Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

good ol' computer treadmill

I've decided to give it a whirl again, although this time i'm taking a bigger chance of being caught by my brother. Oh well, it's only my brother.

I must remark on the strangeness of the weather lately. Today was just horrible rain all day. Thunder and lighting and just pouring down. Luckily I was inside all day, but every once and a while when i'd check out there was downpours. Crazy I tell you. Don't get me wrong I like it when it rains. That rythmic sound it makes as it beats down on the roof, then the sudden booming of thunder and flashes of light. I'm weird I know, but something about the rain calms me and makes me feel at peace.

I don't like the sogginess and humdity that comes with the rain, but I enjoy the mental images and serentity it gives me. Maybe some day I'll have some mad passionate love affair while it's raining, maybe....hmmm...

So another quiet day, which is really strange considering the fact that all the doctors were working upstairs and the fact that we're closed on Friday for Canada day (hopefully beach day). I'm assuming it will hit tomorrow because we only had 16 people today, which almost half of my normal amount. The lab was super busy today but I was barely busy. So with my luck, tomorrow will be super nuts and then again on Monday. Aye carrrumba.

Aww, Im watching 'lady and the tramp' something I haven't watched in years and it's totally reminding me of how kali was as a puppy. It's soo cute. Aw baby kali, how life can change her. Lady is so much like kali (or rather Kali is so much like lady). Creepy.

Plus pretty crappy news about Veronica Mars on DVD. First of all I knew it was going to be a sucky set because the company decided it was better to release the first season before 2nd season starts. Well wouldn't you know it, ABC has decided to be jackasses and start 'desperate housewives' in September, so UPN has decided they should start Veronica earlier. So now as it turns out season 1 dvd are coming out on October 11, 3 weeks AFTER season 2 starts. UGH!!!

Apparently there was a huge decision about making the viewers wait until January for season 1 dvds so that they could put on commentary and everything, or just putting it out in October (before season 2 aired). Well due to Marc Cherry and his stupid housewives, us Veronica mars were royally screwed. All we get as special features are alternative pilot, bloopers and one other little thing. That's it. They should have just waited until January (but then again they could lose viewers by then). Either way the show has lost vital viewers because as it is UPN isn't airing episodes in order, making it a little hard for new viewers to get hooked. Now with the late arrival of veronica mars. DAMN you UPN!!! Why must you fuck with my shows. First Roswell, then buffy now veronica mars. GRR!

Well nothing much else to say. Just walking on the treadmill, protesting the fact that my parents turned on the air conditioning due to humidity (mind you my mom is already in full blown bronchitis, so humidity is bad). Still, grr! I love hearing rain!!!

Well toodles...


{..::current..mood::..} blah
{..::currently..reading::..} 'pearl in the mist' 'little white lies'
{..::currently..watching::..} lady and the tramp
{..::currently..listening::..} the treadmill and look above


Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Will the cleaning ever end?

Lately it seems that all I'm doing is cleaning. Yes, cleaning, you heard me.

This week's 'room-du-jour' involves my second bedroom, aka the spare bedroom. Since the yard sale, there has actually been room to move around in the room. Now there is a lot of room, since I organized things in there. See the only reason I really care for that room is (besides the point it houses more of my stuff) but when it's really hot out and the air conditioning on, that room is the coolest in the house; therefore the best room. So finally when or if it ever gets warm out again (fingers crossed for friday), I can hang out in that room chillin' (literally and figuratively).

Nothing much going on, still. Just the norm. X-raying, followed by more x-raying followed by boredom. The liver specialist still hasn't returned my phone call from last week. I'm getting really annoyed by this. Grrr!! That hospital is just too big!

Another busy day. Didn't help that when I arrived, I couldn't use the computer (such a pain in the ass) for the first few hours. Luckily enough, there wasn't more than 3 people waiting at one time. But I was thinking today about how fast I'm getting. It's almost a race against myself to improve my time. Maybe I'm just crazy but it's true. I'm actually timing myself taking certain x-rays. I'm nuts, but we already knew that.

