Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Sexy pics....yummm!!

Here's a little something to change the mood of my blog. Great and I mean SEXY pictures of my man Vartan. Ok, so he's not mine....yet... *wink, wink* The restrainer order is bound to bring us closer, right? Please note there are upcoming images of Vartan's guest appearance on Alias in the upcoming weeks. Just FYI!

So without further ado, here are some upcoming pictures of MV from the November 14th episode of 'Kitchen Confidential.' These are hiliarious. Just look at their faces, how can you not love them? I mean c'mon, they are soooo effing (word of the day, fyi) sexy. I need to get me some of that....yummmm. *sigh*

These two just bring back such nice memories of when 'Alias' was a good show, plus Vaughn was alive (which he still is, no convincing me any other way, even if the show proved it otherwise, I will not change my mind) and of when Will was there. *sigh* Those were the good 'ol days. Curse Lynnsey for watching and ruining my show, hehe. Just kidding, you know I lurve you regardless, show killing or not. On the upside you haven't killed 'Veronica Mars' or Lost (although I don't necessarily care all that much about the latter any more). Plus the former's ratings are improving every week, so 'VM' fans worldwide rejoice!!!

Now here are my favorite upcoming TV Vartan appearances, they could contain spoilers in terms of Alias (seeing how he is doing a guest spot). So proceed with caution if you must.

Now who wouldn't want a man like that? He's sexy as hell. Hell that makes me want to marry on the beach, which could be a little hard considering my climate but meh, there are always airplanes. mwhahaha Australia and Vartan here I come.....

Greatest Show Ever

How effing great was 'Grey's Anatomy' last night? In case you missed it, as I'm sure you did, it was FANTASTIC. I swear this show is progressively getting better as each episode airs.

That being said, it's a tv show. Nothing is relatively close to what it's really like at the hospital, but it's entertainment, plain and simple. I know while watching it, I have to comment on all the x-rays (but I do that no matter the television show). But with any profession aired on television, we all do that to a degree.

Any ways back to last night's episode. It was a really tear-jerker and I don't usually cry during movies or tv shows. This one really struck a cord. Here's a synopsis of last night's episode, followed by my commentary. To those who haven't seen it yet, too little too late, deal.

"As Meredith nervously awaits a final decision from Derek, her angst is interrupted when a train crash brings several seriously injured patients to the hospital, including Bonnie and Tom, a pair of passengers who've been impaled on a metal pole. And Addison Shepherd sees great potential in Izzie, who must decide whether her loyalty as Meredith's friend outweighs professional gain. " - ABC

Basically the majority of the episode was trying to figure out who Dr McDreamy chooses, Meredith is drunk/nursing a hangover through the use of an IV bag, big accident, Izzy torn between friend's loyaty and advancing her career, Cristina freaking out about a leg (one they were trying to put back on a body and she couldn't find the correct RT leg), then the pole couple and Alex turning back into an ass. If you don't watch, then this is all greek to you and shame on you for not watching, it's grrrrrrrreat!

This couple that were impaled together with an rod was just completely heart breaking. It basically broke down to trying to decide who to save out of the two. Here you have a middle-aged male and a mid-twenties female. The female is played by the girl who played Abbey on 'Dawson's Creek' and she did an awesome job, kudos to you!

As I was saying. Both have extensive injuries, but only one will survive ok? To do this they have to move one of the patients off the pole, so basically the one you move will die because they will bleed out too fast to be saved. In true 'Grey's Anatomy' style there is an underlying theme to these two. They almost represent the choice Dr McDreamy is to make between Meredith (new love) and Addison (current wife who cheated on him). In this instance Dr. Sheppard (McDreamy) has to try and decide who which patient, the young one representing Meredith and the other representing Addison.

After reviewing both patients the "doctors" on the show feel the older guy actually has a shot at living. The younger girl can't move her feet and the pole is going right through her aorta (pretty much fatal right there). So any ways, they actually drag it out, finally we learn who will get the chance to live. As viewers we have to actually watch them tell the couple who will live and who will die. It was just sooo hard to watch, gut-wrenching actually.

