Wow, what a busy week and last couple of days.
Big wedding this past weekend. This translates into almost a week ordeal. First there was the rehearsal dinner (which ended at 1am on a school night, but it's ok because I ended up sick and didn't go to school on friday), the actual wedding, then the day after the wedding (gift opening - where I was TOTALLY bored out of my gourd, ask Theresa I phoned her so that I could actually have human contact), plus there was the baby shower (for another cousin, which was last night). We also have another get-together with family on Friday. Don't get me wrong, family is really important to me and it's great seeing everyone but it's been like 5 days straight, ahhhh!!!
Wedding was great though. Probably one of the best weddings I've ever been too. The ceremony wasn't too long, just nice simple and sweet. The reception was fabulous, and miraculously I was able to eat the entire meal with no allergic reactions. Whoo! The dancing was great, and I have TONS of pictures, yay digital camera! Of course there were the moments where I felt like the girl at the high school dances that is standing against the wall, while everyone else dances. All and all it was really great though. Just a nice small and intimate affair. The best kind of wedding :) The funniest moment goes to when my brother caught the garter belt, it was hiliarious. So now the big joke is about how he is going to get married next year. Just too funny.
Haven't really had any time to do anything else lately. It sucks. I miss you guys. I don't think I've really seen or talked to anyone since Theresa's birthday (yikes! that's bad, even for me). Unforuantely for me, my exam is creeping up on me so who knows when I'll be able to actually have social time with friends (mind you, if i don't have any shifts, it could be arranged).
Needless to say though, I'm fairly exhausted. It's just been, run run run. I don't think I've eaten properly in days, and I haven't been on the treadmill in days either. It's all sooo wrong. Good news though, I've supposedly lost half of the weight I was supposed to according to the liver specialist. So yay me! But I'm sure part of it was put back on because of all the festivities. Oh well, it was worth it! Now it's just another 6 months before I actually get to see the specialist again, ugh! They got my blood and updated weight so that's all that matters.
Other good news, I got Super Mario Bros. 3. YAY!!! Of course we had to buy it for gameboy advance then we bought the little adapter so we can play it through the gamecube. Then my brother bought me gameboy advance (a sort of early grad gift - yay in two months today I'll be finished the national exam, YAY!!!). So I can finally play the super mario bros 3. Sweet!
Oh oh oh. Best news of all. OFFICIAL Roswell Season 2 release day. October 5, 2004. Yippee Skippee!!! So jazzed up now. The features seem kind of sucky, but oh well it's still coming out on dvd. Of course that's similiar to all the other tv show release dates, hopefully I'll have a job! Yay!
Any hoos, I've got some studying to do, resume fixing up (yes it's already finished but it's printing all wrong, of course) and typing up my cover letter. So much to do so little time. It's either feast or faim with me. But I was wondering if peeps wanted to get together some day and have a game night. We'll talk...Later days.
{..::current..mood::..} exhausted
{..::currently..reading::..} ummm textbooks
{..::currently..watching::..} Trading Spouses
{..::currently..listening::..} same