On the subject of x-rays, I was reading in the newpaper today about how a man used x-ray to make a key. Sure that sounds crazy because x-rays can't make anything but x-rays of the body (or other metallic items). Apparently two friends were kidding around and the one guy swallowed a key. (I'll be sure to scan the article later). Any ways, that guy knew his friend really needed that key (and I guess couldn't wait for the key to pass through the gastrointestinal tract), so this guy apparently had an x-ray of his stomach and took it to a keysmith, where they manufactured a key for the friend's truck.

Just goes to show you how versatile x-rays can be. Of course, I have some issues with this story. To make a key from the x-ray, that key would have had to been perfectly flat in the body, not all angled (unless they just kept taking pictures until they got a x-ray perfect...totally against the rules though). Craziness.

Any ways, I've got a massive headache from being in the spare room. So I'll catch y'all on the other side. Later!


{..::current..mood::..} usual
{..::currently..reading::..} 'pearl in the mist' and 'little white lies'
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} whatever my mom is watching (thank god it's not 'holmes on homes')


Monday, June 27, 2005

Trend Setter

Thanks guys, it's quite flattering that you all are trying to copy me, but seriously you really don't have to.

First with the getting your own computer and then having "fun" networking, it's must have sounded fun.

Sure, slamming your finger in the door sounded fun, but you could have passed on it, really. ;)

I'm sure that's about it for copying me. I don't really have anything else to do that sounds fun and interesting. But hey there still is an outstanding injury. You know, the one the I believe shall occur to my lower legs; it only makes sense seeing how both upper extremities were previously injured. I suppose only time will tell...

Beach on friday, I hope so. But with this evil weather we're having it's looking less likely. Still up for the bonfire, though. As Lynnsey previously posted, yummy s'mores and marshmallows (which btw, I just bought a HUGE bag of). All that good dairy milk and graham crackers. It'll be good. Even if we make to the beach we can still do that later, you know if we don't want to be rid of each other.

Today wasn't all that interesting, as per usual. A fairly steady day, where I wasn't going nuts; I'm sure that will be tomorrow or Wednesday. The only issue I had was when teh big rush came at 4pm. Didn't help I was on the phone with one of the employees about our radiation protection badges that we wear. Oh the fun of being in x-ray. Amazingly enough, I was still finished on time (minus the yaking time I did after I was "officially" finished work).

Seeing how it's almost 11pm, I should jet. I need sleep, I find myself so incredibly tired lately...must be all those wicked dreams...


{..::current..mood::..} tired, yet awake
{..::currently..reading::..} 'little white lies' by gemma townley (I'll finish it...eventually)
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} the clicking of keyboard and my mom brushing her teeth with her electric tooth brush


Sunday, June 26, 2005

My icons

Well I finally got around to finishing posting my collection of assorted icons.

I must add that I just adore Microsoft Frontpage and the fact that Tripod is frontpage enabled, so woot!! Less work and easy upload. Sweet deal...

any ways here is the here.

Remember I own nothing about them, and I will credit those who made them.

Later dayz!

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Boredom and cabin fever

Here it is, Saturday night and I'm bored out of my mind. I'm young, I should be out having the time of my life. Instead I am here being bored. I guess I could change that but what's there really to do? *shrug*

As it stands, my date for the night was a bitch, literally. Even that didn't go well. She [mother of destruction] is mad at me because I trimmed her coat today. She looks better; the same cannot be said about the backyard though. It looks like we killed some sort of furry creature. Meh.

Saw 'Bewitched' today. Wasn't overly impressed. It was cute and all, but nothing special. I didn't expect much so at least my hopes weren't dashed. I really enjoy the original show, so I'm always leary of re-makes and anything related. I just didn't like Nicole Kidman. I'm not a huge fan of hers in the first place, but in this role she just reminded me of a blond ditz. I've seen more brains on 'baywatch' and that's saying a lot. Really enjoyed Will Ferrell though, just wish the movie had a little better of a plot. Still enjoyable though. Good for a lazy day viewing, when much brain power is not required.

To update the peeps who actually visit this site, I found a link about those laptop computer (or rather it's more about the offices that aren't set up in your typical way). Click here.

It's all pretty interesting. You'd sure get a good night's sleep, or at least I hope you would.

Any hoos, I don't really have anything of importance to post. I'm just seriously bored and can't think of anything to do. My room is finally cleaned, no more puzzles to do and the spare room is actually fairly clean too. So I have nothing to do and I'm not in the mood to read or watch a movie. It seems that's all I do on weekends. Must stop it...I must!!