All I could imagine during this episode is being that girl, because really she is my age. Being the girl that is told she is going to die within an hour. You wake up in the morning and all you were doing was taking a train ride somewhere, home or school or something, and little do you know that you're going to die later that day and there is nothing you can do about it. The older guy felt he should be the one to go, but his injuries were less extensive. Realistically, both would probably die, but this is tv.

Ok, so once she is told, it was just sad. She knew it before they told her, but still, all I could do was think, 'what if that was me?' All I wanted to do at that moment was bring the covers over my head and bawl like a little baby. Even know it's overwhelming. I have to keep reminding myself it's just a tv show but still it had a huge profound effect on me. This even made me reconsider working in the medical field, not that a tv show can really have an effect like that on me, but at that minute I was so overcome with emotion that I wanted out.

So once the characters are brought into the OR. We see them tell her they'll be putting her to sleep before they remove her off the pole so there will be no pain. But seriously? Could you imagine knowing that you'll never open your eyes again after that? I just have a seriously hard time with that concept. I just really get affected by that kind of stuff, but any ways, moving on.

We are forced to watch them take the girl off the pole, right after she crashes (meaning, vitals crash - aka CODE BLUE), and basically watch her die. Meanwhile, we have just learnt that Meredith is no longer drunk and can scrub in for this procedure and that Dr. McDreamy has choosen to try and make it work with his wife. So after they pull the patients apart, we seem them try and save the girl, but it was no use, it was far to extensive to repair. This being said, Meredith is was helping with the doctors on this patient (while the others were across the room working on the other patient). Bascially what it boiled down to was, the other doctors moved onto the other patient and gave a time of death, while Meredith couldn't come to terms with it, just like she couldn't believe Dr. McDreamy didn't choose her. This girl (pole patient) was just sort of representing Meredith, and how she was giving up on. Meredith was going crazy and breaking down in the OR over them just letting the girl die, even though there was no choice. I know this could be worded better and a hundred times more eloquent, but screw it. I was just really touched by it, plain and simple.

So peeps, this is my signing out.... peace out!


[mood] - somber (curse you TV)
[book]- hp 4 (18 more days until the movie, wheee!)
[listening to]- 'time after time' cyndi lauper (really not helping with my emotions right now, FYI)


I'm afraid....very afraid

As per title, I'm afraid, very afraid.

Apparently I'm turning *gasp* anti-halloween *second gasp*.

Yes, it's true. *hangs head in shame* The only halloweeny thing I did was carve a pumpkin and this was because I was asked to. I did wear my witch's hat and green wig though, does that count? I dressed up Kali though.

No decorations, no fake blood, no frozen hands, no fake graves, nothing. I am so ashamed of myself. Go ahead mock me, I deserve it.

What happened to the girl that got all excited? The one who would rush home from work and decorate the house with some gruesome items from time to time? The one that had little kids trembling and crying at the bottom of the drive-way?


On the bright side, we had maybe 50 kids come to house and that's it. We have an abundance of Halloween candy left, of course not tons of peanut-free kind, but we all have to deal with hardships sometimes. ;)


[mood] - meh
[book]- something
[listening to]- 'mrs potters lullaby' (i think) by counting crows


Saturday, October 29, 2005

Nothing like taking a walk.....with Superman

So apparently, my brother has officially lost his mind. I kid you not. He's retarded, pure and simple.

I have just gotten home from being completely humiliated by my brother, aka 'Superman' (I use the term loosely though).

See my brother feeling guilt over making my mom create a 'Prince Charming' costume for him, purchased another costume so to take some pressure off my mom. The only problem with this is he bought a children's costume. It's actually a little kid costume that resembles pyjamas. You can imagine now a 20 year old male, wearing a children's costume.

Now picture this same idiot, walking down the street to the movie store in said costume. Worst of all is the fact I was forced into joining him. There we were walking down a fairly busy street with him wearing this far too small and quite revealing costume.

