazy. It's their way or no way, so we all will suffer. I don't even know exactly what we're doing for grad but whatever. So we're having a fundraiser to raise all the money needed for our grad (like lab coats for commencement, which we'll never use again, etc..). So if any one's interested let me know. It's just $10, so whatever.

Fondue...when? any takers? I'm still thinking movie/fondue/allnighter thing. Chocolate yuuummmm. lemme now.

Well it's 0130 (sick of my military time usage? Well ha! you must suffer...mwhahahaha), so I think I'm going to go and read to maybe bring myself down from this little rush... Later dayz...


{..::current..mood::..} wired, although I should be extremely tired
{..::currently..reading::..} HP:POA
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} whatever's on the tv my mom is watching


Tuesday, March 09, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: igotsnothing

Tuesday, already, eh? Wow.

I did my first evenings of the week last night. It was insane. I was very happy to beable to go home at 11:45. In a way it was bad, but in a way it was good because the time passed more quickly. You want it busy so that time passes quickly but at the same time you don't want it extremely busy because then you're just constantly working because there are only 4 people in total working.

Alias on Sunday was wonderful. I got a little confused in the middle because the episode was first told from one view then again from another view. I stopped watching just before they switched so when I watched it later from the point I left off, I was seriously confused because it was repeating the same part. I figured it out after a bit but man that was crazy. Very good episode though. So many great moments. Makes up for some of the slower, less interesting episodes from this season.

Being home during the day I've been able to watch Days again. Only two more are to die now. I am still perplexed as to the big reveal in May about Marlena. It stupid to watch but at the same time it's interesting. Marlena has just gone nuts, simple as that. I best love the theory that she's always been evil and been working with Stefano since day one. That's just so funny to think of. Ah, but I digress...


{..::current..mood::..} a little tired because I was just on the treadmill
{..::currently..reading::..} HP:POA
{..::currently..watching::..} Passions
{..::currently..listening::..} Passions
{} Nose prints are used to identify dogs, much like humans use fingerprints.
{} VAUGHN: any questions so far??
SYDNEY: Yeah can you show me what a bag looks like again?
{} Max: Liz, I just want to put everything that happened behind us.
Liz: Yeah, you know that I would, too, if I had impregnated an alien killer who murdered one of our best friends and then left the planet with my unborn child.
Max: So you're still holding on to that?


Sunday, March 07, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: ALIAS in a few moments....wheeeeee!

Yay after 3 long agonizing weeks, it's finally here. A new episode of ALIAS, and it looks good. Plus the upcoming episodes are supposed to be really good. Yippee skippee!! Before I know it the season will be over though, booo! But I shall survive because when it reairs I'll be done school (hopefully)!! So exciting!

More posting will ensue....after ALIAS


{..::current..mood::..} excited because it's ALIAS time....wheeeee!
{..::currently..reading::..} HP: POA
{..::currently..watching::..} extreme makeover home edition....only because alias is next
{..::currently..listening::..} my song of happiness that alias is here
{} not now...alias
{} not now...alias
{} not now...alias