Friday, June 24, 2005

Funny liver specialist phone call...

Well I did it. I actually phoned the hepatology unit at HSC so that I could get my "official" liver biopsy results. I already knew the jist of the results because the lady from the liver study I'm in, phoned me and gave me the results (as previously stated in the post from yesterday) but still, I thought it appropriate to phone and get the results from the doctor that ordered the test. They did tell me to phone 2-3 weeks after the test anyways, so I gave them a month, quite generous of me.

It was quiet today at work, so I decided to take and chance and phone there at 10:30am. Here's where the story gets mildy humorous.

Apparently, my specialist doesn't have my results. Go figure. Here's a close copy to my conversation with the nurse

BabyC: Hi, my name is C, and I was told to phone this number to get my liver biopsy results.
Nurse: When did you have the biopsy?
C: On may 25.
N: Oh. And your name again is?
so I repeat my name...
N: Yeah, we don't have those results yet. They haven't come back yet.
[C (thinking in her head): uuhhh ok? Weird. Ok I'll just go with the flow, no need to rock the boat]
C: Oh. Okay then.
N: So your name is .... Okay I'll get your number and I'll get your doctor to phone you as soon as they come in...
---end of conversation----

Ok is that not just funny? The people performing the liver study have my results, but not my actual doctor.

Mind you it is a big hospital and they could very well have the results sitting on the desk just not put in my chart yet or something like that. So many channels to pass throught. Plus hepatology has tons of patients, so it wouldn't surprise me. But still they told me 2-3 weeks and I gave them 4 weeks. Seesh, thank god for the study or else I'd be sitting here pulling out my hair.

The worst part about the conversation was that fact that she told me my doctor (well by name) would phone me. I never told her my doctor's name (although I'm pretty sure I was talking with his nurse, but she did answer the phone 'Liver Unit'), or at least I don't recall naming names.

A little later in the morning the thought of her getting the doctor to phone me with the results got me thinking. I was all worried that maybe they had my results and that they just wanted the dr. to give me the results himself because there was more to it than the liver study nurse told me. I could have sworn on my last visit (before the biopsy) that the nurse told me that one of his nurses would give me the results over the phone. thinking of that totally made me overreact.

I'm sure I'm just a little paranoid. But still. I'd rather think that the nurse i talked to on the phone is his nurse and that is why she named names. But the fact that she didn't really have to go and check my file to know if the results where there. Mind you they are changing to more of a computer based system, so it could have been possible that she just typed my name in the computer or something. I don't know. It's all strange.

I just thought the fact that the liver unit and my specialist didn't have my results to be mildy amusing. Ah well, c'est la vie. Plus for some reason, my info form on NASH has gone missing. I fear my father has chucked it, for some stupid lameass reason. I hope not because I rather enjoyed that sheet and I never had the chance to fully read it. If he did, he's going down...

So apparently no beach tomorrow. Boo to Carla! Silly family having the nerve to have planned something on our beach day. Hehe, just kidding. I still wuv you Carla. Instead I get to see Bewitched. It's nothing compared to the beach but it will still be a blast. Plus we plan to move the beach day to canada day, so it's all good. It's exxxxcellent. mwhahaha.

Any hoos, I should probably resume cleaning me room. I mean this is a two week process, it's only fair I clean up another sock just to keep the tradition up. Hehe.

Later dayz!!!


{..::current..mood::..} starting to feel worn out from the hour long fast paced walk on the treadmill
{..::currently..reading::..} some book by gemma townley
{..::currently..watching::..} the computer screen?
{..::currently..listening::..} some ray charles song from my brother's winamp


Laptop treadmills rock!!!

Okay, so the laptop treadmills are only in some corporation in the states, I want one. I actually read an article in the paper a few weeks about this exact contraption (I vow to find that article, in order to share the brillance of it).

My version involves my brother's laptop (which I'm sure he'll love to learn I'm using it here), the top of our table from the coffee table, and obviously our treadmill. It's actually quite simple. Put wooden coffee table top over arms of treadmill, then place laptop on top of table. It's a sort of makeshift version, but it works darn it!! Do no mock, it's neat-o!