For your viewing pleasure (or discomfort) here are said pictures of how embarassed I am right now.

All I can say, is thank god he couldn't find the mini cape, for he was trying to make my dog into 'Krypto' Superman's dog. Phew!


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Curse Word

Your word is SHIT. You are laid back and relaxed,
and most people like you. You don't especially
want to stand out from the crowd, you are
pretty happy with your lot.

Which Swear (Curse) Word Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Saturday, October 22, 2005


I love Saturdays. I do now, and I think I most probably always will.

They are the first day of the weekend, and if you don't work on weekends, this makes them extra special, because it means they are totally in your own hands to do whatever pleases you.

They rock too because when you wake up thinking it's still the work week, it's a huge relief to realize it's Saturday and phew you don't have to be up and be at the beckon call of people all day.

Saturdays are usually the day of fun too. Not that Sundays are horrible by any means, they are just a little more lazy. Kind of like the lazy days of summer, is how I imagine my Sundays (especially come winter time).

Speaking of winter, it's not that far off. Unforunately the snow will be making an appearance this year shortly, there is no denying that. But why as Winnipeggers are we always surprised when it actually comes? I mean we're practically referred to as "Winterpeg" where there are only two season; winter and construction.

Every first snow fall people become idiots. They drive like their are some little old lady who can't see over the steering wheel or they drive as if it's some sunny hot summer day. Get over it people, you drive almost probably half a years length of time, every year on snow, it's like riding a bike after you haven't done it for a while, you can't forget it.

The best about the pre-winter season is the complaints of winter. I personally don't hate winter like some people. I like the look of snow and the feelings it brings up. It's nice. It reminds me of having fun making snow angels, making snow men, curling up with a good book and hot chocolate and all that fun stuff. I could do without the coldness, but I'm not so much of a winter-hater as some Winnipeggers are. Generally we are just complainers I suppose. No biggie!

I just can't believe it's almost the end of October. Last year at this time, I was still jobless, but I had passed my national exam. Crazy. I haven't really accomplished a lot since then, though. Practically still the same, which is a little bit sucky. All I really bought since getting the job is a dog, a car, a computer and well that's about it. No huge trips or anything. Mind you there is a pretty hefty fee monthly for the car, and that dog is still demented, but ultimately both worth every penny.

I was just thinking about the holidays this year and I just can't believe they are almost here. Starting in a few short weeks the christmas decorations and songs will be playing in the malls and shopping stores. The insanity will ensue. This year I need to get my little butt in gear and get presents before December, that is my goal. *fingers crossed* I have the general idea for the majority of my gift recipients, so yay on me....which reminds me I should probably create a wish list for christmas. If I seriously get any more jewellery from my grandparents, I may go insane. It's all nice and very thoughtful, but I can only wear so much at a time.

Oh well, que sera, sera.


[mood] - annoyed that I slept in until 10am
[book]- "queen's fool' and 'hp4'
[listening to]- "wonderwall" by Ryan Adams


Becoming a millionaire

You'll become a millionaire on:
Wednesday October 12th, 2055
What's the first thing that you'll buy?
A half gallon of peach schnapps
Take this quiz at

Only another fifty years to go, *sigh*

Let's see what Christina can get me

You'll become a millionaire on:
Sunday April 17th, 2017
What's the first thing that you'll buy?
Every possible version of the iPod
Take this quiz at
Oooh, this one is only 12 years away, plus it involves iPod, so woot!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Doublemint Twins

I just got this picture in my inbox and I thought I would share it with you all. I just thought this picture was hiliarious. Reminds me of early Kali. I love these pictures. They are always good for a few laughs. I just haven't figured out what is worse, the kid with that face or the dog with the identical one? Either way it's scary. Remind me if I have children, to keep them away from dogs, especially ones that want to appear like my crazy child.


[mood] - meh
[book]- 'queen's fool' and 'hp4'
[listening to]- counting crow's "mr jones"


Thursday, October 20, 2005


I borrowed this from another site. Go to Google and type, including the brackets, "[your name] needs". Cut and paste a list of the sentences that come up into a weblog entry. You're only really supposed to type the top 5, but I thought, meh, it's my blog, my rules.

Here's what I learnt. (FYI, the Google phrases are in blue while my responses are in this color).

1. chrissy needs help {well obviously}
2. Chrissy needs a yard to run and play in. {they know me too well}
4. Chrissy needs your help signing up your friends, neighbors, co-workers etc, to volunteer to help defeat GW Bush. {uhhh….}
5. Chrissy needs some slack {Sure, why not}
6. Chrissy needs a POO POO {Who wouldn’t?}
7. Chrissy needs to get fly
8. Chrissy needs psychiatric help before she gives out her "advice" to the public {Get out of my head!!}
9. Chrissy NEEDS Addresses!!!!! {More to add to my collection…mwhaha}
10. Chrissy needs some perspective {As always}
11. Chrissy needs to stop asking questions of us {Okay, fine!}
12. Chrissy needs to work on sound/letter relationships and begin attempting to use letters and words along with pictures to communicate ideas. {So true}
13. Chrissy needs to lose weight- toooo fat! {I kid you not!}
14. Chrissy needs a few friends - friends with open hearts, open arms and open wallets. {I love that last part, music to my ears}
15.Chrissy needs her pads {no comment}
16.what Chrissy needs is A polar bear of her type, with The same type of flower pattern in his inner ears {see above comment}
17.Chrissy Needs it Bad! {you bet!}
18.Chrissy needs doctor {me? Need a doctor? Never……}
19.Chrissy needs to get them to toast {Toast what, or do I want to know}
20chrissy needs to pull her head in too {well where was my head? Or do I want to know this one too?}
21.Chrissy needs to be informed {I always need to be informed. I’m always the last to know}
22Chrissy is in need of a loving home in Florida {Hell yes!...Any takers?}
23.Chrissy needs to talk to the dealer {the dealer of what…hmmm}
24.Chrissy needs more help than her parents or her friends can provide {I’m fine, reeeeallly….the purple people eater did it. I swear I didn’t ruin it!}
25.needs time to get over him -- not have a man right away {get over him, what If I want him?}
26.Chrissy needs to share her tips with you guys {money tips? Beauty tips? Love tips? Baking tips? Must be the beauty tips *rolls eyes*}
27.Chrissy needs privacy {you bet}
28.Chrissy needs to be spayed {no, but thanks for saying it}
29.chrissy needs to start taking anger managment classes {anger management, me? Never…}
30.Chrissy needs an upgrade {you think?}

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Your arch-nemesis is:
Charlie Chaplin

Because they took your iPod without asking
The winner will be...
Take this quiz at

Your arch-nemesis is:
Rhett Butler

Because they took your iPod without asking
The winner will be...
It’s a tie
Take this quiz at

Aww, but he's so romantic from 'Gone with the Wind.' Okay maybe romantic is not the right word, but he is definitely a catch.

Darkest Secret

Your darkest secret is:
You have shared a piece of gum with your friend

Take this quiz at

Your darkest secret is:
You once told someone to bring it

Take this quiz at

Trick or Treating

You will to trick-or-treating with:

In Iowa
What will happen?
You will get cabin fever and chase everyone down with an axe
Take this quiz at

Uh, yay for chasing people with axes?

You will to trick-or-treating with:

In the haunted forest
What will happen?
You will have a costume malfunction and moon your friends
Take this quiz at

Halloween Costume

You should be Catwoman

You love to dress your sexiest, and tempt all of the hotties at your Halloween party. You are a bit of an exhibitionist and you put a lot of effort into all of your Halloween costumes.

Take this quiz at

Uhhh...let me try something a little more close to the truth. Me as catwoman, SCARY!

You should be Wonder Woman

You love dressing up for Halloween because it lets you be creative and show people your retro taste in TV. The best part of Halloween for you is the candy, and you definitely look forward to it every year.

Take this quiz at

Ah, this is a little better. Plus, CANDY!!!