Well it's better than just sitting in front of a computer, or tv. Plus you can only watch so much tv on the treadmill before you become accostumed to knowing how long you've been on. Mind you I don't want a repeat of the whole "buffy-video-game-with-treadmill" incident of november 2004 because that was painful.

Of course who knows how long this fade will last, but right now I feel brilliant. I'm sure people do this all the time, but I'm thoroughly enjoying it. What can I say, I'm not content with just doing one thing. I need to perpetually be doing a million things at once.

Next adventure....the bicycle...yay?!?!

So how was my day? Normal. Actually a nice day compared to other days this week. Plus 'Shred-it' (doesn't that just sound like some sort of evil bad guy?) finally came by work and shredded our old files, yay!! No more clutter in the file room. Of course the 'shred-it-guy' scared the crap out of me. He was all first. By the end he was actually laughing. Apparently our boxes were so big (to which I feel horrible for, but it wasn't my fault and no one warned us about the box sizes) that he ripped his pants a good ten inches in the butt. Mwhahaha. He was telling me this, it was amusing (luckily he thought it was funny, cause at the beginning we thought he was going to kill us...hehe). It was funny. Of course 'shred-it-guy' sounds like some sort of evil villian or jim carey villian like 'cable-guy' or at least karen and i thought so. It was all pretty humorous.

About the beach tomorrow? A go or not? It's supposed to be like how it was today, well the high is for 26, but cloudy. I'd still go, but we'll have to converse about this I suppose.

Any ways time for me to cool down by going to sobey's.... later gators!!

ps i still need to post about phoning the liver specialist (funny thing)...





Thursday, June 23, 2005

Unofficial, official liver results...

Well I finally heard from the liver biopsy. Mind you, I was and still have to phone the liver specialist to get the official results. Yeah I know, they said 2-3 weeks, but I'm sure a month is better. Right? Ok fine...

Any hoos, the lady from the liver study I'm in, phoned and gave me the unofficial results. Well they're official (but she just had a little sample) and I'm sure my specialist got more results, but whatever, that's not the point.

The results were not horrible, not great, but not like i'm on death watch or something. Suffice it to say, I'm not clear and free.

Turns out my liver enzymes are still elevated (almost double the normal), but at least out of a possible grade of 3, the inflammation and scarring/fibrosis both received zero. Yay for that, right?

Bad news, (c'mon you knew that was coming)..

Apparently out of a grade of 3, the fat grade was....

....yup you guessed it a big 'ol 3. Gosh darn liver. Ah, well. I'm young, and the liver is cooping....for now. The problem is more of when the liver is unable to cope with the fatty deposits. Right now it's replacing them and everything, but who knows how long will last. It's not like tomorrow it will stop coping or anything, but still in 10-20 years, we don't know how well it will be there.

Ah well that's life. With all these lemons, it's about time i made some good ol' lemonade. The results could have been a million times worse, so these results aren't bad at all. Luckily the fat is not causing inflammation or scarring, so there is somethning to be very thankful for.

So now let's talk of the weather. Is it me or was today just horrible. Both Karen and I were dying at work by the end of the day. It was so bad we were actually going outside just so that we could come back in to feel the air conditioning (we were convinced that it was was not working). I wasn't as crappy feeling as Karen, but I was still pretty gross feeling. Really flushed by the end. I even left a few minutes early (like 10, woo i'm such a rebel).

Just stupid weather lately. Hopefully it will be nice on saturday seeing how we plan on going to the beach. *fingers crossed* Luckily the past few years, I haven't had bad luck with going, so let's hope it continues that way.

Any ways, i shall be on my way. Unforunately I do plan on phoning the liver specialist tomorrow for the official results, so we'll see how that goes. Just want I want to do on a Friday before the weekend...Yuck!

Later days...


{} A man spends the equivalent of 5 months shaving, in his lifetime if he started shaving at 14.


Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Theresa!!

See, you're halfway across the world, and I still remembered you ;)

Continue with the fun, and when you get back we'll all compare notes and go over the adventures we had in the pant...oh wait? that's a movie, not us... hehe

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

back luck comes in threes...uh-oh for me

Apparently the gods of pain and torture have chosen me as their victim du semaine. Oh well...healing shall commence soon.

Just another long crazy day, if the week continues this way, i'm going back to bed and wake me when january comes. It was just nuts, and never ending. Of course right at the beginning of the day and then again at the end of the day. Dios mio! (apparently I think I'm Spanish, let's not go there).