Take this quiz at

Take this quiz at

Quiz Galaxy really does know me!!

As a child....

As a child...
You tried to pick up a slice of bacon right out of the pan
How did it mess you up?
You can now solve any Rubik’s Cube in less than two minutes
Take this quiz at

As a child...
You were paraded around dressed as a pink bunny on Halloween
How did it mess you up?
You have an affinity for socks and sandals
Take this quiz at

Get out of my brain!!! Who told you for my first halloween I was a pink bunny?!?!? AHHHH....

Wanted Posters

Take this quiz at

Wow, rebellon for undercooked spaghetti eh? I am a weirdo!

Take this quiz at

Wow, this is even better.

Quiz Galaxy

You fit in with:

Your ideals mostly resemble those of the Taoist faith. Spirituality is the most important thing in your life. You strive to live by all of your ideals, and live a very intellectually focused life.

40% spiritual.
0% reason-oriented.

Take this quiz at

Sunday, October 16, 2005

More updates

Yes, I have managed to make some mroe minor updates to my blog. Nothing major, still. Mostly a bunch of new links. I have also added links to trailers of all the movies I want to see in the near future.

Oh and just for you Carla is the link to the Meme, that Lynnsey tagged us all with, just in case you haven't seen it yet. Just Clicky Clicky.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Where did all the $$ go?

Holidays and me are not a good thing. I feel all fun and fancy free, not a good thing to my bank account.

Minneapolis was good, though. Still disappointed in Torrid though. Once again they barely had any t-shirts there. Grr. I still managed to get a few more at other locations, but still aggrevating. Otherwise, I made a TON of purchases. I spent all my money down to my last penny (the money that I brought to the United States that is).

We only ended up spending two nights in Minneapolis, but that was ok. The casino was kind of sucky. I ended up giving them money and getting nothing in return. Boo to them. It was just unfortunate that the casino was a smoke-filled environment, but still other wise really good. Plus I was carded by this really creepy security guard. I could not get away from that guy soon enough. He was your typical 'dumb' american. First of all he thought I was a boy (yes, it's true) and then he almost asked me if I knew the other Canadian at the casino. Weirdo!

Albertsville Outlet mall rocked, as per usual. I found all the items I desired and then some. It was great. So then we were supposed to head to Fargo for the last night, but my dad was in some weird mood and decided to keep going to Grand Forks. In the end it worked out well. We even stayed at a different hotel than usual. The C'mon Inn. It was really nice. The rooms even had DVD players and then there were close to 6 hottubs in a waterfall pool area. It was really nice. I'll definitely stay there again, that's for sure.

Arrived home and had to pay for Kali being spayed. Yes, she finally lost her chance to be a mommy, and it did not come cheap. I was quoted one price and apparently it was not even close to the price I ended paying for. But she's doing super well, so that's great. Actually if you didn't know she's had the surgery, you wouldn't be able to tell. She's just as perky as before. I was surprise by this when we picked her up at the vet. I remember when we picked up Sassy and compared to this time, Kali was the extreme opposite. I'm thinking it has to do with their ages at the time of spaying, but I'm not sure. Oh well, now she's spayed and licensed so it's all good. She's definitely mine now.

To make matters worse I felt the need to increase my already large DVD collection with two more items, to the 3 dvd items I purchases within the last week. I am now in the possession of all the 'National Lampoon Vacation' movies, 'Wonderfalls' the tv series, 'The Munsters' tv series, 'Anastasia' (old movie- fifty some years old) and finally 'Arrested Development' Season 2. I think I may be addicted to purchasing DVDs. Yes I admit it. Whether it's old movie, new movie or tv series, if it interests me I will buy it. It's problem. I need help, major dvd purchase help. Yikes! I actually did hold off on purchasing more dvds, thank goodness.

The only bad thing about vacations, is all the eating out. Sure it sounds good and tastes good, but it's sooo bad on the body. I feel like such a lump of potatoes it's disgusting. Unfortunately I am still slated to go out for dinner next week. Salad here, I come!