But seriously, if bad luck comes in threes, there is no way I'm phoning for my liver results (regardless of the constant nagging from a certain maternal parental unit). Seriously, like I really need to phone them and get my results. It'll be like "yes, you do infact have a fatty liver. Our diagnosis of NASH (nonalcoholic steatohepat-somthing)"

To sum it up. Huge nasty bruise on elbow, then there was the closing of the door on my finger and slicing it up (very very still hurts to move it today and it's the next day). There must be a third and I'm afraid to see what it is, because these two injuries themselves have been getting more painful as the days continue.

This finger might possibly hurt more than the elbow. I can barely move the finger, and the feeling is barely there. Not a good sign. I'm sure it will get better though. It's feeling a tad better than last night when it happened but oh well.

So ends my rant...all I'm saying is please leave me be 'gods of pain'...

and i'm out..


Sunday, June 19, 2005

Another weekend gone..

Appears this weekend has come to an end.

It was a fairly enjoyable and relaxing weekend. YAY!

The heat was a little intense, and by a little I really mean a LOT. Only mildly sunburnt though, bonus!

I was actually quite busy this whole weekend, but enjoyed most of it. Drive-In on Friday (great times were had by all), Yard sale on saturday (ok, so it wasn't as profitable as hoped, but we still made some money and got rid of a lot of junk. Plus whatever didn't sell is going straight to canadian diabetes, that way it won't make it back in the house). Then today we just lounged around, so it was all nice.

Plus I finally managed to paint my cd rack, so that's good. It only took a few years, but hey I finally did it. No more awful orange racks in my nice blue room. The fun part is putting it back on the wall...yuck....

Another good thing from the weekend is the fact that Theresa posted about her trip. YAY! At least she's still with the group, and hasn't gotten majorly lost and left behind, so double yay! Sounds like she's having a good time though so that's good. Although it sounds like she's going to need lots of rest when she gets home after the trip. Oh well, i'm sure it'll all be worth it. Great to hear that she's enjoying herself though :)

Any hoos, it's almost 11pm and I still have to finish straightening up my room (i've only started cleaning it like 20 times), so I best do that, seeing how it's my mommy's bday tomorrow and how rude to have a messy room and whatnot. hehe.

toodles all!

Now for your viewing pleasure, quizzes....yay!!!

Your Daddy Is Arnold Schwarzenegger

What You Call Him: Old Man
Why You Love Him: He gives good spankings

Arnold Schwarzenegger? My father? ROTFLMAO....My god that was so worth doing the quiz. My dad is no where close to arnie. YIKES! Hiliarious thought though... I'm going to be laughing about this one for a long time. Plus I even tried changing his name (from the shortened version to longer, and including some middle names) and still got the same results. Just too funny for words.

Your Birthdate: January 20

Your birth on the 20th day of the month adds a degree of emotion, sensitivity, and intuition to your reading.

The 2 energy provided here is very social, allowing you to make friends easily and quickly.

Yet you are apt to have a rather nervous air in the company of a large group.

You have a warmhearted nature and emotional understanding that constantly seeks affection.

You are very prone to become depressed and moody, as emotions can turn inward and cause

anxiety and mental turmoil.

It can be hard for you to bounce back to reality when depression sets in.

When things are going well, you can go just as far the other way and become extremely


Okay that quiz is sooooo far from the truth.... *sheepishly looks away*

Your Japanese Name Is...

Momoko Yamashina

Very interesting, seeing how I know that my name is Kurishii in Japanese.

Your Sexy Brazilian Name Is

Mariana Menezes

Your Sexy Brazilian Name Is

Gisele Braga

Big name change, by only changing 4 letters ... strange.

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to good manners and elegance.

In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel


You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to


Your ideal relationship is comforting. You crave a relationship where you always feel warmth

and love.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a


You think of marriage as something that will confine you. You are afraid of


In this moment, you think of love as something you can get or discard anytime. You're

feeling self centered.

Is it me or is some of this quiz contradicting to itself?

You like the sweet, shy type.