So all and all, I had another good week of vacation. Now I just need to find out if I have to book the rest of this year's holidays this year or if they can be used next year. If they must, I need to book those before the end of the year, depending on my replacement. Here's hoping. Then after this, I shall commence the planing of a great trip to a faraway land. Woot!


[mood] - lumpy
[book]- ummm not sure what i'm reading any more
[listening to]- 'wonderfalls'


Monday, October 10, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

I just want to wish all my readers (yes, all 3 of you), a very happy thanksgiving. Take care guys!


Almost 10 am and I still find myself sitting at home, not yet departed for our neighbours to the south.

In my parent's world, leaving early is something we don't do until after 9:30. Where are the good 'ol days when we'd be up and out of the house by 7am? The vacations that you waited all year for, and knew you'd be gone for weeks at a time? Yeah, those were the good ol' days. I think it's been almost 8 years since we did anything like that. The most it's been lately is 5 days I think, maybe seven.

After this short jaunt, that's it. I'm planing some trip, involving a plane, passport and friends. If no friends, that at least a plane and passport. We'll see.

Plus I get to come home to pick up poor little Kali at the vet. She's getting spayed, but shhh she doesn't know that. What an exciting week.

Well I must put my junk in the car. Catch y'all when I get back. Later!


[mood] - sleepy
[book]- HP:GOF
[listening to]- nothing


Saturday, October 08, 2005


I just realized that my blog no longer had comments. What a shame. Well I've gone and corrected that fact, as well as changed a few things around on the page. No biggies.

Holidays, Sweet Sweet Holidays

*sigh of relief* Phew, finally. Holidays are here. YAY!!! *Kermit Dance* YAYY!! One week free of anything x-ray related, woot!! Plus I still get paid for not being there. It's great! Plus Minneapolis is booked and all set up so yippee!

Not too much going on. Family last weekend, family this weekend, which always means hours and hours of cleaning because Kali can't seem to keep the house neat and tidy. I should have made another hair appointment like last weekend, ensuring I didn't have to do the last little bit of work, hehe.

Seeing how it's already Thanksgiving (how did that happen?), that means Christmas isn't that far away. This weekend, I'm sure our family will do our annual, pull names for one another for Christmas. I guess I should get cracking on a Christmas list, or my grandma will have my head. She's a little nutty that one.

Work's been going ok though. Alf is still getting my nerves and everyone else's nerves but not much to do about it right now. Of course one day when she was at the other clinic Karen (lab tech) was talking on the phone to Franca (other x-ray tech) and she was asking about why Alf didn't answer the phone for Franca, and I said she probably was chasing cats. Hee hee. Mean, I know, but seriously she looks like Alf because of certain mannerisms and facial expressions.

Well seeing how I have a rumbly in my tummy, I'm going to quench it.

Later peeps!


[mood] - somewhat relaxed
[book]- HP:GOF
[listening to]- my mom ranting and 'Ella Enchanted'


Friday, October 07, 2005

Curse you Lynnsey!

Rules: Bold the following that are true about you, italicize things you wish were true, add 1+ true thing(s) about you, and then tag five more people.

* I don't know if I'm more afraid of failure or success.
* I have been vaccinated against rabies
* I've skydived solo
* I miss somebody right now.
* I don’t watch much TV these days.
* I love olives.
* I own lots of books.
* I wear glasses or contact lenses.
* I love to play video games.
* I’ve tried marijuana.
* I’ve watched porn movies.
* I have been in a threesome.
* I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship.
* I believe honesty is usually the best policy.
* I curse sometimes.
* I have changed a lot mentally over the last year.
* I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me.
* I’m TOTALLY smart. --and so GOOD looking;)
* I’ve broken someone’s bones.
* I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal.
* I hate the rain.
* I’m paranoid at times.
* I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and

* I need money right now.
* I love sushi.
* I talk really, really fast.
* I have fresh breath in the morning.
* I have long hair.