What kind of guy are you most attracted to? (CUTE anime pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
In your eyes, people see life... You see yourself
as just an average person! You enjoy life, love
wildlife, but also enjoy time with those who
know you best. You like to get outdoors and let
your mind wander over all of the mysteries god
gave to you. You don't really have a certain
sanctuary because you're so well-rounded, but
you like having fun and adventures, but can
also be found sitting quietly about, reading a
book. You have a pretty good life ahead of you,
never trade it for anything else :)

What Lies Behind Your Eyes?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are a Toad - croak! Meaning you are a
fairly, normal person (well,if you can all
anyone normal - that is.) You are mostly a
happy person, getting on with your life with
only a few croaks and moans along the way. You
are also a very, practical person and probably
quite a hard worker. You enjoy the simple
things in life like the company of your
friends, going shopping or to the cinema,
reading a good book and being with your family
or loved one.

Your good points are that you
are even tempered, fairly happy go lucky and a
good friend to have around. Your bad points are
that you sometimes lack the drive to succeed,
being happy with what you already have. Which,
really isn't such a bad point at all.

content with your life, you are a happy,
well-rounded person.

Are you a Princess, Enchantress, Faerie, Mermaid or Toad? (with pictures!)
brought to you by Quizilla


Your Hidden Power Is Fire

You have a strong and courageou soul. You show
no fear when it comes to protecting the ones
you love. You know when choosing between right
and wrong. You also are quite the rebel.

Gem Stone:Ruby, Eye
Red,Hair Color:Red with Blonde
streaks that is just below your arm pits pulled
back into a pony tail.

Quote:If you're lost I'll keep you warm
and if your low just hold on..cause I will be
your safety.....don't leave home.....

What Is Your True Hidden Power? .::Beautiful Anime Pics::.
brought to you by Quizilla

Earth Sprite
Reserved, quiet, wise and free spirited
You are a sprite of the Earth: You have a deep
connection with the earth and all its
creatures, preferring plants and animals to
people you are quiet and reserved. You
understand things on a different level and can
often see straight through to a persons true
intentions. You are mysterious to everyone even
those in your family, they may live with you
but that doesn't mean they 'know' the real you.
Being inside the house for long periods of time
can be torture, you crave the outdoors and love
simply escaping up a tree or into the forest
where you can be free. Although you may be
smart you are easy to judge a person because
you fear what they 'may' be going to do. You
are wise in things that most overlook and you
are very creative in many aspects like art,
music, etc... Although try as they may to seek
you, you are a free spirit. Just let them try
to catch and put you in a cage.

.::=What type of Mythical Sprite are you?=::. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers-
brought to you by Quizilla

Saturday, June 18, 2005

This yard sale is almost a bust

ok here i am, sitting outside, attending to "customers," and boy am i enjoying it.

can you sense the sarcasm?

I think my lack of sleep is finally getting to me. Apparently I only got 3 hours of sleep, even though it felt like i had a lot more than that. Maybe I should have just not gone to bed at all, but at least 3 hours is better than none, right?

Went to the drive-in last night. It was a load of fun. We saw "Mr and Mrs smith" and "Fever Pitch". I actually enjoyed the mr and mrs smith. I was sort of expecting something tottally different from what it was, but it was cute. Fever pitch was ok, not horrible, but it had some funny moments. At least we all had fun though.

Holy crap the wind is getting vicious outside, it's pissing me off because i have to keep getting up and picking everything back up. At least we sold our big pink chair and our scanner, woot! now it's a lot of crap, d'uh.

Lal la la la la la ... it's like being at work, but for free and not really getting anything for it. uck...

any hoos i'm getting bored with this so i'm gonna jet...laters




Friday, June 10, 2005

apparently computers hate me... yay

yes you heard me. So it WAS my monitor that was messed up. D'uh.

But being in such a hurry I never checked my backed up discs of info. Apparently they did not burn right, so I lost all of my information :( Now I must re-hunt for my downloads and such. I'm very sad about that. Plus I lost my closet of men and theories of alias season 5. Booo!!

Go figure.

So now I've lost everything I put on here in the last two weeks (except all my programs, just my files of pictures and icons and bookmarks). Oh well c'est la vie. It's not like I had school projects (THANK GOD that's oveR).


Other than that my day wasn't that horrible. Went to the forks, bought some cool stuff, and of course maple leaf fudge, yum! Plus it was our last group get together until TB comes back...Oh how I'll miss my tuberculosis...hehe.

Now I plan to recollect all of my missing icons and schtuff..

and yes I realize it's midnight and i work in the morning, but screw it!!!


Tuesday, June 07, 2005

canadian idol

Here I am sitting at home watching canadian idol. Yes, you heard me, Canadian idol. My boredom really does cause grave moments of insanity.

Here's a strange thought though. I watched an episode last week, namely just to see Winnipeggers audtition, you know just to see if I recognize anyone. I was not paying much attention mind you, but turns out what I thought was a joke, really wasn't as funny as I thought it was. Apparently one of the brothers from "The Moffats," you know the little manitoban pop group from a few years ago, was auditioning. I thought it was joke, seriously. Apparently not, because I just saw him again singing for a spot in the top 32.

Is that not insane?

Think about. Take some smaller, but equally popular band in the states or any other country. A few years after the brothers sort of stop putting out music, one decides to go on a show like canadian idol. Why? You've already had your spotlight, why go on a show like this? I don't know, I just sort of find it weird. It'd be like one of the hanson brothers trying out for american idol. Weird, desu ne?

Ok, this is just really weird. It's one thing to perform on rainbow stage or whatever, but to go and be on Canadian idol when you've been in a fairly successful band from a few years ago. Mind you this is a solo attempt and he was either the keyboard or drummer (or was it something else?). Nevertheless, he's manitoban so I guess I should just shush it and cheer him on because no Manitobans seem to get very fair on this show.


{..::current..mood::..} bored with life
{..::currently..reading::..} some book
{..::currently..watching::..} canadian idol...unforunately
{..::currently..listening::..} look's not purdy either


Sunday, June 05, 2005

drunk brothers and other nonesense

Well it's almost 3am on a Sunday morning and what am I doing. Cursing the day when my parents gave me a sibling, which apparently if you ask my parents I am responsible for.

Right now I have to stay awake until my brother passes out so that I can take away his laptop, which I'm sure he'll leave on. So to prevent any accidents, I'll move it. First I have to get my dog away from him too. The boy's nuts. I give it another 10 minutes and he'll be dead to the world. Why you would go out and get totally drunk and not get home until 2:30 when you work at 8am is beyond me, but that's his little mental plan.

In other news, Carla got into the faculty of medicine. YAY for Carla! HipHipHooray! HipHipHooray!! Smashing!

that about does it for me. I'm just bored, wide awake (I blame the sleeping in until 11:30 today) and the fact my brother is a weird drunk.


Friday, June 03, 2005

Work week over, finally

Huge sigh of relief, phew!

Finally this work week has come to an end. I swear this week seemed like a year long, no joke. You may think i'm crazy or lying, but it's completely true. Even my co-worker thought so. Each day seemed to last forever. Time seemed to go backwards instead of forwards. Lucky for her, she was able to take today of, the lucky bastard. But seriously this week seemed like it would never end. But at last it has, and I, for one, couldn't be any more happy.

With the weekend, finally in my grasps, one may ask what sort of plans I had. Originally I was supposed to get together with some friends this weekend, but apparently they all suck. One "forgot" we had made plans and is going to spend time at the cabin (sure, you just "forgot" ... hehe) then another just abandoned the whole cause and another I just have simply heard nothing. This is why our weekly get togethers never seem to materialize. Ah well, it won't be long before I'm not attending because I'll be working on my weekend again. It's been quite a long time since I last worked on the weekend at the hospital. They've already started to call me to give me shifts, although I have not phoned to say I'd be accepting shifts again, but c'est la vie. Surely I won't be on the casual list anymore if I don't go back soon. I'll more likely be on the forgotten, discarded and unemployed from there.

Back to the crazy work week. Never have I really had a week quite like this. It was quiet for the most part, but when it got busy, it got busy. Stupid busy though. Like you'd be dead for hours on end, then BAM everyone arrives at once and are pissed because they have to wait or they demand to know when is a better time. Do I look like I can see into the future? Not bloodly likely.

But today takes the cake. It was really intense this morning. If thye had all been for simple things like extremities (ie hands, wrist, feet, ankles, etc..) or chests, I would have been estastic. But you know my luck. Instead I had about 8 people in my waiting room and each requisition form had some interesting almost challenging stuff because there would be crazy things. Things like "chest and complete spine" which equals to about 10 x-rays and about 30 minutes to do it all and check all the films. My day continued like that.