* I have lost money in Las Vegas.
* I have at least one sibling.
* I was born in a country outside of the U.S.
* I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past.
* I couldn’t survive without Caller I.D.
* I like the way that I look sometimes.
* I have lied to a good friend in the last 6 months.
* I know how to cornrow.
* I am usually pessimistic.
* I have a lot of mood swings.
* I think prostitution should be legalized.
* I think Britney Spears is pretty.
* I slept with a Suitemate.
* I have a hidden talent.
* I’m always hyper no matter how much sugar I have.
* I have a lot of friends.
* I am currently single.
* I have pecked someone of the same sex.
* I enjoy talking on the phone sometimes.
* I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants.
* I love to shop.
* I enjoy window shopping.
* I would rather shop than eat.
* I would classify myself as ghetto.
* I’m bourgie and have worn a sweater tied around my shoulders.
* I’m obsessed with my Xanga or Livejournal.
* I don’t hate anyone.
* I’m a pretty good dancer.
* I’m completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother.
* I have a cell phone.
* I believe in a god(s).

* I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.
* I’ve rejected someone before.
* I currently like someone.
* I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
* I want to have children in the future.
* I have changed a diaper before.

* I’ve called the cops on a friend before.
* I am a member of the Tom Green fan club.
* I’m not allergic to anything.
* I have a lot to learn.
* I have been with someone at least 10 years older or younger.
* I am shy around the opposite sex.
* I’m online 24/7, even as an away message.
* I have at least 5 away messages saved.
* I have tried alcohol or drugs before.
* I have made a move on a friend’s significant other or crush in the past.
* I own the "South Park Movie"
* I have avoided assignments at work/school to be on Xanga or Livejournal.
* When I was a kid I played "the birds and the bees" with a neighbor or

* I enjoy some country music.
* I would die for my best friends.
* I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza.
* I watch soap operas whenever I can.
* I’m obsessive, and often a perfectionist.
* I have used my sexuality to advance my career.
* I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all.
* I know all the words to Slick Rick’s "Children’s Story".
* Halloween is awesome because you get free candy.
* I've watched Spongebob Squarepants and I liked it.

* I have dated a close friend’s ex.
* I like surveys/memes.
* I am happy at this moment.
* I’m obsessed with guys.
* Democrat.
* Conservative Republican.
* Registered independent voter.
* I am punk rockish.
* I am preppy.
* I go for older guys/girls, not younger.
* I study for tests most of the time.
* I tie my shoelaces differently from anyone I’ve ever met.
* I can work on a car.
* I love my job.
* I am comfortable with who I am right now.
* I have more than just my ears pierced.
* I walk barefoot wherever I can.
* I have jumped off a bridge.
* I love sea turtles.
* I spend ridiculous amounts of money on makeup.
* I believe in prophetic dreams.
* I plan on achieving a major goal/dream.
* I am proficient on a musical instrument.
* I worked at McDonald’s restaurant.
* I hate office jobs.
* I like sci-fi movies.
* I think water rules.
* I went to college out of state.
* I am adopted.
* I like sausage.
* I am a pyro.
* I love the Red Sox.
* I have thrown up from crying too much.
* I have been intentionally hurt by people that I loved.
* I love kisses.
* I fall for the worst people and have been hurt every time.
* I adore bright colors.
* I love Dear Abby.
* I can’t live without black eyeliner.
* I think school is awesome.
* I think pigtails serve a purpose.
* I don’t know why the hell I just did this stupid thing.
* I usually like covers better than originals.
* I don’t like multi-textured ice cream.
* I think John Cusack is adorable.
* I fucking hate chain theme restaurants like Applebees and TGIFridays
* I watch Food Network way too much.
* I love coaching youth sports.
* I can pick up things with my toes.
* I can’t whistle.
* I can move my tongue in waves, much like a snakes’ slither.
* I have ridden/owned a horse.
* I still have every journal I’ve ever written in.
* I can’t stick to a diet.
* I talk in my sleep.
* I’ve often thought that I was born in the wrong century.
* I try to forget things by drowning them out with loads of distractions.