At lunch time, I was like a minute away from putting my closed for lunch sign up and of course some one came in with a crazy req. First of all, one of my biggest pet peeves is when doctor's don't really know what they want, so they sort of just write different things down and hope we [techs] figure it out for them. This seriously drives me nuts. Then you have a patient who is telling you something different, and it gets just stupid. So back to my stupid pointless story. This person comes in with a req that says and I quote "L jaw (TMJ)." Ok so first of all jaw and tmj (temporomandibular joints) are in the same area but are two completely different types of pictures. So I ask the patient what sort of pain they're having and where it is. Of course, the pain is sort of in both areas.

I decide ok, well I'll just do the TMJ x-rays (I mean there are 5 x-rays there alone), but after finishing them, I'm not fully convinced that I have all the information I need. Plus the patient is now saying the doctor is really concerned with the mandible (jaw). So instead of having my radiologist looking at the films then deciding that the mandible needs to be done, I decide to do the mandible x-rays too. So here we go again, adding another 5 x-rays and 40 minutes to the total time with the patient. Thanks god, all the pictures came out first try. I don't normally see TMJs or mandibles but thank god they all turned out almost text book quality, which really made me happy. Remember it's the little things that make me happy. Turns out my lunch was late then, so then I was behind for the beginning of my afternoon. But still my luck continued. I even had another paitent come in with a req for a procedure I hadn't done in a while. It's just funny how you can go months without having to do any of those "obscure" x-rays then in one day you get a bunch right after eachother. Same thing happened yesterday too but no biggie.

I must add that I quite enjoy the ability to update my blog outside on my brother's laptop. Yes we now have 3 computers. It's a little bit of a madhouse but oh well. We're fully networked now so it's really good. Plus I can borrow his laptop and come outside, like I'm doing right now. It's quite enjoyable. Just sitting under the very creepy looming rain clouds typing here. Of course I'm really out here to be with the psycho kali who resembles something of a mud creature presently, but that's kali. Seriously her face is entirely caked mud, as are her legs. But it's hiliarious that she is trying to jump on my dad and he's freaking like some little school girl. The dog is NUTS!

this dog has talent. she gardens, aerates the soil, trims tress, chases squirrels (and corners them) as well as birds, and yet she still has time to attack garbage and people. Craziness. Plus the longer I stay outside, the more I can put off giving her a bath because that in itself is a huge task. But i guess i should soon, I mean she keeps licking her lips and getting mud and yet she doesn't seem to like it. Oh well enough about her.

So what else is there to yammer about.

Hopefully by the end of this weekend, I'll have posted my "alias season 5/michael vartan theories," and my men for my closet (including those that I shall be sharing with those non-commitital friends of mine). Plus I plan on installing adobe creative studio on my computer, so maybe I'll even have some fanart. But we'll see. I mean I do have another zillion projects in the work.

That reminds me of how I was thinking about all the projects I have started in the past few months. Seriously I have a problem with finishing anything, big surprise I know. As it stands right now i have to finish some candle making, some hemp jewllery, wire jewllery, scrapbooking, my inventory lists (nerd, I know), updating my mom's recipe book (it's all handwritten so obviously a nice typed up version is required after almost 30 years), my knitting, finishing some fanart, finishing a puzzle, finish those doodle pad things, make a thing (maybe..I mean who would really be interested in me 5 years after high school. Hell I'm not even interested in me, lol). Oh and my learning italian, my mosacics and of course my fanfic from 3.5 years ago. Yes my projects date back that long ago. My list continues like this. I'm sure there are a bunch of other projects I've started. I doubt I'll ever finish them. Even so, what do you do with them once you've completed them. Normally I'm left empty as well. It's just a big stupid cycle. But at least it helps to pass the time...

Any hoos it appears it's time for me to head inside, for the bugs are starting to attack me. They want my blooo-ooo-ooo-d.

Plus I'm off to bathe the mud creature from the backyard.

Later days!


{..::current..mood::..} Meh, bored and well more bored
{..::currently..reading::..} "white lies" by gemma townley (or something like that)
{..::currently..watching::..} the creepy looming clouds of rain
{..::currently..listening::..} scissor sisters - "laura"