* Climbing trees is a brilliant past-time.
* I have jazz in my blood.
* I would not be friends if they weren’t family.
* I wear a toe ring.
* I have a tattoo.
* I can't stand at LEAST one person that I work with.
* I am a caffeine junkie.
* I know who Santos L. Halper is.
* I read trashy romance novels and I am ashamed.
* I love wrestling.
* I am completely tree-huggy spiritual, and I'm not ashamed at all.
* If I knew I would get away with it, I would commit at least one murder.
* I cosplayed or know what cosplaying is.
* I have been to over 15 conventions.
* I will collect anything, and the more nonsensical, the better.
* I enjoy a nice glass of wine with dinner.
* I'm an artist.
* I have a goal to collect every Johnny Depp movie ever made.
* I am ambidexterous.
* I sleep with so many stuffed animals, I can hardly fit on my bed.
* My computer has a name.
* If it weren't for having to see other people naked, I'd live in a nudist
* I have terrible teeth.
* I hate my toes.
* I did this Meme even though I wasn't tagged by the person who took it before
* I have more friends on the internet than in real life.
* I have lived in either three different states or countries.
* I am extremely flexible.
* I love hugs more than kisses.
* I want to own my own business.
* I smoke or have smoked or tried cigarettes.
* I have met a star from ABC's LOST.
* I spend way too much time on the computer than on anything else.
* Nobody has ever said I'm normal.
* Sad movies, games, flicks and the like can cause a trickle of tear every
now and then.

* I am proficient in the use of many types firearms and combat weapons.
* I like the way women look in stylized men's suits.
* I don't like it when people are unpleased or seem unpleased with me.
* I have been described as a dreamer or likely to have my head up in the

* I have played tennis with my non dominant hand before
* I have played strip poker with someone else before
* I read the labels on food, shampoo, and other things just because.
* I have emotional problems for which I have sought professional help
* I believe I am in love with a Japanese rock star.
* I prefer cold and dry climates.
* I'm in love with someone right now.
* I don't plan to stay in my present city for more than two years more.
* I feel that I know what my true calling is.
* I'm still looking to the stars for that ride back home.
* I'm not ashamed to be blunt.
* My boobs hurt right now.
* I have never experienced the runner's high and believe it is a myth.
* I scream like a little girl when large scary bugs get near me.
* I have never, ever, ever, in a million years, committed (or considered
committing) the atrocity known as "tagging my jeans."
* I practice cartomancy.
* I don't own a single pair of jeans
* I often daydream for hours.
* I still wish on the first star I see each night
* I have been to see at least 20 Broadway productions touring shows.
* I can be extremely self-conscious.
* I am wiccan and believe in past lives. (Pagan, not Wiccan)
* I want to be rich, but not famous...
* LifeHouse is my favorite band and their lyrics often make me cry.
* I wish I lived in a fantasy, where everything is perfect.
* I believe I know who my soul mate is.
* I wish I was half Japanese, and I wish I knew the language
* I know I am a really good singer
* I am obsessed with anime.
* I believe I am the most sexual being I know, male or female.
* I am very vocal when watching a football game, especially when my team is
* I obsess about how this list is going to make me look.
* I care what those closest think of me.
* I buy my cat food before I buy my food
* I have multiple calendars.
* I have a Hermione complex
* I have a special mug for tea and tea alone
* I have lived in a country other than my birth country
* I want everyone to be okay.
* I don't like discussing death, kidding or not

Thursday, October 06, 2005

MTS sucks!

Apparently MTS subscribers are just not allowed to view Veronica Mars. Plain and simple.

Last week 'City TV' never switched off after 'sharing' the airing of 'Top Model.' This week all I got was a plain black screen, until the very last of the credits appeared.


If it happens one more time I will phone MTS and bitch them out, because this is unacceptable. It's one the of reasons we're paying more just to have this channel. It's not like I can watch it on any other channel either.

Stupid MTS TV....stupid, stupid, stupid....


[mood] - sleepy and meh
[book]- hp:gof
[listening to]- wine cooler humming
